C|Net: Remote Possibilities for Apple

Apple has tackled a lot of consumer products that just havenit been friendly enough for the everyday consumer and made them gems of design, excellence and ease of use. Appleis next move might be the wireless remote control, according to C|Net on Tuesday. For example, