Digging Deeper Into Digital Magazines

I love to watch chaos and wrote a piece about digital magazines taking up too much iPad storage. After watching Wired  eat up about half a GB per issue, I started to do a bit of digging and realized that I had just scratched the surface on the state of Digital Magazines.  How Bloated Are You? Tom…

Apple Could Hold Separate Media Events for iPhone, iPad Mini

The Apple Rumor Mill LoopInsight’s Jim Dalrymple and Daring Fireball’s John Gruber set the Mac blogoshpere abuzz on Thursday with a one-two punch that strongly suggests Apple will introduce the iPhone 5 (or whatever it’s named) on September 12th. At some point later in the Fall, the company would then have a second event where…

6 Top Reasons to Visit your Library (Folder)

In your Home directory, you have a folder called Library. It’s a useful folder, chock full of files that can get you out of jam or customize your Mac in ways that would otherwise not be possible. There’s only one problem: If you open your Home directory, you won’t see the folder listed. This is old…

Report: FileVault 2 Takes 34 Years for Brute Force Crack

The researchers found that FileVault 2 on its own is relatively secure compared to competing encryption techniques. Assuming a strong password, it would take up to 230 seconds, or 34 years to break into a FileVault encrypted volume with a brute force attack. However, the security of the encrypted volume is only as good as the…

Can You Trust the Apple Store With Your Devices & Data?

Gizmodo’s sources made the following claims:Managers stole merchandise by giving it away to businesses for free in exchange for personal favors and services.Managers “stole” employee bonuses for themselves.Employees replaced an “unlimited” number of broken iPhones for themselves and their friends.Employees and managers traded free products or replacements to local bars in exchange for free or…

TruGlide Duo Stylus: Microfiber, Megafabulous

LYNKtec recently released the TruGlide Duo Stylus Pen. It’s a well balanced, sufficiently long stylus with a microfiber tip on one end and a ballpoint pen on the other. While expensive, it exudes weight, class and quality. It’s a great way to pamper yourself or someone else with a gift. Think of it as a…

Apple & Samsung Reach Deal to Hide Evidence Spoliation from Jury

The issue over the spoliation of evidence began in late July, when a magistrate judge ruled that the jury would be informed that Samsung destroyed evidence relevant to the case before the trial, and that the jury was free to infer that all of the evidence that was destroyed was damaging to Samsung’s case. Samsung…

Apple Claims 300 Million Apple Store Visitors in Fiscal 2012

Nearly 300 million people worldwide have visited an Apple store since October 2011. That’s nearly the entire population of the United States. Through only 375 stores. That’s an average of 800,000 people per store. If the number is current through July 2012, that’s 80,000 people per store per month. Whew! On top of that, The…

Apple Could Benefit by a Samsung Victory, Analyst

On the other hand, if Apple were to win, it could force its competitors to (finally) think outside of Apple’s box, which could lead to one of those competitors innovating their way around Apple. As such, Mr. Milunovich argued that losing its patent infringement case with Samsung could be a net win for Apple.Mr. Milunovich’s…

Mucoce: Low Cost, Convenient iTunes Control App

Mucoce is a Menu bar item that provides an always visible iTunes control center. You can do a lot in a small box: see the artwork, pause/play, select previous or next, rate the song, tweet it, and much more. And it only costs $0.99. The name “Mucoce” is derived from MUsic COntrol CEnter. This small…

New Report Shows iOS Users Spend Money, Like to Check Weather

The August report examines data from surveys conducted in March and, while the overall content is focused on advertising and user demographics, which are aimed at the web publishers that the OPA represents, the report does reveal some interesting statistics about mobile device users in the United States. The vast majority, 93 percent, of smartphone…

Rumors Pump Apple Shares to Another Closing High of $648.11

AAPL Chart for August 17th, 2012 Source: Yahoo! Finance Mr. Misek raised his price target to $900 per share from $800 after checks with Apple’s suppliers suggest the company is ready for the oft-rumored, much speculated iPad mini. Those checks also suggest that the iPhone 5 will also make an appearance at the September media…

Where’s That BIG Cash Opportunity Steve Jobs Promised us?

