Thieves Use Saw, Suction Cup, & Rappelling Gear to Steal Apple Laptops

“[The thieves displayed a] high level of sophistication,” Detective James Ryan, a police department spokesman, told “They never set off any motion sensors. They never touched the floor. They rappelled in and rappelled out.” All told, the thieves managed to scoop up 20 Apple laptops, devices that tend to maintain their value when being…

Analyst: Google Hacked by Amateurs

The company’s statement contradicts Google’s assertion that the attacks were orchestrated by professionals and were most likely directed by the Chinese government. The Damballa report also claims that the attacks most likely weren’t targeted, as Google suggests, but instead were fairly generalized.At the time, Google stated “We have evidence to suggest that a primary goal…

TiVo Announces Series 4 - New HD Interface, New Features, More HD Storage

TiVo Series 4 The new models no longer need a dialup connection, utilizing on-board Ethernet for connecting to TiVo and downloading content information. The company will also be introducing a wireless adapter later this year for 802.11n and 802.11g network support. In the middle of the Great Flash Debate of 2010 brought on by Apple’s…

Virgin America Web Site Drops Flash

“I don’t want to cater to one hardware or one software platform one way to another, and Flash eliminates iPhone users,” said Virgin America’s Chief information officer Ravi Simhambhatla.Virgin America’s Flash-free Web siteVirgin America’s move away from Flash doesn’t spell the end of Adobe’s multimedia delivery platform, especially since nearly every personal computer includes the…

V-Moda Faze Headsets

I figured that headphones with two drivers for US$79.00 was a good deal, even with contrary ear tips, so I bought a set. Sure enough, the ear tips seem to like my ears more than the headphones they came with. Six months later I managed to lose one of the ear tips that fit, the…

Apple Brings Former Mozilla Security Chief Onboard

Apple hasn’t said exactly what security-related responsibilities Ms. Snyder will have, but based on her job history, she’ll likely be directly involved in beefing up the security features in the Safari Web browser.[Thanks to Macworld for the heads up.]

Quicken Essentials: Four Strikes and You’re Out

Strike 1: Quicken struggles to survive. Prior to the release of Quicken Essentials, Quicken for the Mac had not seen a major upgrade since Quicken Mac 2007, released well over three years ago. For the record, I am still using Quicken Mac 2006 (as the 2007 version did not add any new features that mattered).…

Retro Recorder 1.1.1

Retro Recorder turns your iPhone or second generation iPod touch into a tape recorder in that it records, saves, and allows you to send your recording to yourself or others. iPhone OS 3 includes a recording app, called Voice Memos, so as part of this review I compared the two applications. Retro Recorder Home Screen…

Apple Shareholders Reelect Board of Directors

The election did not come as a surprise, as there are no currently controversial members of the company’s board of directors. Eric Schmid, Google CEO, was the closest thing to a controversial member, but he resigned his position in 2009. When asked by a shareholder if Mr. Schmidt had behaved properly during his tenure at…

The Lowdown: Technology and Politics of HTML5 vs. Flash

On February 11th, I wrote an editorial, “What Should Apple Do About Adobe?” Part of the discussion related to Adobe’s Flash Player on the Mac, updates and security. Inevitably, the comments escalated to a discussion of Steve Job’s distaste for and blocking of Flash on the iPhone and iPad. The question is: is Apple’s stance…

Disney Launches Alice in Wonderland iPhone Game

Each of those characters feature powers that help players solve puzzles, such as the White Rabbit’s ability to stop time and the Cheshire Cat’s knack for making things appear and disappear. Players can also use their iPhone’s GPS, camera, and photo library unlock hidden objects, which are also unlockable by playing the game, for those…


One new product that garnered a lot of attention at Macworld Expo 2010 is YAPPER from SachManya. The application, which won a DEMO: Best of Show award during the convention, is new on the market. Using a WYSIWYG style editor, it creates apps for iPhone and iPad and processes them through the Apple acceptance process,…

Is This Any Way to Run an App Store?

As is typical for this sort of hot-button issue, reactions to Apple’s move have been sharply divided. Some applaud Apple’s decision; others view it as an unwanted and unnecessary intrusion. However, for this article, I want to step back from the smaller controversy surrounding “sexy apps.” Instead, I want to focus on what I believe…


DJAY from Algoriddim is an all-in-one DJ application for Mac OS X with features for new and experienced DJs. Watch David Gallant’s video review to see if DJAY is ready for your next party. DJAY lets users beatmatch music, organize playlists, use transition effects, and organize party tunes in a simple Mac OS X interface.…


Also note that when I refer to the iPhone in this article I also mean the iPod touch as well. Someone famous once said that there is nothing certain in life but death and taxes. I believe it. In fact, of the two, taxes is worse. You can only die once. It seems that every…

Chronicle 3

There are applications on the market that can be designed to help monitor financial records. Quicken and Excel come to mind, but both are expensive and neither will actually remind you to pay your bills on time. Chronicle, by LittleFin Software is designed to do just that. The recently introduced Chronicle 3, allows you to…

3D Sun for iPhone Provides Solar News & Views

Launched in 2006, the two STEREO satellites are actually in the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, one ahead of the Earth and one trailing behind the Earth. The goal is to monitor the Sun, with stereo capability, and reveal eruptions and events that could affect power grids and near Earth orbit satellites.View of Sun (171…

The Woz to Keynote Military Communications Conference (MILCOM 2010)

“Steve Wozniak is a renowned technology leader and innovator, and we are pleased he will kickoff MILCOM 2010,” Joanne Maguire, executive vice president, Lockheed Martin Space Systems and co-general chair of the conference, said in a statement. “For industry, government and other stakeholders involved in communications technologies, MILCOM 2010 is the single must-attend event where…

Pogoplug Safely, Seamlessly Shares Your Personal Cloud with Others

There are many solutions for sharing files with others on the Internet. Some have some risks, and some are rather technical and not appropriate for non-technical associates. Pogoplug is a device that serves files, isolated from your own LAN, to others on the Internet in an easy, secure fashion. Think of it as your personal…