HTC Ready to Negotiate with Apple Over Patents

“We have to sit down and figure it out,” Mr Yung told Bloomberg. “We’re open to having discussions.”HTC says it wants to negotiate with Apple over patentsApple recently won a ruling with the U.S. International Trade Commission that says HTC is infringing on two of its patents, which could potentially lead to an import ban…

Charlie Miller Finds Way to Hack MacBook Battery

In an interview with Fortune published over the weekend, Mr. Miller said that he found these controller chips all used default passwords, and that with this knowledge, a hacker can learn how to reverse engineer the firmware Apple uses to program and control the chips.Security Researcher Charlie MillerPhoto by Garrett Gee, posted to Flickr “These…

Verizon Was Expecting a Summer iPhone Refresh, Too

Mr. McAdam is set to become CEO of Verizon next week, as Ivan Seidenberg leaves the position to become the chairman. CNBC asked Mr. McAdam to explain where future revenue growth was going to come from for Big Red, asserting that some investors have been concerned about that subject. As part of that line of…

Particle Debris (wk. ending 7/22) Big Dreams and Dashed Dreams

 BI/SAI chart of the dayBut there’s an even better way to display this chart, and it hasn’t been lost on Horace Dediu at Asymco. In a revised version of this chart, he’s grouped together the OS X and iOS related products. It looks like this:Asymco versionThis second way of looking at the chart is even…

Lion Sales Top One Million on First Day

“Lion is off to a great start, user reviews and industry reaction have been fantastic,” Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing, said in a statement. “Lion is a huge step forward, it’s not only packed with innovative features but it’s incredibly easy for users to update their Macs to the best…

Apple EOLs 9 Boxed Software Titles for Retail

The titles: Mac OS X Snow Leopard Mac OS X Snow Leopard Server iLife iWork Aperture Apple Remote Desktop Xsan GarageBand Jam Packs Mac Box Set Of those, three of iLife’s component apps, iPhoto, iMovie, and GarageBand, are on the MAS, as are Pages, Keynote, and Numbers from iWork. Aperture and Apple Remote Desktop are…

Apple to Offer Lion on USB Sticks

Lion will be available on USB drives come AugustLion borrows several iPad interface features such as multi-touch gestures for navigation and app selection, a homescreen-like Launchpad for organizing apps, and full screen view for individual apps. It also takes advantage of Mission Control for quick access to other applications and application windows, includes system-level support…

Some Apple Directors Talk CEO Succession, Jobs Calls “Hogwash”

  Apple has seven directors on its board, including Mr. Jobs himself. According The Journal’s sources, some of the other six directors (likely the independent ones), talked to high-powered executive recruiters to discuss their options. The report is somewhat contradictory, in that the beginning of the article characterized these meetings as “more of an informal…

ITC Finds Kodak Did Not Infringe on Apple Patents

The case was part of a back-and-forth battle between Apple and Kodak relating to digital cameras in Apple’s iPhones. Kodak has been quite successful in using ITC complaints and lawsuits in forcing companies to pay licensing royalties for some key patents that Kodak owns. Today’s ruling concerned counter claims that Apple had filed in response…

iPhone Tops Nokia for European Mobile Ad Requests, Report

Many U.S. readers may not realize that Nokia was until quite recently the top smartphone maker in the world, and is still the top mobile handset manufacturer. Apple’s iPhone and Google’s Android platform have swiftly surpassed Nokia in recent months in the smartphone market, a trend accelerated by Nokia dumping its own Symbian OS in…

Finding Photos with Google’s Search by Image Feature

There are several ways that you can start a search of this type, but I think the easiest is to go to and click on the small camera icon on the right of the search bar. When you do so, you’ll have the option to either upload an image from your computer or paste…

Report: Verizon iPhone, iPad 2 Reduced Momentum for Android Apps

Flurry’s data is a subset of all iOS and Android app development, as it comes from developers who use the company’s platform-specific SDKs to add Flurry analytics tracking to their apps. That said, the company claims a total of 45,000 developers who have embedded Flurry’s tools in some 90,000 apps, a significant sample from both.…

