3 Tag Readers For Those Who Read Tags

She no longer buys music CDs on a whim, DVDs are likely to remain on the store shelf until they drop significantly in price, jeans once bought at boutiques are now purchased at chain stores or, at the very least, when they go on sale. Now that she’s a mom her shopping cart now contains…

iSuppli Identifies iPad 2 Components Threatened by Japan Disaster

Some of these components are replaceable from other sources (for instance the DRAM and NAND flash memory), and some factories have reported in as not being damaged. iSuppli said, however, that even those factories that weren’t damaged are likely to experience difficulty in getting supplies, delivering finished products, or even experience employee shortages while the…

Credit Suisse Starts AAPL Coverage, $500 Target

Mr. Garcha expects Apple will do well thanks to the popularity of the iPhone, according to Forbes. “Across the key smartphone success factors of software, services, product portfolio, distribution, brand, [intellectual property], and chip set efficiency, we believe, three years after the launch of the iPhone, few competitors have managed to narrow Apple’s advantage,” he…

Apple CEO Reaches Out to Japan Employees in Email

The email, according to Mac Rumors, states:To Our Team in Japan,We have all been following the unfolding disaster in Japan. Our hearts go out to you and your families, as well as all of your countrymen who have been touched by this tragedy.If you need time or resources to visit or care for your families,…

Analyst Downgrades Apple on Hon Hai Slowdown

At issue is reported growth from Hon Hai Precision, which owns Foxconn, one of Apple’s largest manufacturers. Mr. Gauna told clients in a research note that Hon Hai Precision reported growth of 84% in December, 37% in January, and 24% in February. The implication is that this slowdown in growth must reflect a slowdown in…

AAPL Dips to $332 Amidst Broad Selloff

AAPL Chart for March 16th, 2011 Source: Yahoo! Finance To put the downward slide in perspective, the DOW was down 196.82 (-1.66%) to 11658.60; the NASDAQ was off 39.63 (-1.49%) to 2627.70; and the S&P 500 dropped 20.49 (-1.6%) to 1261.38. Microsoft is trading at $24.81, down $0.58 (-2.28%); Intel was down to $19.835, off…

Twitter Adds Always-on HTTPS Security Support

By logging into the Twitter Web site via HTTPS, the data that goes between user’s computers and the service remains encrypted when in transit. “This will improve the security of your account and better protect your information if you’re using Twitter over an unsecured Internet connection, like a public WiFi network, where someone may be…

Japan iPad 2 Launch Delayed During Earthquake Recovery

“We are delaying the launch of the iPad 2 in Japan while the country and our teams focus on recovering from the recent disaster,” Apple spokesperson Natalie Kerris told Reuters.Apple’s iPad 2 launch in Japan is delayedApple began selling the iPad 2 in the United States on March 11, and quickly ran through its available…

Analyst: iPad 2 Already Sold Out

“We believe this shows Apple is expanding its base of iPad users, which is critical to maintaining its early lead in the growing tablet market,” Mr. Munster said. “As the user base grows Apple’s lead widens, and the company has a proven track record of building unmatched brand loyalty, which we believe will be a…

3 For Your Other Apple Devices: Sherlock Holmes, Librivox, The Onion

Apple TV 2, for instance, now sports sports in the form of Major League Baseball (MLB) and National Basketball Association (NBA) “apps” located under the Internet drop-down menu. iPhones, iPod touches, and iPad are a bit snappier when loading webpages in Safari now, and I’ve notices that Words with Friends has gotten a bit friskier…

Some Authorized Apple Resellers Left Out of iPad Launch

Lines have been forming outside Apple Stores ahead of the iPad 2 launch, and Best Buy, Walmart and Target have all confirmed their stores will have at least limited quantities available this evening.Apple’s iPad 2 won’t be available at some reseller locationsSome Authorized Apple Resellers hoping to offer the second generation version of the multimedia…

iOS Twitter Update Addresses Quick Bar Complaints

Twitter’s latest update addresses Quick Bar complaintsThe Twitter 3.3.1 update doesn’t include an option to disable the Quick Bar, but in addition to moving its location so it’s less obtrusive the update also includes a fix for location services-related crashes, security improvements, and improved performance.The Quick Bar shows current trending topics on Twitter. When the…

