AirStation Router & Bridge Offers Fast 802.11ac Speeds

AirStation WZR-D1800H wireless router & WLI-H4-D1300 wireless media bridge   802.11ac offers theoretical maximum speeds of 1,300 megabits per second, or a little less than 1.3 gigabits per second. When demonstrated for The Mac Observer at CES, we saw functional speeds of 800 megabits per second, but the reality is that real-world applications are likely…

Kaspersky: Apple Didn’t Really Ask Us for Help

The original line that got all the attention was, “Mac OS is really vulnerable, and Apple recently invited us to improve its security,” as reported by Computing News. As stated, it was a big deal—Apple has a long and proud track record of being just as secretive about security as it is about everything else.…

Time Warner Cable CEO Doesn’t Know About Apple’s AirPlay

From Apple’s AirPlay Website What makes this more interesting is that the question was asked while Mr. Britt was busily explaining there is no easy way to get Internet content to your TV. As a reminder, AirPlay’s raison d’être is to make it easy to get content from the Internet, or at last iOS apps,…

ChicBud’s Arts Earbuds are Designed For Females

chickBuds is a company that is all about females and their whole product line is aimed at meeting the needs and desires of females when it comes to electronics accessories. No solid colors in sight. Everything is coordinated right down to the packaging. The particular product in this review is the chicBuds Arts earbuds. There are three…

Apple Asks Kaspersky for Security Help

The security research company Kaspersky claims Apple has asked it for help with analyzing and identifying potential security flaws in OS X. News that Kaspersky has been tasked to help harden OS X comes on the heels of criticism that Apple doesn’t take OS security seriously enough.“Mac OS is really vulnerable, and Apple recently invited…

TMO Workspaces: Jeff Gamet

This week, we’re taking a look at The Mac Observer’s Managing Editor, Jeff Gamet.Jeff has comfortable, modern home office perfectly set up for the two Macs he uses to keep tabs on Apple and creative design news and events. In addition to his comfy red chair, his office walls feature original artwork in the form…

An Inconvenient Truth About E-books

I’ve been thinking about this in bits and pieces, but haven’t put it all together. Here’s my central thesis: Paper books, in some form, have been with us for thousands of years, albeit hand copied. With the advent of the Gutenberg press in the 15th century, we transitioned to type based printing presses. It’s only…

Apple Accuses Samsung of Destroying & Withholding Evidence

According to Apple, Samsung intentionally destroyed documents that the South Korea-based electronics giant was obligated to preserve because of the litigation between the companies. This is a very serious charge for Apple to levy, but according to the heavily redacted motion viewed by NetworkWorld, Apple said that Samsung has a history of such practices. TMO…

Just Mobile’s AluCube Mini Can Solve Cable Chaos

I just love getting products to review from Just Mobile. I know they are going to be interesting, beautiful to look at, and unique. The AluCube Mini™ met my expectations. Just Mobile’s AluCube Mini.It is a very simple product that does just one thing, it keeps your computer related cables wrapped up and in reach when you…

iPod Class Action Moves Forward, Eligible Owners Notified

Potential class members were notified of their status in emails (PDF) delivered early Wednesday. Although the class-action was granted in November 2011, notifications to consumers are now being delivered following failed settlement negotiations earlier this month.The court approved notice sent to potential class members. The suit’s origins date back to the early days of the iTunes…

Products I’m Wishing for These Days

These aren’t pie in the sky ideas. They’re just products that don’t exist yet, and for whatever reason, haven’t arrived. Here’s my wish list in no particular order. 1. New MacPro. I always want to have the fastest Mac because, well, I often feel the need for speed. I’d like to see a new Mac…

Regional Carrier Bluegrass Cellular to Sell iPhone 4S

The regional carrier covers central Kentucky, and has deals in place for nation-wide roaming, too.More regional carriers join the iPhone familyBluegrass Cellular’s service plans includes unlimited SMS along with 3GB of data, and start at $64.99 a month for 600 voice minutes on network and 200 minutes off network. The company’s unlimited on network and…

