Verizon Starts Data Throttling, Content Optimization

Verizon stated in a memo (PDF), “If you use an extraordinary amount of data and fall within the top 5% of Verizon Wireless data users we may reduce your data throughput speeds periodically for the remainder of your then current and immediately following billing cycle to ensure high quality network performance for other users at…

CEO Wants HP to Replace Apple as “Cool” Company

“I hope one day people will say ‘this is as cool as HP’, not ‘as cool as Apple’,” Mr. Apotheker told the BBC. He made the case that HP was the only company in the PC space that was “equally good on the consumer side and on the [enterprise] side,” and that this would help…

Rupert Murdoch Thinks Tablets will End Laptops, Praises Jobs

The interview from a network that Mr. Murdoch’s company owns was part of the marketing blitz Mr. Murdoch and News Corp. are engaging in to promote the release of The Daily, a new iPad-only (for now) daily newspaper. Technically, Mr. Murdoch is fudging history a bit in that it was Steve Jobs who recognized Steve…

HELP! My iPod touch Won’t Make Calls!

Customer: “Here it is. It won’t make phone calls.” *hands it to me* Me: “Ma’am, this is an iPod Touch.” Customer: “That’s exactly what that dumba** in the phone department told me. God, are all you people stupid?! iPods look like this!” *holds up an iPod Classic* The solution, of course, is printed right on…

An Interview with O’Reilly Ebook Guru, Andrew Savikas

TMO: In the context of declining to use DRM, what is O’Reilly’s philosophy and strategy regarding the publishing of online books?Andrew Savikas: Tim O’Reilly likes to say that books are “user interfaces on information.” In other words, books are a technology, just like any other. They’re devices for sharing ideas. And like any other technology,…

Design Flaw Halts Intel Sandy Bridge Chip Production

Intel fixing Core chip flaw“In some cases, the Serial-ATA (SATA) ports within the chipsets may degrade over time, potentially impacting the performance or functionality of SATA-linked devices such as hard disk drives and DVD-drives,” the company said in a statement. “The chipset is utilized in PCs with Intel’s latest Second Generation Intel Core processors, code-named…

Sony App Rejection Raises App Store Concerns

“Unfortunately, with little notice, Apple changed the way it enforces its rules and this will prevent the current version of the Reader for iPhone from being available in the app store,” Sony stated on its Reader Web site. “We opened a dialog with Apple to see if we can come up with an equitable resolution…

1984 Apple Board Hated “1984”

This story comes to us from Steve Hayden, an advertising exec who became a Chiat/Day vice president while the commercial was being created. Mr. Hayden wrote about his experience in creating the ad for Apple for AdWeek, as well as some of the aftermath in working with the company after Steve Jobs left. According to…

Active Storage Announces ActiveSAN

What Active Storage has done is combine the high performance Nehalem processor and a custom motherboard, built by Intel, in a 1U rack mountable system. It has features designed to meet the needs of enterprise professionals, such as expansion, redundant power and lights-out management. With a custom distribution of Red Hat Linux and Quantum’s StorNext…

NEO-i iPhone Dock Includes Pico LED Projector

The device can project an image that is up to 120” across, though that large an image would be better in a darkened environment. On the Expo show floor, we were seeing movies about half that size being projected in a well-lit environment, and they were quite watchable. NEO-i can project onto surfaces from 8”…

Focusrite VRM Box: Speaker & Room Simulator Through Headphones

VRM Box is a digital signal processer (DSP) in a small form factor that features a volume controller (as seen in the images below). When used with companion software on your Mac or Windows PC, the user can choose from one of several speakers and pairs of speakers, adjust where you, the listener is sitting,…

Dolly Drive Introduces First Time Machine Online Backup

As many Mac OS X users know, Time Machine allows one to back up the content of their hard drive to another attached hard drive, a Time Capsule, or a drive connected to an AirPort Extreme. Dolly drive extends this concept by also allowing you to back up to the “cloud,” or a network drive…

