Apple Strengthens Anti-Piracy Measures in Intel Version of OS X

What this means, according to Twin Mac, is that software built with this update wonit run on the pirated copies of Intel OS X that are currently floating around the Internet. The site notes: “Apple is expected to deploy much stronger TPM [Trusted Platform Module] checks to final candidate builds, if not already implemented, in…

Intel Mac OS X Developer Tools Coming Along

A t its Developer Forum this week, Intel reiterated that it plans to release beta versions of both its compiler and performance libraries for Mac OS X later this year. The tools will be released as plug-ins for Appleis Xcode software and will especially appeal to those who already use Intel tools for Linux and…

Hackers Get Mac OS X Running on Non-Apple PCs

Reporter Mark Baard says that a hacker who calls himself “cmoski” has claimed that OSx86 seems to run faster on the PCs than Mac OS X does today on the current generation of Mac computers. “Some in the Pentium camp want to say, iBecause a Pentium is faster, of course,i some want to say (Intel…

Inquisitor Adds Live, Predictive Searches to Safari

Shareware developer David Watanabe has released Inquisitor 1.0, an add-on for Safari that adds live, predictive searching based on not only the user’s personal search history but also the search histories of every Google user. For example, Mr. Watanabe said that typing “amer” into the search field will suggest American Idol, American Airlines, American Express…

Fortune's David Kirkpatrick Asks 'Can Apple Afford to License OS X?'

Last week, Fortune magazine columnist David Kirkpatrick reported that Michael Dell would like to sell PCs loaded with Mac OS X. This week, Mr. Kirkpatrick digs deeper into the possibility, musing that while he doubts Steve Jobs will license his operating system to anyone, “in the past he has been known to say he won’t…

Michael Dell: 'We Would Be Happy to Offer the Mac OS'

Mr. Kirkpatrick points out that Dell, though, “has for several years fearlessly — and lucratively — sold servers loaded with Linux, the operating system Microsoft reviles and dreads. And as the industryis top dog, it wields more bargaining power with Microsoft than other PC-makers.” So he decided to e-mail Michael Dell, who responded: “If Apple…

Apple Releases Mac OS X v10.4.1 Update

Late Monday, Apple Computer released Mac OS X v10.4.1, the first update to the operating system dubbed “Tiger.” The 37 megabyte upgrade, which can be obtained via the Software Update pane in System Preferences or through a standalone download file from Apple’s support site, improves the performance of Mail, Address Book, Dashboard, the iLife suite,…

Ihnatko - Ihnatko's Tiger Report: Introductions

   Holy Zarquon’s singing fish. Yes, I’m going to go with that quote as my lead paragraph in my Tiger review. (a), because the Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy movie is opening tonight and I am indeed seeing it later today; (b) as a sigh of relief, because for the first time since I signed…

Ihnatko - Ihnatko's Tiger Report: Automator

   I have to admit that I was a little bit wary when Automator was first announced. On my bandolier of Geek Scout merit badges, no patch receives higher prominence than AppleScript. I don’t just write little scripts to automatically copy files to my iPod. I write full-blown applications with it. My weblog is updated…

Ihnatko - Ihnatko's Tiger Report: Spotlight

   Am I really about to say "Spotlight is the most revolutionary thing to happen to desktop computing since System 1.0"? I suppose I am. It sounds like hyperbole but I’ve looked at that sentence long and hard and I haven’t found anything wrong with it. Oddly enough, it brings to desktop computing one of…

Apple Releases QuickTime 7 for Panther

< A href="">Apple Computer has released QuickTime 7 for Panther users. QuickTime 7 is a component of Mac OS X 10.4 "Tiger," which is being released today, but the company has made a standalone update for Mac OS X 10.3 users that brings all of the new features to Panther. QuickTime 7 Pro will require…

DEVON Apps, MacJournal 3.1, CopyCat 2.5, Eight Others Add Tiger Support, More

With Apple set to release Mac OS X v10.4 “Tiger” on April 29, developers are busy updating their software with support for the new operating system. Eleven companies have made such announcements: DEVONtechnologies has released DEVONthink Personal Edition 1.9.3, DEVONagent 1.7 and DEVONnote 1.7; Mariner Software has shipped MacJournal 3.1; SubRosaSoft has made the drive…