Adobe Unveils Wallaby: Flash to HTML 5 Converter

Wallaby is an Adobe AIR-based application that focuses on translating Adobe Flash Professional files (FLA) into HTML 5. So far, Adobe has been focusing its efforts on making the converted files WebKit-compatible — think Safari and Chrome.Wallaby turns Flash banner ads iOS-compatible HTML 5Adobe’s Tom Barclay told The Mac Observer that Wallaby is more of…

Trip Hawkins Bags on Apple Gaming, Thinks Browser

Mr. Hawkins’s problem with Apple today is that the App Store is overcrowded. According to CNN, the gaming exec said at the Game Developer Conference last week that “[Apple has] over-encouraged supply,” and that Apple has only crated the illusion of a viable business model for game developers.Trip Hawkins, former Apple Exec, Founder of EA,…

Western Digital Buys Hitachi for $4.3 Billion

WD said that it was paying $4.5 billion in cash and 25 million WD shares “valued at approximately $750 million” to Hitachi to acquire the business. Hitachi as a whole is a far, far larger company with divisions in electronics, railroads, manufacturing, and other areas. The combined company will retain the name of Western Digital…

iPad 2 Line Starts in Texas

The iPad 2 line starts in TexasThe iPad 2 launch is a little different than the original iPad roll out because Apple isn’t offering pre-order sales or reservations, so anyone that wants the new tablet on day one will have to stand in line. Online sales will be available some time on March 11.The MacCast…

RBC Expects (Erroneously) Android to Dominate Tablets by 2014

“While Apple’s iPad may continue to set the bar high for experience, we expect Android to dominate (40% share Tablets by 2014), given its broader support from OEMs and carriers and expected budget-priced Android Tablets from Asia,” Mr. Abramsky wrote in a research note to clients obtained by Boy Genius Reports. Innovation & Cheap Competitors?…

Samsung Gets iPad 2 Envy

“We will have to improve the parts that are inadequate,” said Samsung’s mobile division executive vice president Lee Don-joo. “Apple made it very thin.”Samsung is feeling a little inadequate over iPad 2Big concerns for Samsung include the iPad 2’s thinner body along with the tablet’s price points. The new model is about a third the…

Nielsen: Android Wining OS Battle, Apple/RIM Winning Hardware

From November of 2010 to January of 2011, Android devices usurped both Apple’s iPhone and RIM’s BlackBerry platform to take 29% of the smartphone market in the U.S. Apple is now tied with RIM for #2, each with 27% of the market. In a report, Nielsen wrote, “But an analysis by manufacturer shows RIM and…

Random House Brings 17K Titles to iBookstore

Random House switched to an agency model for selling ebooks a day ahead of the media event, and the publishers titles began appearing on Apple’s iBookstore this morning ahead of the media event.Apple’s media event is still underway. Be sure to check in with The Mac Observer for additional information about the company’s announcements.

Steve Jobs Declines UK Speaking Invite, Denied Knighthood

OK, we have to stop ourselves right there, because even had Mr. Jobs been granted a knighthood, he could not have called himself Sir Steve – a technicality reserved for subjects of the Queen. He could, however, include the initials OBE after his name, signifying that he is an honorary member of the Order of…

You Gotta See This!

The iPhone App “You Gotta See This!” stitches together a montage of multiple iPhone 4 or iPod touch 4G camera images right after you shoot. Just press the start button and wave the camera over the area of interest. You can use either of the two cameras. When you’re done, the app creates a beautiful,…

Some Deeper Questions About Apple and Publishers

The approach that Apple is taking with publishers has been discussed just about everywhere, at length. In a recent Hidden Dimensions column, I argued that the criticism of Apple, in many cases, is not well grounded. There is a component of the publishing industry that doesn’t want to change, blames Apple, and some news sites…

Kensington’s Battery, Dock, Stand Is Powerful, Compact

The Kensington PowerLift Battery and Dock is a compact 8 x 3 x 6-inches when folded and it will easily fit into a pocket, case, or bag. However it quickly opens to provide a docking station for iPhones and iPod touches. There is a kickstand that fold out to hold the iPhone/iPod in place while…