David Fincher Out of 'Steve Jobs' Movie Due to 'Ridiculous' Fees

David Fincher Source: Wikimedia Commons “You’re not doing Transformers here,” an unnamed source “with ties to the studio” said. “You’re not doing Captain America. This is quality—it’s not screaming commerciality. He should be rewarded in success but not up front.” In other words, according to this source, the director isn't making a huge movie with…

Analyst: Apple wants $100 iPhone Price Increase

Jeffries analyst Peter Misek says Apple is going to charge $100 more for the iPhone 6 Mr. Misek said the lack of differentiation among other smartphones is an achilles heel Apple can exploit, and that carriers will feel they have to offer the iPhone or risk losing customers. According to Street Insider he said, We…

3 More Tips for Protecting Yourself from Heartbleed

Not sure how to deal with the heart bleed OpenSSL bug? We have more tips for you. SSL Server Test The heartbleed bug takes advantage of a code flaw in OpenSSL that could let the less than savory Internet citizens get ahold of the server keys that keep your personal information — such as passwords…

Amazon Has A Smartphone Coming, Say People Who Have Seen It

Amazon has reportedly been demonstrating the unreleased handset around San Francisco and Seattle. Apparently the distinguishing feature of Amazon’s phone is that it can display 3D images but does so in a way that doesn’t require special glasses. The WSJ pointed out that Apple and Samsung make up 49% of the mobile market, and it would…

Court Documents Show Samsung Publicly Fudges Galaxy Tab Sales

Internal Samsung documents show 1 million Tabs sold in all of 2011, compared to iPad sales of 17.4 million, Kindle Fire’s 5 million, and even 1.5 million Nooks, putting Samsung in fourth place. This bit of information in particular caused a lot of ripples because research firms based reports on Samsung's falsified numbers. IDC said Steve…

Analyst: Don't Look for Apple's Custom Baseband Chips this Year

Apple may be designing its own baseband chips for future iPhones The baseband chip handles the wireless communication between smartphones and cell service providers. In essence, it's like a little radio packed inside your iPhone that knows exactly with frequencies cell companies use for voice and wireless data communication. Rumors claim Apple has been working…

Sponsor: The Omni Group

This week it is my absolute pleasure to welcome The Omni Group as our sponsor. And not only is The Omni Group this week's sponsor here, they were also big sponsors of ours during Macworld/iWorld recently, helping to make Cirque du Mac 2014 happen. They deserve (and got!) a big round of applause just for that. But that's…

Dealing with Heartbleed: What You Need to Know

Heartbleed potentially exposes server encryption keys What is Heartbleed? Heartbleed is a code flaw in OpenSSL's hearbeat function that lets hackers trick a server into handing over its private encryption keys. With those keys in hand, hackers can decrypt information that's passing between servers and user's computers without any detection. They can also potentially use…

Apple Buys UK Voice Recognition Company Novauris

Nom nom nom nom “Apple buys smaller technology companies from time to time, and we generally do not discuss our purpose or plans,” an Apple spokesperson said. This is the company's boilerplate response it uses for corporate acquisitions. Novauris bills itself as a “speech access company,” saying, “Novauris believes that voice will become the interface…

Brendan Eich Steps Down as CEO of Mozilla Amidst LGBT Equality Controversy

Brendan Eich Source: Wikimedia Commons Mitchell Baker, executive chairwoman of Mozilla, announced Thursday in a blog post that Mr. Eich was stepping down. In that post she also apologized to the Mozilla community for not acting fast enough, saying, “We didn’t act like you’d expect Mozilla to act. We didn’t move fast enough to engage…

Apple Argues that Copying Was Built into Samsung's Development Process

According to Re/code, Apple told the jury that Samsung would try to paint a picture where companies routinely copied each other in a process called “competitive intelligence.” Apple attorney Harold McElhinny told jurors that this wasn't the real story when it came to Samsung's attempts to get its flagging smartphone business off the ground in…

Judge Cote Gives Apple Ebook Antitrust Case Class Action Status

Consumer antitrust ebook case against Apple wins class action status The plaintiffs in the case claim they suffered some level of harm because they had to pay higher prices for ebooks the purchased, and Judge Cote felt their arguments met the legal burden to qualify as a class action lawsuit. “This is a paradigmatic antitrust…

Read the Fine Print with Satechi LED Magnifier

Satechi’s ReadMate LED Desktop Magnifier is accurately described by the title. Although it is is not a specific Mac product, it is so useful and well designed that it deserves a review.  It is a beautiful, sophisticated magnifier with three LED lights to assist with viewing. It provides magnification at 5x. [Actually, this could come…

Satya Nadella Has a Smart, Technical Vision for Microsoft

_________________ So far, I am impressed after watching his presentation. In the past, Microsoft always seemed so self-serving. It was all about holding onto turf, obsessing over WIndows and manipulating customers. Now, however, that may all be starting to change. Mr. Nadella, in his first big public presentation, showed a good grasp of Microsoft's challenges…

Former Democratic Staff Director Now Lobbies for Apple

Amber Cottle, Apple's new lobbyist Image Credit: Forbes Ms. Cottle's experience and connections will come in handy for Apple considering the company has become more vocal in Washington. The company openly supports corporate tax reform, CEO Tim Cook has even met with President Barak Obama to discuss online privacy and NSA surveillance. Apple also recently…

SimpleAir Wins $85M in Google Android Patent Infringement Case

SimpleAir scores patent infringement win against Google's Android OS The patent that earned Google a bill for $85 million in damages, 7,035,914, covers the delivery and processing of notifications and other content. The money was awarded as part of a damages trial following a jury trial that ended in January. Google argued it shouldn't have…

David Fincher Reportedly Wants Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs

None of the various parties associated with the movie and this story have commented, but TheWrap cited an unnamed source who said that Mr. Fincher met with Sony executive Amy Pascal to discuss the movie. According to that source, Mr. Fincher made it abundantly clear that he'd only direct the film if Mr. Bale played…

Fitbit Hit with Class Action Lawsuit Over Force Band Rashes

Fitbit faces lawsuit over fitness tracker-related rashes The skin rash issue has impacted less 1.7 percent of Fitbit Force users, but that was enough for the company to stop sales and issue a voluntary recall on the devices. Ironically, Mr. Spivey isn't one of the Fitbit Force owners that developed a rash. He filed the…

Sponsor: Get MacX DVD Ripper Pro for Free This Week

I'd like to thank Digiarty for again sponsoring TMO this week. They're always good for a very useful freebee, and this time is no different. In fact, this time is even better than last! From now until the 24th, they're giving away MacX DVD Ripper Pro for free just for you. Yeah, when you go…