Apple Fixes Java Glitch in Mac OS X 10.3.9

< A href="">Apple Computer has patched a Java glitch the company said affected some users of Mac OS X 10.3.9. The glitch caused the Safari Web browser and standalone Java apps to sometimes crash. Appleis description: "After updating to Mac OS X 10.3.9, some systems may have issues with Java applications and Java-enabled websites when…

Stone Design Unleashes Tiger for Image App "Imaginator"

< A href="">Stone Design has announced Imaginator, a new image processing application that is built on technologies found only in Mac OS X 10.4, Tiger. Imaginator offers real-time processing for image effects and other image processing, and achieves this by leveraging native Cocoa development and several core technologies in Tiger. The company will release the…

Apple Announces OS X Tiger; Ships April 29

The company announced it is now taking pre-orders of Tiger at its online store for US$129. Apple will also offer a Mac OS X Tiger Family Pack for $199 that includes a single-residence, five-user license. Tuesdayis announcement is ahead of the self-imposed shipping schedule Apple set in January when it said it would release the…

Improve Your AirPort Base Station Range With a Ceiling Mounted Antenna

T he folks at MacWireless have added a new Ceiling AirPort Antenna to their offerings, designed to provide maximum coverage in a room and to floors beneath it. The 6 dBi antenna, which replaces the AirPortis built-in antenna, mounts to the ceiling, ideally alongside your ceiling-mounted (or close to it) AirPort Base Station. “Why put…

iTunes 4.7.1 Corrects Security Issue

N ot mentioned on The Mac Observer last week — or in Appleis accompanying iTunes 4.7.1 Read Me — was that the minor update to Appleis jukebox software, designed primarily to add support for the iPod shuffle, corrected a security issue that allowed malicious playlists to crash iTunes and execute arbitrary code. Details on the…

Cisco Systems Chooses Mac OS X, Xserve, Xserve RAID and Xsan

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — Cisco Systems, the world’s largest networking equipment manufacturer, chose Apple’s Mac OS X, Xserve, Xserve RAID, and Xsan networking software for an e-mail archival system. Digital Strata, an Agile-IT development firm in the Enterprise space, implemented the system for Cisco Xsan is a DIY (Do It Yourself) grid software tool for…

MacSoft Brings Breakout, Centipede, Pong to OS X

< A href="">MacSoft has announced a three-in-one pack of Atari arcade games that have been redeveloped for Mac OS X. The three titles are Breakout — a game originally developed by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs* for Atari — Centipede, and Pong. "Each game in Atari Arcade Classics gives you a nostalgic game redone in…

Apple Developer Connection: Java Studio Creator For OS X

Apple’s Developer Connection Web site is offering a look into Sun’s newly released Java Studio Creator for OS X. The new Java environment uses standard technologies and APIs (application program interfaces) to give developers using OS X a robust yet streamlined environment for the development of Java applications. The article, Using Java Studio Creator on…

EarthLink Launches TotalAccess 2005 Toolbar For Mac OS X

EarthLink has launched a new tool for Mac OS X, bringing its TotalAccess toolbar to the Mac platform. TotalAccess 2005 for Macintosh gives EarthLink’s Mac customers a variety of utilities to counter viruses, phishing schemes, and other Internet scams, as well as an RSS news reader and other tools. From EarthLink: ScamBlocker blocks users from…

Micromat Releases TechTool Pro 4.0.3

M icromat has released TechTool Pro 4.0.3, the newest version of its versatile disk utility. While at the time of this writing Micromatis downloads page has yet to be updated with news of the update, MacUpdate reports that version 4.0.3 delivers the following changes (and also provides a download link): Corrected reported issues with eDrive…

Mac OS vs. Linux: Who's #2?

So, who holds the number 2 spot in terms of desktop computer market share, Apple, or Linux? It seems the answer depends entirely on who you talk to. HP claims that its new Linux-based laptop will sell like hot cakes, helping Linux to displace the Mac OS’s current number 2 position., while IDC, a market…