Steve Jobs’s Family Home Burglarized, Suspect in Custody

Authorities arrested Kariem McFarlin, 35, on August 2 in connection with the crime. He was arraigned five days later on one count of residential burglary and selling stolen property. Mr. McFarlin, if convicted, would face a maximum prison sentence of seven years eight months, which is a year longer than normal due to his “excessive…

Apple Ruling Means Moto Must Honor FRAND Commitments

Moto Judge Barbara B. Crabb of the Western District of Wisconsin granted a summary judgement request from Motorola to dismiss antitrust claims by Apple. The action was based not on the merits of Apple’s claim, but rather on the reality that Apple wasn’t able to prove damages caused by Motorola’s patent-related actions. On the one…

Apple Patent Cross-Licensing Has Limits with Microsoft & Samsung

According to AllThingsD, Apple revealed in court that it has a cross-licensing agreement in place with erstwhile mortal enemy Microsoft. That agreement specifically covers the same design patents that Apple is contesting with Samsung, but Apple has in place an “anti-cloning” provision. That provision stipulates that the companies, “can’t copy each other’s products,” according to…

More Internal Samsung Docs Show Love, Desire to Copy iOS

New internal Samsung documents that indicate the Korean company based its device hardware and software on Apple designs were made public Friday as part of the patent litigation between the two mobile device giants. The latest documents come just three days after Apple successfully admitted another set of internal Samsung documents supporting the same claim.…

See the Mac Commercial Apple Deemed “Too Self-Congratulatory”

Original Mac 128K Credit: Image published under Wikimedia Commons Mr. Hertzfeld posted the video to YouTube and then linked to it on his Google+ account (and noted by 9to5Mac). According to that post, “Here’s a rare commercial for the original Macintosh that Chiat-Day made in the fall of 1983 , featuring snippets from interviews of…

Trial Over Selling Kidney for an iPad Starts in China

The defendants were accused of arranging the deal which netted them about $35,000 and for duping the teen into allowing doctors to remove one of his kidneys. One of the defendants, He Wei, said the boy voluntarily agreed to the surgical procedure and because of that he didn’t break any laws, according to the BBC.Mr.…

Samsung’s Attorney Caught Without License to Practice v. Apple

One of the U.S. attorneys representing Samsung in its California patent litigation with Apple was not admitted to practice law in the court’s jurisdiction, Samsung and the attorney admitted Thursday. Susan Estrich, a law professor and legal commentator for Fox News, recently represented Samsung in a motion concerning the deletion of relevant emails by both…

Publishers & Authors Begin Editing Opinions on eBook DRM

Merging the growing trend of Mac software bundles popularized by sites such as MacHeist and MacUpdate and the “pay what you want” mentality of sites such as the The Humble Music Bundle, a new promotion called StoryBundle offers to give readers an opportunity to purchase several well-reviewed DRM-free eBooks for as little as $1. The…

iOS Q2 Market Share Slips Amidst Competing Metrics

The Android and iOS mobile operating systems combined to power 85 percent of all smartphones shipped in the second quarter of 2012, according a new report published by research firm IDC Wednesday. The total represents a new high for the two dominant mobile platforms together, but shows a rare iOS market share decrease despite an…

Samsung Documents Support Apple’s Copycat Claims

Apple gets documents showing Samsung as copycat entered as evidenceThe document is a 2010 internal report from Samsung detailing a feature comparison between the iPhone and the Galaxy S smartphones. It also details what Samsung could do to make its smartphone more like Apple’s iPhone, according to AllThingsD, and that’s a bit of information that…

RIM Stock Jumps on Samsung Takeover Rumors

Reviving rumors from earlier this year, Research in Motion [RIMM] is up over 10 percent in early trading on rumors that mobile giant Samsung is interested in acquiring the beleaguered device maker. Today’s rumors follow a Barron’s report Tuesday that the future of RIM remained bleak and that a partnership or acquisition was necessary to…

