Sprint Commits to Free 3G FaceTime, AT&T & Verizon Stall

“We are committed to our unlimited data and that means not charging for data consumption based on the application,” a Sprint spokesperson told the Wall Street Journal.A dialog suggesting users will need to pay to use FaceTime over 3G connections in the beta version of iOS 6 has led to speculation that AT&T plans to…

Judge Bars Steve Jobs Comments in Apple, Samsung Trial

Judge Koh called the quotes irrelevant, and said, “I really don’t think this is a trial about Steve Jobs,” according to Reuters.Samsung doesn’t get to quote Steve Jobs in patent trialApple and Samsung have been fighting in courtrooms around the world over patent infringement complaints for over a year. Both companies claim the other is…

Judge Orders Apple to Tell UK that Samsung Didn’t Copy iPad

“[Samsung’s tablet designs] do not have the same understated and extreme simplicity which is possessed by the Apple design. They are not as cool,” Judge Birss said. TMO’s Rendition of Possible Apple Ad At the time, that seemed like a hollow victory for Samsung. On the one hand the company was cleared of patent infringement…

The iPad, Magazines, SciFi & Our Preconceptions

____________________ I started thinking about this when I embarked on the journey to move all my paper magazine subscriptions to my iPad. That journey has been a bumpy ride because each publisher has its own ideas about how to 1) create digital content and 2) protect its intellectual property. The result of that has been…

Nielsen Shows Android & iOS Running Away in Q2

The company’s data was focused on total smartphone usage, as opposed to new sales. In that light, the company showed that in in June, Android had 51.8 percent of the market, while Apple’s iOS had 34.3 percent of the market. That left RIM with 8.1 percent, while everything else was fighting over table scraps. The…

Former Apple iAd Exec Leaps to 3D Motion Control

Former Apple Exec Andy Miller “I’ve been fortunate to work with some of the most influential figures and companies in the technology industry, and I’m as excited about the Leap as I’ve ever been about a technology,” Mr. Miller said in a statement. “The potential for the Leap is limitless, as it is going to…

Qantas Dumps BlackBerry for iPhone

“Transition from the BlackBerry to the iPhone is part of Qantas’ broader mobility strategy and, once complete, will result in significant cost savings,” a Qantas spokesperson told the Sydney Morning Herald.The airline will also support employee provided Android-based phones, but will provide iPhones as standard gear.The move is yet another blow to RIM as the…

Apple Trying, But Not Yet Succeeding, to Take Down In-App Hacker

First came the announcement on Friday from the hacker ZonD8o that by installing some certificates and changing DNS settings, users could acquire in-app content without paying for it, all without jail breaking their iOS device. That caught Apple’s attention and later that day the company had already begun investigating the issue. By Monday, Apple had taken several steps to…

Yahoo! Scores Coup by Tapping Google Exec for CEO

“I am honored and delighted to lead Yahoo!, one of the internet’s premier destinations for more than 700 million users,” Ms. Mayer said in a statement. “I look forward to working with the Company’s dedicated employees to bring innovative products, content, and personalized experiences to users and advertisers all around the world.” Marissa Mayer Credit:…

TV Stations: Get a Clue About Adobe Flash

_____________ The recent fires in Colorado Springs and near Ft. Collins, Colorado have made it very clear that some TV stations that have websites have dropped the ball when it comes to serving the public interest. That’s because residents, in any geographical area, for any kind of weather emergency, are likely to be on the…

Apple to Retailers: Stop Selling Galaxy Tab

Apple wants retailers to stop selling banned Samsung productsThe letters Apple sent warned companies that they were required to “‘immediately remov[e] for sale the [banned product] from all physical and online venues under [their] direction or control,” according to Foss Patents.Apple and Samsung have been locked in a heated legal battle for more than a…

Apple Calls EPEAT Pullout Mistake in Open Letter

Apple VP Bob Mansfield Apple pulled its Mac product line from EPEAT last weekend. EPEAT measures recyclability in computers, and all of Apple’s Mac line had top EPEAT ratings, with the exception of the company’s new MacBook Pro with Retina Display. Speculation is that because the battery in that model is glued in, it wouldn’t…

