Amazon Beefs Up Kindle DX, Cuts Price

Like other Kindle models, the DX includes free 3G wireless access to’s Kindle book store. The DX can hold up to 3,500 documents including books and periodicals.Kindle DX, now in graphite.The Kindle DX’s larger display and lower price may make it more attractive to consumers that want a larger screen ebook reader but don’t…

48 Days Later: Microsoft Kills Kin

“We have made the decision to focus exclusively on Windows Phone 7 and we will not ship KIN in Europe this fall as planned,” the company said in a statement. “Additionally, we are integrating our KIN team with the Windows Phone 7 team, incorporating valuable ideas and technologies from KIN into future Windows Phone releases.…

Tips To Make You More Independent

I told him that he obviously did not understand the basic concept of this column – every time we learn something new it is one less thing we have to ask our children to teach us. Where are his priorities?Sometimes we don’t know what we don’t know which makes it impossible to fix what needs…

Apple Hiring iPhone, iPad Antenna Engineers

Apple responded to initial complaints by stating “Gripping any mobile phone will result in some attenuation of its antenna performance, with certain places being worse than others depending on the placement of the antennas. This is a fact of life for every wireless phone.”Company CEO Steve Jobs later added “There is no reception issue. Stay…

How Apple Teaches us to Choose Products

There is no doubt that companies who want us to buy their products formulate plans on how to influence our decision making process. But when it comes right down to making a decision, we tend to deny that we’ve been influenced and instead fall into a false sense of security about our objectiveness. Apple understands…

Lawfirm Preps iPhone 4 Reception Lawsuit

“KCR is currently investigating potential problems with the release of iPhone 4,” the lawfirm states on its Web site. “If you recently purchased the new iPhone and have experienced poor reception quality, dropped calls and weak signals, we would like to hear from you.”Some iPhone 4 users have been complaining about an issue where holding…

How Many Drops to Break an iPhone 4? One? Two-hoo? Three?

That said, that last drop landed in a different way than the first three, and it’s just as possible the test could have taken one drop or 100, depending on how it landed, but the video makes for some heart-rending viewing, especially if you’re one of those standing in line waiting for their own iPhone…

Shoppers Line Up Early in Colorado for iPhone 4

The iPhone 4 line in Boulder, ColoradoLike other Apple product launch lines, people brought along their laptops and iPhones to stay occupied while they wait for the store doors to open at 7AM. One person even brought a 32-inch flat panel TV, DVD player and some movies.The FlatIron Crossing Apple Store in Broomfield iPhone 4…

i-Got-Control IRB1 (Universal Remote) Needs to Get Better

i-Got-Control IRB1 is the third in a series of universal remote control hardware/app combinations I’m reviewing. Like the first two I tested, it can control most of your electronic entertainment devices — televisions, AV receivers, cable boxes, and such — as long as they use an infrared remote control. Compatible with the iPhone, iPod touch,…

Best Buy iPhone 4 Launch Plans, Inventory Hit the Web

The documents, obtained by iClarified, show that customers pre-ordering iPhone 4 units on the 24th will pay a US$50 deposit, just like early pre-order customers. New pre-order customers will go to the bottom of the company’s first-come-first-served list.Best Buy will be opening early on the 24th to handle pre-order customers, but won’t have access to…

TMO Interviews We-Envision: The Art of Software, Part II

Mr. Teece: The second choke up point that I saw was when Mr. Jobs showed the commercial for the new iPhone, and at the moment in time when they showed video conferencing, they had a deaf couple, sharing a moment on the iPhone 4. The audience spontaneously erupted in applause and goosebump appreciation of that…

TMO Interviews We-Envision: The Art of Software, Part I

TMO: Let’s start off with what your company does. Mr. Teece: Well, we’ve got a couple of companies. is a partnership between my Project A and Open Door Networks. We develop software for the iPhone, the iPod touch and the iPad now. has over a hundred apps in the App Store, mostly for…

Multitasking Apps Begin Appearing on App Store

Mac Rumors noted that Dropbox for the iPhone and iPod touch now supports iOS 4’s fast app switching feature that Apple touts as a multitasking option. iOS 4’s other multitasking features include background audio, Voice over IP, background location, local notifications, task finishing, and push notifications.The multitasking features in iOS 4 require an iPhone 3GS,…

TMO Interviews Rogue Amoeba: It’s All About the Audio

TMO: I’m here with Paul Kafasis from Rogue Amoeba Software, LLC. So… you’ve been a Mac developer for how long? Mr. Kafasis: Rogue Amoeba is almost eight years old now. TMO: I want to talk a little bit about the apps that you do. You guys are … audio maniacs. [Pause.] In a good way!…

TMO Interviews SmileOnMyMac: A Developer Perspective

For those not familiar with TextExpander, it allows one to assign shortcut keystrokes, snippets, to a longer string. After typing the snippet, text, a logo or even a photo will be inserted automagically into the text, saving a lot of typing and potential errors. Many apps on the Mac and iPhone (using TextExpander touch) support…

Surprise: Some Innovation from Microsoft

The new version of Hotmail cashes in on Microsoft’s decades of experience with e-mail. In almost Jobsian fashion, Microsoft lists the three biggest customer frustrations with e-mail and then offers technical solutions. Too much spam Can’t send large attachments Junk mail cluttering up my inbox In order to solve the problem of spam, Microsoft makes…

O2 Announces iPhone Upgrade Plans, New Data Caps

O2 will charge subscribers £20 for each month left on their current iPhone contract when they upgrade to an iPhone 4, and they’ll waive the usual 14-day window where they can back out of the deal.The new contracts O2 will offer customers do away with unlimited data plans in favor of capped plans ranging from…

Hackers Nab iPad 3G Account List from AT&T [Updated]

Apparently the list of accounts includes some 114,000 names and was stolen with the help of a script that took advantage of a security vulnerability in AT&T’s servers. The hackers made off with account names, email addresses, and SIM card identifier numbers.A group calling itself “Goatse Security” claims to be behind the data security breach…

TMO Interviews Disney-ABC TV Group About the ABC Player

TMO: I thought that was a solid keynote. Have you been to a WWDC keynote before? Mr. Cheng: No, we’ve aways watched it afterwards, streamed. This is the first time we’ve been to one in person. It’s a lot of fun.Albert Cheng TMO: Tell us about the ABC app for the iPad. Mr. Cheng: First,…

FLPR (Fast Learning Programmable Remote) for iPhone: Good but not great…

New Potato Technologies’ FLPR (Fast Learning Programmable Remote) for the iPhone and iPod touch running OS 3.0 or higher is a hardware/app combination for controlling electronic devices via infrared remote. In a nutshell, it worked better for me than the POWER A Universal Remote Case I reviewed recently (click here to read), but had a…

Newsweek Says the Mac is Dead After WWDC Keynote

“So what did [Steve Jobs] talk about? He talked about iPads, and the App Store, and iBooks, and videogames. He talked about the new iPhone 4, with new video-chat software called FaceTime and a gyroscope that lets you shoot missiles into outer space and take pictures of Saturn or something,” Mr. Lyons said in his…

Apple Hires webOS Interface Designer

Mr. Dellinger also helped develop the webOS application framework, served as the visual and interaction designer for webOS, and was a webOS engineer. He also created the Mojo application framework’s CSS structure and defined the HTML layout and structure.Now that Mr. Dellinger is working for Apple’s interface design team, he’ll most likely be involved with…