AAPL Takes Roller Coaster Ride on Jobs Heart Attack Rumor

The original report appeared on the CNN Web site, but was later removed. The information was released as a CNN iReport that said in part “Steve Jobs was rushed to the ER just a few hours ago after suffering a major heart attack. I have an insider who tells me that paramedics were called after…

Serious Problems with Microsoft Ads Analyzed

Microsoft allowed their brand to be diminished, remained quiet for too long, then came out with ineffective, inconsistent ads according to Therese Poletti at MarketWatch on Thursday. Given the current economy, one way for Microsoft to save some money is to just kill the whole campaign. In March, Microsoft hired a rebel but hot ad…

GIMP 2.6 Released, Offers Major Changes to Interface

Gimp.org announced on Wednesday that version 2.6 has been released. The new version was described as an important release and features changes to the user interface that address the most frequent complaints. It also introduces the GEGL graph-based image processing library that will eventually bring high bit-depth and non-destructive editing to GIMP. User interface improvements…

Restrictions on Search and Seizure of Laptops Proposed

The “Travelersi Privacy Protection Act” bill has been introduced in both the U.S. House and Senate. The law seeks to curtail the ability of the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents to demand passwords, search and seize notebook computers and other small digital devices without probable cause. Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI)?introduced S. 3612 along with…

Time to bail?

I kn ow I’m supposed to write here about things having to do with Apple, or at least technology in general. But today, it’s hard to write — or even think — about anything other than the failed bailout plan and the 777 point drop in the Dow. Perhaps I can tie it all together…

Piper Jaffray Says Fear Outweighing Fundamentals for AAPL

Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster said on Monday in a note to investors obtained by TMO, that fear is outweighing fundamental analysis as investors arenit seeing the light at the end of the investment crisis tunnel Mr. Munster wrote: Consumer [spending] is slowing, but Street models reflect the slowdown. Our FY08 Mac unit growth estimate…

Firefox 3.0.3 Fixes Password Issue

On the heels if Firefox 3.0.2 last week, Firefox 3.0.3 was released on Friday and fixes an issue that kept users from retrieving or saving new passwords. The release notes for 3.0.2 detailed the security and stability fixes along with some Mac-specific issues. However, shortly after the release, it was discovered that users were having…

What's in a (Sony vs. Apple) name?

You’ re ready to ditch your old pre-digital TV. You’ve decided to go for a Sony LCD television (a good choice, although I now favor Samsung myself). After much angst, you’ve accepted that fact that 40 inches is the biggest size screen that fits both your room and your wallet. Great! Your work is done.…

YML Tonight: Making A Mint From the iPhone

Your Mac Life (YML), with Shawn King, which airs every Wednesday night, has a “jam packed” show if there ever was one. Mr. King will chat with an iPhone developer whois earned a quarter million dollars so far, a TSA representative on “checkpoint friendly” laptop bags, and Adam Engst who will talk about his new…

Apple to Open Calgary Store on Sept 27

Apple is planning a week long series of events to celebrate the Grand Opening, including free training events and seminars. Shoppers can find the new Apple Store at 3625 Shaganappi Trail North West in Calgary. For a complete list of events, and directions to the Appleis new Market Mall store, visit the Apple Retail Web…

CNET: Key to Windows 7 Success is Geeks

The way to maintain the reputation of an OS is to make it appeal to the resident geeks because they are the ones who make or break its reputation, according to Don Reisinger at CNET on Monday. Microsoft didnit do that with Vista, but Apple did with Mac OS X. The downfall of Vista was…

Microsoft Launches Ad #3: Are You a PC?

Microsoft launched its third in a series of special ads to spruce up the image of Windows on Thursday night. The ad features a selection of cameos, some famous and some not, showing that Windows is used by all kinds of people. The ad opens with a comment by a John Hodgman lookalike, Microsoft employee…

SquirrelFish Extreme Will Offer Amazing Surfing, App Speeds

On Thursday, the Surfini Safari blog announced the next generation Javascript accelerator, SquirrelFish Extreme. Benchmarks show that it is over three times faster than Webkit 3.1. “Just three months ago, we announced SquirrelFish, a major revamp of our JavaScript engine featuring a high-performance bytecode interpreter. Today weid like to announce the next generation of our…

Microsoft to Pull Seinfeld TV Commercials

Valleywag broke the news Wednesday, and Microsoft spokesperson Frank Shaw told the LA Times that the move was planned, despite the appearance that the company is reacting to negative reaction to the ads. According to Mr. Shaw, the Seinfeld portion of the campaign, for which he was reportedly paid some US$10 million, was always intended…

QuickTime 7.5.5 Bug Could be Vector for Attack

A bug in QuickTime 7.5.5 has been discovered which could be exploited for a malicious attack, but right now the risk is characterized as low. The QuickTime tag fails to handle long strings correctly. The bug was announced by Intego on Thursday, but was first discovered by Symantec researcher Aaron Adams. Intego described the exploit…

Steve Jobs Makes Appearance at EU Meeting in Brussels

Steve Jobs was in Brussels on Wednesday to participate in a European Union meeting on the state of music and technology firms in Europe. The meeting was held to discuss how the promise of a “union” in Europe hasnit been completely successful on the Internet. That was the tone presented by EU competition commissioner Neelie…

Today's menu: Podcaster, Pwnage and iPhone security

On t oday’s menu is a trio of comments regarding recent news items: Podcaster and Apple’s “success” Yesterday, the Observer reported that “Apple has rejected an iPhone app, Podcaster, on the basis that it duplicates the functionality of the Podcast section of iTunes. The author is greatly annoyed, as are some other developers and observers.…

Apple Power Corrupts, Absolute Apple Power Corrupts Absolutely

about Appleis policies regarding the App Store and what applications are permissible. While some argue that Apple can do as it pleases to insure its revenue stream, thatis exactly the argument that got Microsoft into trouble. Apple is no longer the underdog in many areas. Itis not fighting the worthy fight to survive and flourish.…

Steve Jobs' Mercedes Sports License-Plate-Free Look

Sharp-eyed photographers have spotted what appears to be a Mercedes that belongs to Steve Jobs outside the Yerba Buena Gardens during last weekis “Letis Rock” event and have noted that it has a bar code instead of a California license plate, according to the iPhone Savior. Immediately after the pictue was posted, a controvery started…

CNBC's Jim Goldman Takes on Newsweek's Dan Lyons

Dan Lyons who formerly wrote as the “Fake Steve Jobs” published a story at Newsweek about how Appleis is becoming just another Microsoft and a “monopolist in training.” The essay struck CNBCis Jim Goldman as odd, so he took a closer look at the issues involved and came to a different conclusion. Mr. Goldman noted…

Macworld Expo 2009 Registration Opens

Macworld Expo includes sessions and classes geared toward Mac, iPod and iPhone users, designers and developers, along with an expo hall where attendees have the opportunity to talk with companies that make Apple compatible products. Attendees can register for the expo and sessions at the Macworld Expo Web site. Pricing varies depending on classes and…