OWC’s Mercury Accelsior SSD: Blistering Fast

The movement to Solid State Drives (SSD) in our Macs is now in full force. Other World Computing has introduced an SSD card designed for the PCIe slot of a Mac Pro or an Xserve that is plug-and-play and really fast. Riduculously fast. ________________________ Introduction The Apple Mac Pro and the Xserve have been used…

iPad Newspaper ‘The Daily’ Could Face Chopping Block

Launched in February of 2011, The Daily was a big gamble by News Corp. when it was envisioned in 2010. News Corp. chairman Rupert Murdoch bought into then-Apple CEO Steve Jobs’s vision of the iPad as the future of media consumption long before the iPad was the massive success it is today. The company built…

NuForce’s Tiny Cube Speaker Packs A Wallop

The Cube speaker from NuForce is an amazing piece of technology, as it should be for the price. The MSRP is US$119.00. The speaker measures 2 x 2 x 2-in (58.5 x 58.5 x 60.0 mm). The speaker has a brushed metal finish and is available in black, silver, red, and blue. The package includes a…

UN Standards Body to Host Patent Litigation Round Table

Standards-essential patents are patents that have been pledged by the patent holder to be included within a standard. This includes everything from SIM cards to radio chipsets to what constitutes various flavors of 3G, 4G, and other wireless protocols. In exchange for being part of the standard, the patent holder agrees to charge fair, reasonable,…

Amazon to Join the Smartphone Game

Amazon said to be designing its own smartphoneNews of Amazon’s plans comes courtesy of unnamed sources tipping off Bloomberg. Other unnamed sources claim Amazon has been working to buy up patents to defend itself should competitors like Apple threaten litigation over patent infringement.Much like the Kindle product line, including the Kindle Fire, a smartphone could…

Samsung Galaxy Nexus Phone Pulled, Google Plans Workaround

Apple won an injunction in June after a federal judge ruled that Apple was likely to prove that Samsung’s Galaxy Nexus and Galaxy Tab 10.1 both infringed on an Apple patent, and that the validity of the patent would be upheld. It was the first significant win for any of the Apple vs. Android court…

Apple Configurator Updated to Version 1.1

Apple Configurator, released in March 2012, is a recent addition to the Apple lineup of apps. Designed for enterprise use where iOS devices are issued to employees, it allows IT departments to manage default settings and installed apps, restoration options, and other issues affecting fleets of iOS devices.Patch notes for the release, according to Apple…

Steve Jobs: ‘The Lost Interview’ Available on iTunes

According to Mr. Cringely, some ten minutes of the interview was used in Triumph, which is an excellent look at early history of Silicon Valley and the birth of the personal computer. When announcing this project, he said that the rest of the interview was long considered lost until the passing of Steve Jobs in…

Samsung Denied: Galaxy Tab 10.1 Injunction Stays in Place

Apple won the preliminary injunction in late June and quickly posted the US$2.6 million bond to put the ban into effect. Samsung responded by filing an appeal, although as of today that didn’t pan out.Samsung loses fight to lift Galaxy Tab 10.1 injunctionSamsung has been dealing with other blows in its patent fight with Apple…

California Fast-Tracks Apple’s Spaceship HQ

The fast tracking law was passed last fall in an attempt to improve the job market in California. The legislation does not shortcut the environmental review process, but does allow for a speedier judicial review of projects that meet certain qualifications. Essentially, if there are any challenges to the environmental impact report, the law allows for…

Apple Store Reportedly Tries New Genius Bar Configuration

While the popularity of Apple Stores and their Genius Bars steadily increases, the space available to accommodate customers in a given location may not. Apple appears to be trying out a different layout to gain space for the Genius Bar while working within the existing square footage of the store. Rotated Genius Bar layout. Courtesy ifoAppleStore.com.Rotating the…

Patent Office Expands with Silicon Valley Office

New Patent Office Locations The move comes amidst a major expansion in the number of patents being applied for, especially by companies based in Silicon Valley. The USPTO said that it hopes the new offices will help cut down on the backlog of patent applications being generated every year. The agency has heretofore been based…