ITC Judge Tosses 3,000 Pages from Apple Filing

Apple’s legal team apparently tried to sidestep ITC page limit by including over 3,000 pages of attachments with a filing challenging the validity of Samsung’s patent. Now Apple has until the end of the day on Tuesday to file a sigle-page document with a table showing why the company thinks Samsung’s patents aren’t valid in…

Angry Birds Maker Rovio Makes $106M for 2011, Considers IPO

Total revenue for the company was €75.4 million ($106.3 million) with pretax earnings of €48 million ($67.6 million), a margin of 64 percent for the year. Rovio, founded by three Helsinki University of Technology students in in 2003, had its big break in December 2009, when the company released the first Angry Birds title for…

Claimed Apple Television Prototype Lacks Disruptive Character

 Cult of Mac’s Apple Television Mockup (with a little commentary added by TMO) Why? Because, while we think the product described by Cult of Mac’s source will share much in common with an eventual Apple television, it’s what the mockup lacks that’s going to be the “killer feature” of Apple’s “next big thing.” Apple, under Steve Jobs’s…

Proview: Apple is Offering Us a Settlement Over “iPad” Trademark

“We feel that the attitude of Apple Inc. has changed. Although they expressed that they were willing to negotiate, they have never taken any action before. But now, they are having conversations with us, and we have begun to consult on the case,” Mr. Xie said in an interview with Xinhua on Sunday. Without disclosing…

Adobe Launches CS6, Delays Creative Cloud Until Friday

“We’ve seen a ton of excitement for both CS6 and Creative Cloud since our April 23 announcement,” Scott Morris, Adobe senior marketing manager told Macworld. “We want Creative Cloud to be an amazing experience for our customers and we feel that we just need a little more time to fine-tune it. At the same time,…

TMO Workspaces: John Martellaro

This week, we’re taking a look at The Mac Observer’s Senior Editor, John Martellaro.John’s office is the central hub of his digital life, from which he brings us great weekly columns and reviews, keeps up with Twitter, and roams the internet looking for the next big thing. On the left is John’s 3rd Generation Verizon…

Apple Credits OpenStreetMap in iPhoto App

Richard Fairhurst, a board member of the OpenStreetMap Foundation, said in an interview with TalkingPointsMemo Idea Lab, “Obviously we’d rather that Apple had attributed right from the start, but nonetheless this is a big step forward. If the biggest computer company in the world, one with a perfectionist instinct, feels that OpenStreetMap data meets its needs and is…

Tim Cook’s Style is Working, Bloggers Are Not

Let’s face it, Steve Jobs could often be hard to work with. The facts are that he could be abrasive and arrogant, and that sometimes made it hard for Apple to work with other executives. Mr. Cook’s style is very different, and while he’s demanding and tough, he’s also able to negotiate with other human…

iPad 2’s New 32nm SoC Improves Battery Life Over 2 Hours

Apple’s current iPad lineup, including the “new” iPad 2 with a 32nm A5 SoC (source: AnandTech) The Samsung-sourced chip grants benefits to both Apple and consumers. From Apple’s perspective, the new SoC gives Apple the ability test out the 32nm process, likely to make its way into the next iPhone, on an existing architecture with…

Benchmarking the Sonnet Echo ExpressCard Thunderbolt Adapter

Due to its limited adoption thus far — Macs and only a few PCs support it — and its significantly higher cost compared to legacy connection options such as USB and FireWire, one of the areas Thunderbolt has yet to penetrate is memory card readers, a niche market crucial to professional photographers and videographers.  Up…

Amazon to Start Producing its Own TV Shows

Amazon to produce its own TV showsShows that are picked up and run as a series will earn the makers US$55,000, royalties, and up to 5 percent of the sales from t-shirt and toy licensing.The move to online TV shows doesn’t come as a big surprise since Amazon Studios launched in November 2010 and has…

Steve Jobs Patent Exhibit to Open at Smithsonian

According to the Smithsonian’s Newsdesk on May 1, “The exhibit, a display of 30 4-by-8-foot panels made to resemble iPhones, showcases more than 300 patents and trademarks granted to Jobs throughout this career. Each panel displays facsimiles of the front pages of 12 patents granted to Jobs, totaling 312 of the 317 he acquired in…