Trio of Trusted TMOers Treats Macworld

Macworld Expo descibes Ted’s iOS: Under the Hood session asThis session delves “under the hood” of iOS to explore topics that go beyond the basics of what you’ll find in typical iOS manuals. For starters, you’ll learn about the iOS-related files stored on your Mac (from firmware updates to app files to backup files) – where they…

10 Billionth App Winner Hangs Up on Apple Prank

“I thought it was a prank call,” Mrs. Gail told The Cult of Mac. “I said, ‘Thank you very much, I’m not interested’ and I hung up.” Her daughters, however, were aware of the contest and had downloaded several apps in the early morning hours (local), including what turned out to be the winner, Paper…

IDC: No iPad Display Changes Yet

“I think the… story probably got the resolution right, but the iPad version wrong,” Mr. Mainelli said. “Our sources say Apple has requested that manufacturers begin work on displays with that resolution for the iPad 3.”Higher res iPad display coming? Maybe not.Along with reports that the next iPad will sport a higher resolution display, rumors…

Special Apple Web Pages to Know About

1. Sell your old computer to Apple: Apple Computer Reuse and Recycling. You have several choices if you want to sell your old Mac for cash:,, NextWorth. However, if you don’t like these sites or have heard too many complaints about them, you might want to stick with Apple. Apple is affiliated with…

Steve Wozniak to Keynote ESC Silicon Valley Conference

“We are delighted that Mr. Wozniak will be helping to kick off what is sure to be the electronics industry’s most interesting event in 2011,” David Blaza, vice president of UBM Electronics, said in a statement.. “Attendees will have the opportunity to hear a unique, unforgettable talk delivered by one of the most influential pioneers…

Fortune: TMO Forum Members More Accurate Than Wall Street

Looking at the numbers for revenue, earnings, gross margins, and unit sales, Mr. Elmer-Dewitt wrote, “The unaffiliated analysts took 9 out of the 10 top spots. The bottom 20 spots were all held by professionals working for the banks and brokerage houses.” Of those nine, four are members of our AFB: #1 (Patrick Smellie), #3…

Apple COO Tim Cook Talks Tablet Competition, Major Supply Deal

On the subject of tablets, Mr. Cook said: “Generally speaking, there are two kind of groups today. The ones that are using a Windows-based operating system are generally fairly big and heavy and expensive. They have a very weak battery life. They require keyboard or stylus as an input device. And from our point of…

14-Year-Old’s Game Tops Free List at App Store

The developer, Robert Nay of Utah, created the game with his mother, Kari. Mom did the design work while Robert handled the coding; he has been delving into programming for the past six years.The App Store currently has over 300,000 free and paid apps available, compared to its closest competitor, the Android Market, which has…

AAPL Rebounds $15 from Opening Low Ahead of Earnings

The stock gained steadily throughout the day, and bounced of an intra-day high of $344.763 at approximately 1:45 PM EST. The stock has traded in a narrow band in the $341+/- range since then, and currently sits at $342.24, down $6.24 (-1.79%), on heavy volume. There had been concern of a major sell-off like the…

ScanSnap Goes Mobile with the S1100

I bring up this topic today (having waxed rhapsodic about these scanners on several prior occasions, such as here and here) because I recently had the opportunity to try out Fujitsu’s latest mobile scanner — the ScanSnap S1100 ($199). Fujitsu refers to the S1100 as “mobile” rather than merely “portable.” I can understand why. Fujitsu…

Analyst: AAPL Dip Could Represent Buying Opportunity

“Obviously the stock is going to get hit tomorrow, but I see no reason why this stock won’t continue to work,” Mr. Wu told Reuters. Echoing similar sentiments, Alexander Peterc of Exane told Reuters, “This will come as a surprise to Apple investors and definitely take some shine off the Apple stock; but even if…