Proview Scores $60M Settlement in iPad Name Fight

Apple settles iPad trademark dispute with ProviewThe fight between the two companies started in 2011 iver who actually owned the trademark on the iPad name in China. Apple claimed it legitimately purchased the rights to the iPad name from Proview before launching its popular multimedia tablet, but Proview said it didn’t authorize any trademark deal.Proview…

Apple Corporate Controller Betsy Rafael to Retire

Prior to working for Apple, Ms. Rafael worked for Cisco from 2003 to 2006 as the Principal Accounting Officer, and from 2006 to 2007 as Vice President and Corporate Controller. Prior to that, she worked Aspect Communications, Escalate Corporation, Silicon Graphics, and Sun.Ms. Rafael isn’t the only executive retiring from the company in the coming…

TMO’s App Highlights: ThisLife, Chrome, Cheddar & More

ThisLife ThisLife (free) is the latest new service to take its shot at Flickr, the aging king of the hill of online photo storage and sharing, and it does some pretty interesting things.Manage your online photos with ThisLife For starters, ThisLife lets you collect all your photos and videos from your cameras, iPhoto, and even social…

What Google’s New Tablet Tells Us, on The Surface

_________________________ When Apple introduced the iPad in 2010, it was clearly the byproduct of an inspiration that there have come to be two distinct activities associated with personal computing equipment. There is what we call the consumption activities (browsing, shopping, music, movies and games, for example) and the creation part (writing, graphics, web design, coding,…

Apple Lands $89M Tax Break for Reno Data Center

Reno gambles on Apple with data center tax incentivesApple’s proposed data center will cover 350 acres, according to the Reno Gazette-Journal, for cloud-based services. The center will eventually include 41 fulltime employees, 200 long-term contract employees, and will create 580 construction jobs.The data center is expected to bring in some $343 million in economic activity…

Spec Comparison: New iPad v. Nexus 7 v. Kindle Fire v. Surface

Accordingly, we offer you the following spec shootout between the new iPad, Surface for Windows RT, Amazon’s Kindle Fire, and the Google Nexus 7. Due to limitations in space, we have to omit the Nook Color Tablet, though that device is popular with the same market that is also interested in the Kindle Fire. The…

Splashtop Gets Better…at a Cost

Guess what? This is not the future. You can do this today — via any of several iOS apps that support this sort of remote access. My personal favorite continues to be Splashtop Remote Desktop. Today, the makers of Splashtop Remote Desktop announced an upgrade to Splashtop 2. Splashtop 2 retains all the features that…

Pages ’09: The Overlooked Bottom Toolbar

It’s evident that it’ll give you a lot of data at a glance, but those fields do interesting things if you click on them, too. The most obvious example is the zoom controller, which is first in the list; use this to change how your document appears on-screen. This is great if you have trouble…

Apple’s Sandboxing Nontroversies

I find all this somewhat amusing and depressing because all I can think is “…and you’re SURPRISED by this?” If you have even a conceptual grasp of sandboxing, the fact that TextExpander’s new version won’t be in the Mac App Store should be about as surprising that one won’t find daisies growing in a tar…

Apple Tweaks Antivirus Marketing Message

Apple made the move earlier in June, but is just now gaining attention. Sophos’s NakedSecurity blog noted the difference on June 14th, and that comment was widely picked on Monday. Writing for the site, Graham Cluley said, “A recent analysis by Sophos found that 2.7% (one in 36) of Macs which downloaded our free anti-virus…

Microsoft’s Surface Result of Lost Faith in Partners, Report

You Gotta Have Faith… Apple’s whole widget business model, wherein it owns the hardware and the software, was, for a long time, a disadvantage in the PC market. In the 1990s, Apple lost market share quarter after quarter, and year after year, in part because Microsoft’s open licensing ecosystem allowed PC licensees to clobber Apple…

The Apps That Came in From the Cold

______________ One of the things we know about the Mac App Store, from interviewing developers, is that many new or inexperienced customers look at the MAS first for solutions to their problems. It’s a convenient and trustworthy watering hole, and it provides many developers with incremental revenue. Historically, many experienced customers know how to go…

iPad Calculated to Use $1.36 Worth of Electricity a Year

Their analysis showed the iPad consuming 12 kWh annually. And while costs will vary depending on location, they determined that to be worth $1.36 for the year. They also measured the energy consumption of an iPhone 3G, which came to 2.2 kWh per year for a total of $0.25. Compare that to a 60W CFL…

