Steve Jobs Diet Sent Ashton Kutcher to Hospital

Actor Ashton Kutcher went method in his approach to playing Steve Jobs in the jOBS biopic that debuted at Sundance on Friday. He went so far as to put himself on the fruitarian diet—an all fruit diet that Mr. Jobs employed on and off throughout his life—and ended up having to spend time in the…

Failing Drive? SMARTReporter is a Great Diagnostic Utility

Every hard disk has a Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology system buit-in, called S.M.A.R.T. It reports on the health and pending failure of a rotating disk system. If you've received an alert in Apple's Disk Utility app, but are not certain what's going on and want more information, SmartReporter can provide a wealth of information…

Wozniak Turned Down Involvement in "jOBS" Due to "Crap" Script

The independent biopic jOBS, which premiered Friday at the Sundance Film Festival, was not produced with the help of Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak due to a highly inaccurate script which Mr. Wozniak described to The Verge as “crap.” Mr. Wozniak previously told Gizmodo that an interaction between Steve Jobs and Mr. Wozniak depicted in the…

U.S. Kills Unauthorized Mobile Phone Unlocks

A change to the Digital Millenium Copyright Act means that come Saturday some smartphone owners will be considered criminals if they unlock their mobile device without carrier authorization. Once the new DMCA interpretation goes into effect, mobile devices purchased on or after January 26 must be unlocked for use on other carriers through official channels…

$AAPL Drops 12%, Analysts Jockey for Position

Apple's earning report didn't please regular session investors any more than it did Wednesday's after-hours traders, as they sent the stock plummeting 12.35 percent to US$450.50, a drop of $63.505 per share. Analysts spent the day digesting Apple's earning report and jockeying for position in amidst all the bearish sentiment. $AAPL Chart for January 24th,…

Pebble Watch Finally Shipping in Limited Capacity

As promised, Pebble began shipping its iPhone-connected watch on Wednesday, but in a very limited capacity. Only about 500 units are on their way to early Kickstarter backers, and only the black model is being manufactured right now. Palettes (or at least a palette) of Pebble watches are finally shipping The company promised during a…

Cook on Product Cannibalization: Don't Worry, Be Happy

Apple is facing the prospect of cannibalizing its own product sales, which has some analysts worried. Company CEO Tim Cook, however, doesn't see that as a problem and instead welcomes the idea. iPad sales may be cannibalizing other Apple products & that's OK When asked by BOA Merrill Lynch analyst Scott Craig about iPhone and…

$AAPL Pummeled in After-Hours Trading, Here's Why

Shares of Apple Inc. were pummeled in after-hours trading Wednesday as investors expressed their displeasure over the company's December quarter results and conference call. Though Apple met estimates for sales and slightly beat estimates for earnings, the company's guidance for the March quarter was substantially below Wall Street's consensus expectations. Apple reported sales of $54.5…

Apple Dumps "Scotty Principle" for Financial Guidance

Apple CFO Peter Oppenheimer raised a few eyebrows during the company's first fiscal quarter earnings conference call when he announced the company was changing how it offered guidance to what he said would be less conservative. The implication was that Apple had been under promising and over delivering, or in other words, employing the Scotty…

Steve Jobs Threatened Patent Lawsuits to Stop Employee Poaching

Former Apple CEO Steve Jobs apparently threatened Palm with patent lawsuits as a ploy to deter the company from luring away employees. The revelation came during a hearing for a class action lawsuit against Apple, Google, and Intel from tech industry workers alleging the companies agreed to not poach employees from each other. Ed Colligan,…

Forbes Jumps Shark, Calls for Apple to Oust Tim Cook

The mind boggles. My mind does, at least. Peter Cohan has penned several pieces about Apple with which I disagreed over the years, but a new column for Forbes encourages Apple to fire Tim Cook as CEO and promote design guru Jony Ive in his place. His reason? Apple's falling profits. This is the actual…

Sponsor: Newer Technology Power2U

I'd like to thank The focus this week is on their Power2U replacement wall outlet. The Power2U fits into most standard 16 cubic inch, 2-outlet junction boxes in your walls, has two AC outlets just like you're used to, and then also has two USB ports that are capable of 2A (10W) of charging power,…

Suspect in Jobs Burglary Sentenced to 7 Years in Jail

Kariem McFarlin has been slapped with a seven year prison sentence for burglarizing several California homes including that of former Apple CEO Steve Jobs. Mr. McFarlin broke into the Jobs house in July 2012 and took several items, including Apple products that were used to track him down. Image credit: Santa Clara County Mr. McFarlin…

Why Is So Much Stupid Being Written About Apple?

Stop the hurt! For the love of all things rational and pretty, can someone please stop the hurt? It seems that everywhere I look today there's something stupid being written about Apple. I'm not saying the people doing the writing are (necessarily) stupid, but the nonsense being bandied about by pundits far and wide could…

The Rotten Apple Flu: How to Get it & How to Cure it

In a celebrity culture, Tim Cook has committed the cardinal sin. He's failed to adequately entertain us. The result? Writers who follow Apple have the Rotten Apple Flu and are grousing for bucks. That's why there's so much negative writing about Apple. This Rotten Apple Flu exists not because Apple products have changed or Apple…

Apple Board Member Al Gore Exercises Stock Options Worth $29M

Former vice president, environmental activist, and longtime Apple board member Al Gore exercised stock options Tuesday to purchase 59,000 shares of AAPL for $7.475 per share. As of the close of the markets Thursday, Mr. Gore’s new stock acquisition is worth about $29,650,000 at a cost of only $441,000. With Apple set to reveal its…

In China, the Rich Love the Taste of Apple

Products made by Apple are one of the most preferred brands for the rich in China. A Chinese research firm recently conducted a survey of some 551 millionaires in the world's most populous nation and found that Apple was the #2 preferred brand for gifting among rich men and the #5 brand among rich women.…

Contacts: What Groups Do They Belong To?

It's pretty easy to forget what groups you've added a contact to, especially if you have a lot of contacts and a lot of groups. But there's a simple way to figure it out. All you've gotta do first is select the contact card in question: Then just hold down Option, and the groups that…

Analyst: Don't Worry, AAPL is Rebounding

Market analyst Tom DeMark isn't worried about the big drop in Apple's stock price, and even expected it. He also expects the iPhone and iPad maker's stock will rebound, at it appears it's already on the way back up. DeMark: Apple's stock isn't tanking Apple's stock dropped sharply following rumors that iPhone sales are weaker…

Chicken Little Comes Calling, $AAPL Falls to $486

The sound you heard on the roof today was the sky falling as as investors worried about all these reports of Apple cutting iPhone orders. In the process, shares of $AAPL fell to US$485.92, a loss of $15.83 (-3.15 percent), the first time the stock has been below $500 for almost a year. ZOMGTEHSKYSIFALLING! AAPL…

Infographic Reveals Where & How Your iPhone is Likely to Die

A study last year by third-party warranty company SquareTrade provides some interesting statistics on where iPhone accidents occur. The study was published in October 2012, but flew under our radar. Thanks to Boy Genius Report for brining it to our attention Tuesday. For those unfamiliar with the company, SquareTrade sells extended warranties for a variety…

CES - Superficial, but Necessary

CES is over, and thank goodness. It's a lot of work, but it's an increasingly important show for Apple's ecosystem even though Apple isn't even there. Having had the weekend to think about this year's event, I thought I'd offer my view from 10,000 feet. Firstly, this was a good show for us at TMO.…