Apple Pays $946 Fine in Korean iPhone Tracking Lawsuit

Apple pays up 1 million won in iPhone tracking lawsuitThe Korean lawsuit followed public concern over reports that the iPhone was keeping detailed logs showing the locations users have visited. Apple said that the location data stored on user’s iPhones wasn’t being downloaded, and added that the local database was filled with nearby cell towers…

July 14: The Day Lion Doesn’t Ship

With so many reports claiming Lion will be available tomorrow, coupled with the unexpected downtime at Apple’s online App Store and the seemingly last minute maintenance at iTunes Connection (Apple’s portal where developers manage the apps they offer through the App Store), it sure looks like the stars have aligned for a Thursday Lion launch.…

Microsoft Plans 75 More Retail Stores

Microsoft opened its first retail store in 2010, and since then the company has opened ten more in California, Washington, Colorado, Arizona, Texas, Minnesota, Illinois, and Georgia. The expansion the company plans is concentrated on the East (mainly the Northeast) and West Coast, in Florida, and in Texas. During Wednesday’s WPC 2011 Day Three keynote,…

Quicken and Lion: Intuit Strikes (Out) Again

Too bad for me. Quicken 2007, or any older version, will not run under Lion. Why? Because Quicken 2007 remains a PowerPC program and thus requires Apple’s Rosetta software to run on Intel Macs. Unfortunately, Apple is not supporting Rosetta in Lion. So, after upgrading to Lion, it’s adios to my old Quicken.There is a small window…

Kensington’s Orbit Trackball Mouse Has All The Features

A trackball mouse is one of those things you either love or hate. If you fall on the love side, you should definitely take a look at the Orbit Trackball Mouse recently released by Kensington. Kensington Wireless Mobile TrackballIt works wirelessly, using a USB dongle and two AA batteries which are included. You install the…

Pandora Drops Flash for HTML 5

“The front-end technology has been rebuilt in HTML 5 and together with a host of other improvements results in a much faster experience,” the Pandora Web site stated.Pandora is dumping Flash for HTML 5The HTML 5 version of Pandora includes a redesigned user interface, more robust search options, quick access to playback controls, one-click access…

Apple Loses Senior iPhone Patent Attorney

According to Reuters, no reason has been given to explain Mr. Lutton’s pending departure. Unnamed sources claimed he will be officially gone from Apple, possibly as soon as next month.The timing of the change on Apple’s legal team lands in the middle of several big patent battles. Apple is currently dealing with patent infringement lawsuits…

Judge Considers Stay in Oracle vs. Google Patent Suit

Oracle has been seeking licensing royalties for every Android device sold, something that would turn Android from a “free” open source OS to a “not-free” open source OS, which would benefit Apple, Microsoft, RIM, and any other competitor in the smartphone business. Any form of stay in the case would put Oracle’s case in serious…

Analyst: Apple to Boost Bottom Line with Genius Squad

“While Apple still has growth potential in its existing markets, we believe entry into new areas (TV sets, “Genius Squad”, et al) present market cap growth opportunities,” Mr. Um said. “We expect Apple to enter the TV set market and if it achieves similar success as in the handset and PC markets, we see potential…

On iPhones, iPads & a Little Bit of Mordor

iPad, King of the Tablets Nearly one percent of web-surfing worldwide is done via tablet, and nearly 100 percent of that comes from an iPad. That’s the word from Net Applications. Fortune has the stat tracker saying that, as of May, 0.95 percent of web-browsing on their client sites happened on tablets, 96.8 percent of…

Apple Serves GetJar with “App Store” C&D

GetJar offers apps for Android and BlackBerry devices, as well as Java apps and apps for Nokia’s soon-to-be-defunct Symbian OS. Users can also find Web apps, some of which will work on Apple’s iOS devices. The company claims some 1,969,259,455 downloads to date, with more than 160,000 total apps and 332,472 registered developers. Between all…