Apple ships Motion Real-Time Motion Graphics Design App

Motion features ibehaviorsi that use procedural animation techniques to create natural simulations, such as gravity and wind, or multi-faceted interaction between multiple objects, such as attraction and repulsion. Behaviors provide users with the ability to automatically generate simple or sophisticated fluid motion effects with minimal effort and make modifications spontaneously, all without the complexity or…

Clipboard Utility Updated With Improved Spell Checker

Script Software has released an update for CopyPaste-X, bringing it to version 2.0.1. CopyPaste-X is a clipboard utility designed for copying multiple files to the OS X clipboard. The update features several performance enhancements including an improved spell checker and various bug fixes. According to Script Software: CopyPaste-X 2.0.1 the one and only award winning…

June 21 - 30: Bill Gates Offers To Help License Mac OS

[Authors Note: Owen and I are still behind in this series, but are working hard to catch up – Bryan] This week, we have one of our favorite stories about Apple, especially from the early days of the Mac. It was this week in 1985 that Bill Gates, the very same Bill Gates that heads…

Apple Previews Mac OS X 10.4 "Tiger"

Apple today previewed the forthcoming release to its Mac OS X operating system, Mac OS X 10.4 “Tiger” at the Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco. The update, slated to ship in the first half of 2005, incorporates 150 new features, including new ways to find files and other information, integrated RSS feeds in Safari,…

Enterprise Developers: Apple Looks At Eclipse On OS X

Software developers can have it rough; they toil, working on a bit of code under often impossible deadlines. While they make a decent salary, they make nothing like the money Hollywood would have you believe. Programmers don’t exert themselves physically, but the mental strain in producing good code can be as rough as wielding a…

Apple Exec Speaks On OS X Security

Wired News has an interesting report from Leander Kahney about security and Mac OS X. Centered around the recent brouhaha over a critical flaw found in Mac OS X, the report suggests that Apple’s overall track record on security is very good. Included in the report are some comments from an Apple exec directly addressing…

May 9 - 15: Lisa Canceled, Exponential Closes, OS X Born

[Authors Note: Owen and I are still behind in this series, but are working hard to catch up. We will have all of May covered this week, with July coming shortly thereafter. – Bryan] A company with a history as long and colorful as Apple’s has more beginnings and endings than an M.C. Escher painting,…

Google's Gmail vs. .Mac

Earlier this month, Google announced a new free e-mail service called Gmail. The service offers a Web interface and a full GB of e-mail storage, which will be needed, because Google will be storing your e-mail for ever, even when you "delete" it. BusinessWeek’s Alex Salkever says that Gmail is rewriting the rules for online…

Installing Linux On A Dead Badger: Instructions Included

I f nothing else, Linux is versatile. You can find Linux on PCs and Macs; some cars use Linux as an embedded OS, and thereis version of Linux that runs on PDAs (as well as iPods, but weire still working on that story). Thereis even a version that someone got to boot on a wristwatch.…

Apple Releases AirPort Software Version 3.3

This software update provides improved AirPort wireless networking software, and is recommended for all users with an AirPort Extreme and AirPort enabled computer or an AirPort Extreme base station. New AirPort Extreme Features This software provides support for the Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) specification for the AirPort Extreme base station and AirPort Extreme and AirPort…

CDFinder 4.2.2 Adds Path Finder Support And More

West-Forest-Systems today announced the immediate availability of CDFinder 4.2.2. CDFinder is a very fast and powerful disk cataloging tool. It can also catalogue hard disks, iPods, CD-ROMs, DVDs, floppies, ZIPs and anything else that spins. It has a flexible user interface and powerful search functions. Audio-CDs and MP3 files are fully supported as well. New…

DEVONtech Updates DEVONthink With Quicktime Support

DEVONtechnologies updates DEVONthink to version 1.7.5. Good news for movie and music lovers: DEVONthink 1.7.5 now natively plays Quicktime movies, MP3/MP4s and sound files directly from within the application. This makes DEVONthink not only a simple freeform database, notepad, outliner and information manager, but also a personal media centre. Additionally, two new Services menu commands…

Installer VISE For OS X Released

MindVision Software announces the arrival of VISE X, a new installer product designed exclusively for creating full-featured, visually stunning Mac OS X installers for any install situation. Building on the success of MindVisionis Installer VISE — the industry standard installer for the Macintosh — VISE X brings a new feature set and a dedicated focus…

Default Folder X Updated Panther Enhnacments And More

St. Clair Software has updated Default Folder X, its Eddy Award-winning utility for enhancing Open and Save dialogs, to version 1.9.2. Default Folder X 1.9.2 provides a new script for accessing Default Folder X from the Finderis toolbar in Panther, sports significant performance improvements to its hierarchical menus, and refines many of Default Folder Xis…

Default Folder X Updated With Panther Support

Further improving its EddyAward-winning utility for enhancing Open and Save dialogs, St. Clair Software today released version 1.9 of Default Folder X. In conjunction with this update, it is necessary to warn users that older versions of Default Folder X are completely incompatible with Panther. When Default Folder X 1.8 or earlier is running, it…

DEVONtech Updates DEVONthink With Expanded Email Importing

DEVONtechnologies updates DEVONthink to version 1.7.2, adds new features, improvements and fixes. DEVONthink 1.7.2 comes with a new script that letis users import selected e-mails from Apple Mail, a contextual menu command to make contents outline items without opening the info palette, and a dock menu command to create new contents from the clipboard directly…

Apple Pulls OS X 10.2.8 Update

B arely a day after Apple released an update to OS X, the company pulled the update files. The KnowledgeBase article explaining the update has been pulled, and those who hadnit updated can no longer find the update listed in the Software Update Control Panel. Several TMO readers report having issues with DHCP and icons…

DEVONtech Updates EasyFind With Speed Enhancements

DEVONtechnologies updates the free find-file utility EasyFind to version 2.8.2. EasyFind is an alternative to or supplement of Sherlock and finds files, folders or contents in any file without the need for indexing. Additionally, EasyFind features case sensitive or insensitive search, boolean operators, wildcards and searching for phrases. EasyFind uses multithreading and so is very…

Default Folder X Updated Improves Hotkey Support

Further improving its EddyAward-winning utility for enhancing Open and Save dialogs, St. Clair Software today released version 1.8 of Default Folder X. Default Folder X 1.8 answers OS X usersi pleas for the return of a popular feature that graced the Mac OS 9 version of Default Folder: Instead of typing the name for a…

How To Keep Your Mac OS X Mail Server From Being Used By Spammers

Many spammers are able to spread their filth widely due to the fact that some server administrators leave their SMTP servers open, allowing anyone to use them to send mail. This article lists step-by-step how to keep your OS X Server system from being used in this manner. From Apple: Follow these steps to prevent…