______________________ This week we learned that Apple is, once again, begging for the keys to the TV kingdom. Presumably, that’s so Apple can apply its fantastic understanding of customers wants and needs, develop a revolutionary TV viewing interface, dust off its patents and put some major competitors into bankruptcy. Of course, that isn’t going to…

Tim, We Need to Talk About John Browett

The Mac Observer checked with sources in United States and found that, at least in the markets that were surveyed, there were no serious disruptions. However, reports kept coming in from the United Kingdom and MacRumors continued to receive tips about U.S. and Canadian stores that were experiencing unusual workforce reductions. Cut to Thursday morning…

Judge Asks if Apple Attorneys Are Smoking Crack

TMO Artist’s Rendition of What That Might Look Like Judge Koh has been iron fisted about how long the trial will last, giving both sides a specific allotment of time. Apple finished presenting its case earlier this week, while Samsung finished arguing Thursday afternoon. Apple will have the opportunity to present rebuttal witnesses in the…

Das Keyboard Is Nearly Perfect

The Das Keyboard Model S for the Mac is not a thing of beauty. It’s huge and ungainly in the Mac world of ‘smaller is better.’  It makes lots of noise, takes a bit of getting used to and is wider than my 17-inch Macbook Pro. It’s also the best keyboard I’ve ever used on…

Browett: Apple Retail Layoffs Due to “Mess Up,” Will Be Fixed

Now Apple’s new retail chief, John Browett, has told company leaders that the staffing changes were the result of a “mess up” caused by a temporary trial of a new staffing formula, according to Down Jones Newswires. Mr. Browett communicated his clarification to Apple Retail leadership and instructed them to inform their employees that the…

Apple Calls DOJ eBook Settlement “Unlawful & Unprecedented”

Apple and five book publishers were sued by the DOJ in April for allegedly conspiring to increase the price of eBooks and remove Amazon’s ability to offer books at a lower price by prohibiting books offered by Apple’s iBookstore from being sold for less anywhere else. Apple and the publishers deny any collective agreement and…

Third Party Apps Missing from iTunes Search for “Podcasts”

Users who search for “podcast” or “podcasts” within iTunes receive only one app result, Apple’s official podcast application, launched in June. Selecting “See All” or otherwise trying to find any of the excellent third-party options, such as Instacast, fails to reveal additional results.The results when a user searches for “podcast” or “podcasts” in the iTunes…

UK Apple Retail Reductions Not Affecting U.S. Stores

MacRumors reported earlier this week that anonymous sources claimed that recent hires in some Apple Stores have been laid off, in some cases shortly after they had completed their training. Those reports were attributed to Apple Store locations in the UK, but the site also said that some U.S. and Canadian sources had reported hour…

Microsoft’s iPad Rival Surface Tablet to Launch in Oct. at $199

Theories on price ranged from around $500 all the way to $1000. While Microsoft still has yet to announce the official price, Engadget reports that the Redmond company is getting ready to launch the ARM-based Surface tablet on October 26 for a surprisingly low price of $199. At a sub-$200 price, the Surface would line…

Rabbis Call on Apple to Remove Anti-Semitic App from App Store

A European rabbinical group is protesting an anti-Semitic text distributed as an app on Apple’s App Store and calling for its removal, according to The Jewish Press. The app, “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” is a forged work from 1903 that describes a supposed Jewish plot to take over the world. The Brussels-based…

Samsung Designer Denies Referencing Apple, Apple Shows Otherwise

Jeeyuen Wang is professional designer working for Samsung on the company’s smartphone user interface. According to her own testimony as reported by Forbes, she helped design the icons used in some of Samsung’s smartphones. She is also up for consideration as designer of the year within Samsung, an honor that includes a 100 million South…

Judge Koh Lashes Out at Attorneys for Apple & Samsung

  Though Samsung’s attorneys have drawn more sanctions than Apple—four times as of the latest count—CNet reported that Judge Koh told the assembled attorneys for both sites that, “I want papers. I don’t trust what any lawyer tells me in this courtroom. I want to see actual papers.” Those are strong words for a federal…