Site Offers $10K Bounty for Tablet Photo, Gets C&D from Apple

The site offered four bounties in its stunt, US$10,000 for “bona fide pictures” of the device, $20,000 for “video of one in action,” $50,000 for “video of Steve Jobs holding one,” and $100,000 to “let us play with one for an hour.” “We’ve had enough of trying to follow all the speculation around Apple’s impending…

Close Call, Flashlight, Alarm Clock Free and More

I use to want to do stuff like that, and I’m still fascinated by the internal goings on in tech, but I just don’t have the time to tinker. I want my gadgets to work. End of story. When they don’t work, I want them fixed. I can and have tinkered to fix my stuff…

Psystar Officially Files Notice of Appeal in Apple Lawsuit

The appeal involves a copyright infringement suit Apple brought against Psystar to stop the Florida company from selling generic Psystar PCs installed with Mac OS X. Apple claimed that Psystar had to violate Apple’s copyrights on Mac OS X in order to trick Mac OS X into thinking the PCs were Apple-built Macs, a claim…

Kodak Sues Apple, RIM Over Digital Camera Tech

“Our primary interest is not to disrupt the availability of any product but to obtain fair compensation for the use of our technology,” said Kodak Chief Intellectual Property Officer, and Vice President, Laura G. Quatela.Despite Ms. Quatela’s comments, Kodak is looking to for the ITC to block the import of iPhone and BlackBerry models that…

Piracy May Have Cost Apple, iPhone Devs $450 Million

The group based the loss figures on the number of applications sold through Apple’s iTunes-based App Store since its launch in July 2008, and an average $3 app price.So far, pirating iPhone and iPod touch applications first requires jailbreaking, or hacking the device to allow the installation of applications that haven’t gone through Apple’s review…

The One Where I Interview a Porn Star

However, I was contacted by one of the exhibitors, Digital Playground. They were interested in having me do a few interviews with their “talent.” To make it more convenient for me to do so, they offered to get me a press press to AEE. I told them that my journalistic interests ran more towards computers…

Intel Leaks Core i5 MacBook Pro Info

If Apple is planning on releasing MacBook Pro models with Core i5 chips, users can expect to see substantial performance improvements compared to the current Core 2 Duo-based models without sacrificing battery life.Apple is rumored to be planning a special media event for the end of January where it may be introducing a new tablet-based…

The Force Unleashed: Pushing Star Wars Over the Top

To that end, he and his team set out to, as the title of the game implies, give players Force abilities more powerful than they had previously seen. While the Jedi Knight games, for example, let you use Force grip to throttle enemies and throw our lightsabers to eviscerate foes from afar, you never had…

Apple Breaking iPhone Launch Cycle with May Release

Along with an earlier launch time, the fourth generation window will allegedly sport a 5 megapixel camera and LED flash, and possibly an RFID chip as well.Apple hasn’t offered up any indications that it plans to update its iPhone line up earlier than it has in the past, but a May rollout for the fourth…

Palm CEO/Former iPod Head: "I've Never Used an iPhone"

He made the comment in an interview with Kara Swisher of AllThingsD during last week’s CES trade show in Las Vegas, which was posted Friday at the media outlet’s site. When asked how he views Apple as a competitor in the smartphone market, Mr. Rubinstein said, “We don’t pay that much attention to Apple….I know…

Android Users Hit with Malware App

While Droid09 is a bad mark for the Android platform and the Android Marketplace, it doesn’t necessarily mean the Google’s smartphone operating system is unsafe. It does, however, show that there’s room for improvement in the app screening process at the Android Marketplace.Droid09 also serves as a reminder that other companies, including Apple, need to…

Apple Takes Possession of 16 Domain Names from Cyber Squatter

According to The Washington Post, Apple accused Mr. Bijan of using the domains in “bad faith” because they forwarded to pages featuring products that compete with Apple’s products. The domains were registered between 2006 and 2009. A cursory check of a few of the domain names shows that they either fail to connect to a…

CES Highlights: From iLounge Pavilion to 3D Televisions

Next, I was finally off to the main hub of CES: the multi-hall Las Vegas Convention Center. iPod and iPhone products My first stop: the iLounge Pavilion, occupying a moderately-sized section of the North Hall. With over 100 vendors, the Pavilion was billed as “an exhibition of new iPod, iPhone, and Mac hardware and software.”…

CES: Greenpeace: Apple, Sony Ericsson, Nokia Are ‘Top of the Class’

The group gave Apple, Sony Ericsson, and Nokia top grades for having the most products free of the worst hazardous substances, while Samsung, Dell, Lenovo and LG Electronics were dinged for not following through on promises to get toxic chemicals out of their products.Greenpeace also noted that “green credentials” were a common theme at CES,…

Nexus One: Yawn of a New Day?

What he wanna do that for? The avalanche of negative responses was absolutely amazing. People called Fred an Apple shill, a pompous brat, stupid, and it gets worse. According to responders Wired is now resting all cozy in Apple’s pocket, and the iPhone is a “chick phone,” whatever that means.I don’t know Fred Vogelstein. He…

Volcano Combines TiVo, Slingbox, Roku, Remote Control Functionality

Available in regular or Pro versions with 4GB of flash memory or a 250GB hard drive, respectively, Volcano lets users schedule TV recordings remotely and transfer content to their smartphones, either via a 3G cellular network or an 802.11n Wi-Fi connection. Live programming can also be viewed remotely.Volcano connects to the analog output of a…

Microsoft, HP to Debut a Tablet Computer at CES?

The Times’ sources said that Microsoft’s tablet PC could be available by mid-year; it’s expected to be “a multimedia whiz with e-reader and multi-touch functions,” the venerable newspaper said. Unsurprisingly, Microsoft and HP spokespeople declined to comment on the rumors.Times blogger Ashlee Vance also mused: “This product better be good because Apple is expected to…

Quattro Confirms Apple Acquisition

The deal mirrors Google’s earlier purchase of AdMob, a company that offers similar services to Quattro Wireless. It also puts Apple in a better position to manage the in-app ads iPhone, iPod touch, and other smartphone owners see.The company didn’t say how much Apple is paying, but earlier rumors set the price tag at about…

Skype Adds 720p, HDTV Support

Skype goes HDSkype-ready HDTVs from LG and Panasonic will include embedded Skype software that supports Skype-to-Skype voice and video calls, Skype phone calls, Skype voicemail, and voice conference calls. Both companies plan to offer HD Webcam accessories for their televisions.LG will be rolling out its new HDTVs with NetCast Entertainment Access lineup in Spring 2010…

Nokia Takes ITC Complaint to New Lawsuit Against Apple

The new suit is in addition to a an iPhone-related patent infringement lawsuit Nokia filed against Apple in October, where Nokia alleges that Apple violates 10 of its wireless technology-related patents in manufacturing the iPhone. Apple fired back with a countersuit in December with its own patent infringement claims. Nokia responded to Apple’s response with…

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