Apple Asks for Swift Appeal in Kodak Patent Ruling

U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Allan Gropper is supervising Kodak’s bankruptcy proceedings, and those proceedings include the sale of more than 700 patents that Kodak wants to use to pay off creditors. In addition to bidding on the overall portfolio, Apple has claimed ownership of 10 of those patents, accusing Kodak of misappropriating technology jointly developed by…

Taiwan Man Sues Apple in China Over FaceTime Patent

A Taiwanese man has filed suit against Apple in China, alleging that the Cupertino company’s FaceTime video calling service infringes on his patent, according to Chinese site QQ Tech and translated by M.I.C. Gadget. The Intermediate People’s Court in Zhenjiang will hear the case but, thus far, Apple has failed to respond to the Court’s…

The Problem with Magazines and The iPad

I’ve wanted a 128 GB iPad since the day I bought my first one over two years ago. I bought the 64 GB version, but I couldn’t get enough music on the darned thing. Since then iCloud and iTunes Match has just about solved my music problem, but I’ve run into another problem that iCloud can’t…

Apple, Google Bid on Kodak Patents

Apple and Google offered bids between $150 million and $250 million, according to the Wall Street Journal. Those bids, however, could climb quickly come Wednesday as the two companies fight to keep Kodak’s patents out of each other’s hands.Kodak’s patent auction may not bring in as much cash as it wantsApple partnered with Microsoft is…

Wozniak: Cloud Computing Will Cause “Horrible Problems”

Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak (via AFP) Cloud-based computing will experience “horrible problems” in the coming years, according to comments made Saturday by Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak. Issues surrounding security and content ownership will create a “horrendous” atmosphere for users over the next five years, the tech icon predicted. Mr. Wozniak made his comments following a…

Macs Make a Cameo During Mars Curiosity Landing

Macs played an important role in landing Curiosity on MarsMission specialists had rows of MacBook Pro laptops up and running as they monitored the probe and the spacecraft that carried it to Mars. So many Macs, in fact, that seeing a lone ThinkPad in the mix seemed out of place.And yes, those Macs were running…

Apple Reportedly Seeking to Buy Social Shopping Site “The Fancy”

Apple is reportedly in talks to acquire The Fancy, a social e-commerce site in the style of Pinterest, according to information obtained Saturday by Business Insider. With the acquisition, Apple allegedly hopes to grab a slice of the growing e-commerce market, expanding the choices for the company’s 400 million iTunes customers from digital media to…

Video Streaming, Weather, & Geofencing

It’s time for another episode of TMO’s App Highlights, featuring a little sum’ sum’ for everyone. But if you don’t see your particular brand of something here, definitely let me know in the comments. I am an equal-opportunity sum’ sum’ writer. Amazon Instant Video Depending on where your video interests lie, Amazon has been one…

Ive Confesses Apple Almost Canceled the iPhone

Sir Jon, who doubles as Apple’s Senior Vice President of Industrial Design when he’s not being a knight, made the comments during a presentation at the British Business conference. The event is being held in London alongside the 2012 Olympics to help promote British business and culture. “We nearly shelved the phone because we thought…

Judge Denies Apple Ownership of Two Kodak Patents

The ruling covered the ‘218 and ‘335 patents, two of the key patents that Kodak is trying to sell as part of its bankruptcy proceedings. Apple has claimed that the patents are based on technology that Kodak misappropriated from a technology sharing agreement between the two companies dating back to the 1990s. Judge Gropper essentially…

Samsung on Evidence Release: We Didn’t Do Anything Wrong

“Contrary to the representations Apple’s counsel made to this Court, Samsung did not issue a general press release and more importantly, did not violate any Court Order or any legal or ethical standards,” Samsung’s legal team said in a court filing, according to CNET.Samsung says sending journalists excluded evidence was OKSamsung had hoped to convince…

AMD Hires iPad Chip Designer Jim Keller

AMD hires Jim Keller away from Apple“Jim is one of the most widely respected and sought-after innovators in the industry and a very strong addition to our engineering team,” said Mark Papermaster, AMD’s chief technology officer and senior vice president of technology and engineering. Mr. Papermaster is a former Apple alum, too, having left the…