They make for a great trip down memory lane. More interestingly to me, they show both the remarkable refinement and relative lack of change in the paradigm of desktop computing. First, let's look at the Apple operating system image: The Evolution of Apple's Operating System[s] from BetterBuys Next, here's the Microsoft image. Note that it…
How to Change Your Apple Device Names (And Why You May Need To!)
Yuck. Let’s make that better! On the Mac, the place you’ll change that setting is within System Preferences > Sharing. At the top of that pane, there’s a box for you to type in. Then to change this on the iPhone or iPad, visit Settings > General > About. You can edit your device’s name at…
How to Reveal a Link's Actual URL in Both OS X and iOS
_______________________ 1. Mail in OS X. We're all very familiar with this and have been using it for years. Hover the mouse cursor over the suspect hyperlink and a rectangle will pop up showing the actual URL. 2. Safari in OS X. If you have Safari > View > Show Status Bar enabled, you'll see…
How to Use Heresy to Ignite Apple's Mac Sales
________________________ Several things got me thinking about this idea. Of course, as always, I present it as food for thought. It makes no sense to insist that this is something Apple must do. They probably won't. But consider…. First of all, during each Apple earnings report, Tim Cook notes the fact that PC sales are…
OS X: Edit Your Custom Dictionary File
If you tap the spacebar when you see a suggestion like the one above, your Mac will helpfully insert the correction, and you’ll be on your way. But what if it keeps trying to correct a word you know is right? I find this happens a lot with technical terms. Thanks for playing, but no.…
How to Strongly Encrypt a File (for free) in OS X
_____________________ Introduction. Encryption is a vast and complex subject. There are many nuances and gotchas. In this article, we'll keep it short and sweet for beginners so that it's easily understandable for a specific, simple task. For those who want to go further and expand their knowledge, I'll list some resources at the end of…
OS X: Troubleshooting Kernel Panics
The issue that often causes this behavior is what’s called a kernel panic. If that’s the case, you’ll see a window like this once you get back into your user account: Do as it says and click “Report,” and a dialog box with a bunch of technical gobbledegook will appear. You can click the triangle next…
Synology Adds Native OS X Finder Searches and Offline iOS Video Transcoding with DSM6
Highlights of the DSM6 enhancements include: Synology's Content Search index is now automatically exposed to the OS X Finder, allowing users to perform truly valuable searches of the data on their network storage devices. Video Station, Synology's movie and TV-show server, will now do offline transcoding to make even more of your media compatible for…
How to Use Loopback with Skype so Podcast Guests Hear Your Theme Music
In the way we'll use Loopback today it's best to think of it as a software pipe that pretends it has a hardware device on each end: audio input on one and audio output on the other. This lets you pass audio into it from one app and pull that same audio out of it from…
Signing Out of a Gmail or iCloud Account Remotely
Click on the “Details” link there, and the window that pops up will give you all of the recent activity associated with your account, including the IP addresses used. The “Sign out of all other web sessions” button near the top is gonna do what we’re talking about in this tip… …but as Google will…
OS X: Sorting Your Mail, Quickly!
If you click on that, you’ll see why I think it’s so nifty—there are all sorts of options under there. You could choose, say, to sort your messages by whom they’re from, by their subject alphabetically, by their size, or whether they’ve been read. Also, when you pick one of those options, the two bottom…
OS X: How to Convert a Terminal Command Into a Double-Clickable Desktop File
OS X is based on BSD UNIX Here's the basic outline of this tip. Create a UNIX script with a text editor that contains one or more terminal commands. Make it executable. Double click it in the Finder. It's really quite simple, but there are a few things to be aware of. I'll walk you…
OS X: Rebuilding Mailboxes (And Why You Might Want To)
If you pick any mailbox from the sidebar and then choose that, Mail will attempt to, well, rebuild the mailbox, which can help with all sorts of display problems and emails that seem to be missing. Note that if the mailbox in question has a ton of messages, this process can take a while. You…
OS X: How to Change Desktop Spaces With Just One Key, Not Two
_________________________ I am right handed. What I discovered in my own case is that my left hand, resting over the left side of the Apple aluminum keyboard, covers all the special function keys. In order to exercise the default operation of CTRL + right arrow or CTRL + left arrow, I have to lift my…
OS X El Capitan: How to Optimize the Cursor Size and Shakability
________________________ One of the most overlooked System Preferences in OS X is, in my book, Accessibility. It sits out there in the nether regions beyond Time Machine and looks like something only people with certain handicaps would be interested in. Even its icon could be off-putting. Easy to overlook or dismiss. However, the Accessibility preferences…
OS X: Turning Off Live Photos (For a Bunch of Images!)
Best. Pictures. EVER. In case you don’t know, you can select multiple items by holding down Command and clicking to select each one if they aren’t right next to each other. If you have a ton of pictures all in a row, however, just click to select the first one, then hold down Shift and…
How to Save and Autofill Arbitrary Online Forms with 1Password
Try using your password manager! I use 1Password, but this tip should work with other password managers as well. Let's say you're looking for a job on, and have filled out the site's advanced search from. Have a Web form you need to fill in over and over? 1Password can help. To save the…
OS X: Adjusting Your Login Options
Well, if you visit System Preferences > Users & Groups, you’ll find that there’s a “Login Options” choice near the bottom-left. There’s where you can adjust all sorts of things about how the login process works and acts. In order to make changes to those settings, though, you’ll need to click on the lock in…
OS X: Partitioning Drives (And Why You Might Want To!)
So to get started, first you’ll open Disk Utility—it lives within your Applications > Utilities folder. The new El Capitan version of Disk Utility is way more…well, jolly somehow than previous versions. It’s bright and colorful, inviting even. Which is a bit weird considering it’s where you’ll go to erase, partition, and repair disks. Nothing…
OS X: 5 Settings to Tweak for Newbies
No offense to Apple, of course. 1) Turn the scroll bars back on. Under System Preferences > General, you can switch “Show scroll bars” to “Always,” and this’ll take OS X’s windows from this… …to this: For a lot of folks who haven’t used touch-sensitive devices before, this is a big one. It’s not…
How to Set Up and Use AT&T's NumberSync
We're setting up NumberSync on an iPad, but you can use an iPod touch or your Mac, too. NumberSync lets you use your iPad and iPod touch like your iPhone NumberSync Compatibility Just because you want to use NumberSync doesn't mean you can. That said, the odds are in your favor because the list of compatible…
Tips for Traveling with your Tech Toys
Episode #153 My trip to Florida last week for Thanksgiving with my family reminded me that traveling with today’s technology isn’t always easy… so here are some tips that may help make your holiday travels a bit more pleasant. No matter where you go—hotel, motel, or a room at mom’s—chances are you won’t find enough electrical…
OS X Wi-Fi: Disentangling Yourself from the "Xfinitywifi" Network
First, make sure you’re not actively using that Comcast network by clicking on the Wi-Fi icon at the top-right of your screen. The network you’re currently joined to will have a check mark beside it. I have a very clever neighbor. Then click on the Apple Menu at the upper-left corner of your screen and…
OS X: Disabling Handoff
…or like this: Those icons basically mean “hey, I see you’ve got a program open on another device that I can use, too. Wanna pick up where you left off?” If you click that icon, your Mac will, for example, continue an email draft you started on your iPhone. It’s pretty handy if you use…