Shared Contacts with .Mac

Hereis how to share your contacts: Launch Address Book. If it isnit in your Dock, you can find it hiding in your Applications folder. Choose Address Book > Preferences. Select the Sharing tab. Check Share your Address Book. Enable contact sharing in Address Bookis preferences.

Resizing Finder Text

Hereis how: Click on the Desktop to make sure that the Finder is the active application. Change Finder type sizes with View Options.

Smultron Editor Updated to Version 3.0.5

Peter Borg has updated his open source text editor for Mac OS X to version 3.0.5. The new version adds Italian, French, and German localization. In addition, the eZ Publish syntax definitions have been added. Smultron 3 Text Editor

Safer Web Browsing: Two Different Browsers

The creator of PHP thinks that one way to safer Internet browsing is to use two different Browsers. One for everyday surfing and one dedicated to personal banking and finance, according to Computerworld on Tuesday. Rasmus Lerdorf described what he called “hygienic surfing” at a keynote address last week at the MySQL Conference in Santa…

Safari Inches Up in April, Explorer Drops

Safari managed to grab 4.59 percent of the Web browser market in April, according to data from Market Share. That is a small increase from Marchis 4.51 percent, and still below Februaryis 4.85 percent. The last time Safari lost any market share was in August 2006. Browser Market Share: April

Sharing Address Book Locally

Address-O-Matic is an application that lets you share your contacts on your local network through Appleis Bonjour networking protocol – which means your Mac handles the networking stuff in the background so you donit have too. Use Address-O-Maticis preferences set how often your shared groups update.

TMO Quick Tip - Mac OS X Startup Modifier Keys

For the most part, starting up your Mac involves nothing more than pressing the power button, and away you go. But there are a few options for modifying how your Mac starts up – if you know which keys to press. The Mac OS X Finder Here’s how this works: Start up your Mac, and…

Safari Drops, Firefox Gains in March

Safari slipped from its high of 4.85 percent in February to 4.51 percent in March. Compared to last year, however, Safari is still up substantially over March 2006is 3.19 percent. Appleis Safari continues to hold the number three slot just has it has since 2005. Firefox moved from its previous all time high 14.18 percent…

Living Without Safari Week 3: Opera

Where I found Firefox to be a capable Web browser, and OmniWeb good enough to make me comfortable abandoning Safari, Opera was an exercise in pain. In fact, I was forced to break self-imposed rule number 3, No launching Safari “just to check this one page.” Living in a single browser is non-negotiable, more than…

SpamSieve 2.6 Adds Thunderbird Support

Michael Tsai announced on Monday that his SpamSieve software has been updated to version 2.6. The new version has significant enhancements: SpamSieve now works with Mozilla Thunderbird. Improved detection of image spams and phishing messages. Made various message analysis improvements to increase the accuracy of the Bayesian filter. AppleScripting the whitelist and blocklist is much…

Living Without Safari Week 2: OmniWeb

Last week I used only Firefox, and this week, itis OmniWeb. Next week is Opera, and thanks to the overwhelming number or requests for Camino, thatis now on my list, too. Week 2: OmniWeb 5.5.4 OmniWeb from The Omni Group is about the only Web browser for the Mac that you have to pay for.…

Apple CFO: Vista No Threat to Leopard

Speaking at the Morgan Stanley Technology Conference in San Francisco, Mr. Oppenheimer commented “We really have simplified the installation process in such a way we donit think itis a deterrent to sales.” Mac OS X 10.5, due sometime this spring, will likely help boost Appleis bottom line. Typically, Mac software sales slow leading up to…

Living Without Safari Week 1: Firefox

Iive already written reviews for Firefox and OmniWeb, but testing, poking and prodding a browser for a review is one thing. Relying on it as your only interface to the Internet is something else entirely. To that end, I decided to totally immerse myself in several alternatives to Safari just to see how they really…

iPhoto 6 Review, Part 2

There is also way too much to cover in a simple column.? Last week I taught a two hour iPhoto class for beginners and had a 15 page handout.? I canit put all that in a column!? Besides, there are commercial books by respected authors that do a better job than I can do.? My…

Creating Custom Firewall Ports

First, a little back story on network ports. Network ports are a kind of virtual port that different types of data travel through. The data that passes through your firewall is assigned to a specific port, and each port has a unique number. For example, Web-based data, like the information that tells your Web browser…

Plotting Your Backup Strategy

Bob LeVitus has written an e-book that contains everything one needs to know about data backup on a Macintosh. “Dr. Mac” described, in a story at The Chronicle Tuesday how it all got started and whatis contained in his book “Dr. Macis Guide to Backing Up Your Mac.” The on-line version is free to view…

IBM Open Client Solution to Support Mac OS X

IBM claims the new system frees companies from “vendor lock-in” and steep Microsoft licensing fees by offering collaborative open source-based applications that work cross platform with little or no modification. Scott Handy, IBMis vice president, Worldwide Linux and Open Source, commented “Our goal is to provide a flexible open client platform that minimizes customer investment…

Organize Your Files with Labels

First, you have to assign labels to your files and folders. To do this, just Control-click or Right-click an item, and then choose the appropriate color from the contextual menu. You can assign labels from contextual menus.

Bookpedia 3.4

Tracking the books in your library, whether for pleasure or work, is much easier when you have an application that can help you do that efficiently and easily. Thatis exactly what Bookpedia from Bruji does. Bookpedia works almost exactly like its sibling application, DVDpedia, but instead of tracking your movie collection, this app tracks your…