Improving Address Book's Birthdays

Address Book Dates is a plug-in for Address Book that enhances the birthday field by adding age, zodiac and Chinese zodiac signs, and can take you to associated birthday dates in iCal. It also improves the anniversary field and any other custom date field you create by adding a Time since listing that shows how…

Windows .NET Developer Says Leopard Years Ahead

A programmer who said heid written a flaming truckload of C# and .NET code attended an Apple Leopard Tech Talk in New York. He saw some things that were lacking, but also saw things that seemed years ahead of Microsoft offerings. He described his experience at the .NET Addict Blog on Friday. The author went…

IMSafer Announces Mac OS X Tiger Support

IMSafer announced the immediate availability of IMSafer for Mac OS X Tiger on Wednesday. IMSafer is a parental control program for IM that enforces Web filtering, time management and program restrictions. IMSafer stated that there was overwhelming demand for the Mac OS X port. The Mac version supports all of the major IM platforms: Yahoo!,…

Web Browsers: Safari Up, IE Down in 2006

Microsoftis Windows-only Web browser is still clearly the dominant player, but the steadily decreasing numbers indicate that not everyone is happy to use the application. It started the year at 85.31 percent. In January 2005, however, it held 89.44 percent of the market. In comparison, Appleis Mac-only Safari climbed from 3 percent in January up…

Automated Backups with Mac OS X's Launchd

A tutorial that described how to automatically launch a backup script in Mac OS X when an external drive is mounted was published at on Friday. Mac OS X 10.4, Tiger, introduced a new daemon called launchd that replaces inetd, init, mach_init, and System Starter. By defining a plist, the user can create a…

iTunes, Mac OS X on 25 Killer Apps List

The list starts in 1976 with a classic application called Electric Pencil, and MacWrite and MacPaint show up in 1984 – the same year the Mac was released. 1985 saw the release of Excel for the Mac, as well as Aldus PageMaker. PageMaker was instrumental in launching the desktop publishing revolution. Eventually it was purchased…

Fixing Garbled Type in Mail and Safari

This very problem came up just a few days ago when I was trouble shooting some font issues with The Graphic Reporteris Lesa Snider. In this case, we were looking at an email that read like R2-D2 speaks. This text is supposed to be in English.

Symantec Details Mac Proof of Concept Virus

So far, it doesnit appear that OSX.Macarena does anything other than attach itself to other documents, nor does it appear that it is being widely distributed. Symantec stated that its virus definitions have already been updated to recognize the proof of concept. Keep in mind that since OSX.Macarena is a proof of concept, it represents…

Finding Menu Extras

Mac OS X hides menu extras on your hard drive in System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras. To add one to your menu bar, just double click its file in the Menu Extras folder. Menu extras are hidden in the System folder.

TMO Quick Tip - Auto-Click Tab Sets in Safari

If you have a group of Web sites you like to visit, Safari gives you an easy way to open them as a group of tabs or windows with a single mouse-click. It’s called Auto-Click. Here’s how to create an Auto-Click set: Launch Safari. If it isn’t in your Dock, go to Applications/Safari. Click the…

Safari, Firefox Usage on the Rise, Hit High Point

Compared to prior months, September showed a more significant change in browser usage. Safari has been showing a decline since June, when it help 3.19 percent of the market. Septemberis numbers but Safari at its highest for the year, and Internet Explorer at its lowest. The statistics also show Safari and Firefox to be at…

Parallels Desktop RC2 Update Removes 2GB RAM Limit

Other changes in this update include compatibility with developer builds of Mac OS X v10.5 “Leopard,” “experimental support” for Windows Vista, and various bug fixes and performance improvements. Parallels will ship the final release of the update “in the next few weeks,” the company said. Current users should not have to re-install guest OSis or…

TMO Quick Tip - Mac OS X Shortcuts for Sleep and Shutdown

Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts can go a long way towards improving your productivity since they reduce how much time you spend mousing instead of typing. Once place people don’t think about using keyboard shortcuts, however, is shutting down or putting your Mac to sleep. Here are some keyboard shortcuts you can use when it’s…

Improving AirPort Network Connection Time

Launch System Preferences. Choose Apple menu > System Preferences. Select the Network Preference Pane. Choose AirPort from the Show pop-up menu. Click the AirPort tab. Choose Preferred Networks from the By default, join pop-up menu. You should see a list of the wireless networks you have connected to. Select the networks you want to remove,…

Prepping a Battery to Return to Apple

One of the easiest ways Iive found to drain the charge from a laptop battery is by playing a DVD movie in your computer. Disc 1 from The Fellowship of the Ring always does the trick for me. Of course, be sure that your Macis charger cord is not plugged in. You also need to…

Analyst Compares Windows, OS X Costs [UPDATED]

Mr. Munster noted that his comparison showed that Mac OS X costs users US$129 per year for the full version, or $107.50 on average to upgrade, given the fact that Mac OS X v10.1 was a free upgrade. In contrast, Microsoft has averaged 2.25 years between major Windows releases, with an average cost of $114…

Apple Fires Retail Employees Who Downloaded Leopard

“All of us know that we violated our NDA and ethics policy,” the Web site quoted one of them as saying. “Therefore, because we had the character to tell the truth and to face the consequences of our actions, we were terminated. My only question is, if we all lied and denied it would we…

Working With Desktop Printers

The concept is simple: an icon for your printer sits on the Desktop. Double-clicking the printer icon shows you the printeris current status along with which jobs are printing or waiting to print. Dragging a document on to a Desktop printer icon sends your file to the corresponding output device – A handy trick if…

Podcast - Mac Geek Gab #63: All About Automator

Show notes for TMO To Go: Mac Geek Gab For July 31st, 2006 Direct Links: MP3 Version or AAC Enhanced Version (courtesy of Michael, aka Computernap!). Joined by guest gabber Ricky Spero, John and Dave talk through Apple’s Automator; detailing what it is, what they’ve done with it, and how you can use it to…