OS X Offers Plug-and-Play Web Publishing With Image Capture!

Plugging a camera into a USB port and having it appear on the desktop is one thing, but having it launch an application is another. When we examined the Image Capture window, we were pleased to see a few things. For one thing, you could adjust how a hot-plug action (such as our plugging in…

One OS X Game Released, Others On The Way

Casady & Greene, Inc. of Salinas, California announced today the release of Zone Warrior II, version 2.1, for Appleis new operating system, Mac OS X. C&G has plans to carbonize and update three more of their classic award-winning action-arcade games, Glider Pro(TM), Step On It!, and Crystal Crazy, for Mac OS X. Zone Warrior II…

How Does UNIX = Mac OS X? The Unix Family Tree

Whether Mac users want to admit it or not, OS X has ushered us into the wonderful world of UNIX. Many Mac users do not care about this at all, they simply want OS X to get them on the Web and to dutifully check their e-mail. Others, however, may be a little bit more…

Does Apple Have A Weekend OS X Surprise In Store For Us?

Speculation surrounding this weekendis OS X release is reaching a high point with the official roll out of the new OS being just three short days away. Wincent Colaiuta of wincent.org first speculated that OS X 10.0 is actually one of the developer builds from a few weeks ago, build 4K78. However, others are claiming…

Wincent.org Reporting OS X Build 4K78 Is OS X 10.0

This hurts me badly to say it, but everything we now know suggests that OS X Final is nothing more than Cheetah 4K78. These discs comes from a shrink-wrapped retail box, with a developer tools CD, and an OS 9.1 CD. We have the first two discs, but not the latter. We have two copies…

Monica Manages Your Downloads

Black Diamond Products today announced the release of the first public beta of version 3 of its popular download manager Monica for Macintosh.Monica is a queue based file download program for the Mac for downloading files from the Internet using ftp, Hotline and http protocols.Monica allows you to easily set up a download queue by…

So, You Think The Name "Mac OS X 10.0" Is Bad?

Indeed! Personally, I recall back when it was still Appleis internal code name, as was Rhapsody before it, someone made the suggestion that the perfect name would be Eden. Get it? Paradise? Apple? Can I get an Amen on that? Ah, itis too late. Although Mac OS X 1.0 may not roll musically off the…


These are almost random thoughts, sparked at least in part by a lack of sleep. That lack of sleep was caused, at least in part, by the excitement of Mac OS X… It is only X more days until Mac OS X is released! Man, am I excited! We have waited for the NeXT OS…

Handle Multiple Files With Ease

Black Diamond Products today announced the release of the first public beta of its new file manipulation tool Bopalong for Macintosh.Bopalong is a file manipulation and listing program. It allows you to rename batches of files, batch change various file properties, and generate file and folder listings. Bopalong:Allows previews of any file changes before making…

Marathon Forever! Battle Cat Posts Marathon Tutorials

Hamish Sanderson and Chris Komarnicki – Custom Icons and Unique CreatorCodes Hamish and Chris have conspired together to produce a missing portion of theHAS EditNotes. Chris tells me that if you wring Hamishes lungs he singslike a bluejay and sing he did, here is some great new material from 2talented geeks plus other new material…

Desktop Utility Updated

Desktop Magician 2.0.1 offers a wide range of options for saving andrestoring your Macis running environment for whatever purpose you need. Nowyou can easily save and restore your complete desktop environment, includingcontent and placement of icons, open windows, running applications, opendocuments, mounted servers, mounted disk images, and monitor settings.Version 2.0.1 is a maintenance release and…

Alternative QuickTime Player Updated

Version 1.1 makes the following changes:Improved AppleScript support, adding many user-requested commands.Improved the Slide Show setup process.Added the ability to scale by number of pixels, rather than just percentages.Made several general performance improvements.Made a wide variety of bug fixes, a full list of which is provided in the included documentation. ABOUT PIX LITEPix Lite is…

iBrotha - Should OS X Be Dumbed Down?

Should OS X Be Dumbed Down? December 15th, 2000 A while back, I mentioned that I lurk on a few mailing lists that discuss things related to OS X. Lately, one list has been abuzz with discussion concerning whether or not our favorite Aquafied OS should be, well, dumbed down so as not to confuse…

Renaming Files Has Never Been Easier

PUBLICSPACE.NET is pleased to announce version 3.4 of its “A Better Finder Rename” Macintosh Finder enhancement. The new version extends the existing features by allowing manual renames to be performed in a more effective manner. A Better Finder Rename is a contextual menu plugin for the Macintosh Finder, which allows users to quickly rename multiple…

No Intel On OS X Part I: Economics 101

The “OS X on Intel” movement is unquestionably an exercise in futility, to say nothing of a fine example of outright foolishness. Apple is no more likely to port OS X to Intel than Microsoft is to make Windows open source. There are many reasons for this. First, the publicity the movement has been given…

Mac OS X Tip - Classic Apps Not Launching?

While OS X Beta is a truly remarkable piece of software, the system still has some “beta-ish” quirks that need to be worked out. Among the most troubling is the system’s inability to deal with file pointers, or aliases, if the original application is moved. For example, when installing OS X Beta, a series of…

Mac OS X Tip - What Do You Do With Those .tar.gz Files Anyway?

Now that people have been using OS X Beta for some time now, problems with downloading file formats and how to “Unstuff” them have become commonplace. OS X Beta does not handle traditional Stuffit archives particularly well, even launching the Classic environment to try and decompress the file. Many users have complained that the .tar.gz…