Acer Founder: Microsoft Has No Real Intention to Make Tablets

Acer Founder Stan Shih Photo Credit: Rico Shen under Creative Common License Speech bubble courtesy of Shutterstock Smart-ass mock quote courtesy of Bryan Chaffin DigiTimes reported that Mr. Shih posited that Microsoft is merely trying to help expand demand for Windows 8-powered tablets, and that once it has done so by investing untold millions into…

NIAC Accuses Apple Stores of Racial Profiling

WSB-TV News Report Apple has not released a statement on the issue, and it has so far not commented to NPR, the above-mentioned Atlanta TV station, and other mainstream media outlets looking for comment. According to Sahar Sabet, the Atlanta resident who was refused sale of an iPad, the Apple Store employee cited Apple’s Export…

Drobo Adds Thunderbolt Support, Solid State Drives

The Drobo 5D with dual Thunderbolt portsBoth models include two Thunderbolt ports along with USB 3.0, a redesigned hardware and software architecture for improved performance and reliability, and by adding what the company is calling SSD acceleration the Drobo D5 and Drobo Mini offer substantially faster data transfer speeds.The Drobo drive arrays use the company’s…

Hon Hai CEO: iPhone 5 will Shame Samsung Galaxy S III

Mr. Gou told reporters that when the iPhone 5 ships it will put Samsung’s Galaxy S III to shame, according to Focus Taiwan.Considering Mr. Gou’s position as the CEO overseeing the company that builds iPhones for Apple, he could potentially have early information about the company’s next update for the combination iPod and smartphone. He…

Video Offers Side-by-Side Look at Microsoft & Steve Jobs Keynotes

Looking at pieces of Steve Jobs’s January 2010 keynote introducing the original iPad to Monday’s keynote by Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and other executives side by side, it’s easy to see that over the last 28 months, Microsoft has been taking some detailed notes. Send in the clones! Whether or not the company made good…

WWDC: Max Seelemann - If I’d Stayed in School, I’d Die

___________________ Dave Hamilton: So, you’re with a company called “The Soulmen,” and you’ve been developing … interesting apps. Text editors, a kid’s music player, and that sort of thing. Tell me a little bit about where that started and how it all happened. Max Seelemann: You know, we started ten years ago. Actually I got…

Senator Asks Apple & Google for Privacy Priority in Maps

Senator Charles Schumer Apple announced a new mapping service on June 11th during the company’s annual World Wide Developer Conference. That service includes impressive 3D aerial views the company has been developing. Knowing that Apple’s announcement was coming, Google announced the week before its own enhancements to Google Maps, one of the world’s most popular…

WWDC: Working for Apple Wasn’t Enough: Mike Bombich

___________________Dave Hamilton: I’m here with Mike Bombich of Bombich Software, Inc. You have an interesting story. You have been developing essentially one app in your app developer role for many, many years, and that’s Carbon Copy Cloner. But you’ve had an interesting history with Apple that goes back further than that. Mike Bombich: Yes, I’ve…

iAd Exec Mike Owen Moves to AdColony

AdColony snags Apple iAd exec Mike OweniAd is Apple’s own service for delivering in-app ads to the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. The service supports interactive advertisements and has been touted as a tool for drawing in more potential customers.Mr. Owen isn’t the first executive to leave Apple’s iAd program. Andy Miller, Apple’s vice president…

Post WWDC: Flying Supersonic with the Gear Down

If you watch the keynote, you’ll see that the plan, as always, is to show developers how they can delight their customers with Apple products. This is in contrast to the traditional PC industry where cut-throat pricing and a drive to the bottom of the market doesn’t provide the excellence and capability needed for modern…

ThankYouPro App Creates & Mails Elegant Cards

ThankYouPro from Zendoa LLC is a new app, available from the iTunes app store. The app is free but there is a charge of US$2.99 for each card they mail for you. ThankYouPro iconIt is found in the Lifestyle category and was updated June 4, 2012. It is available in English only and requires iOS…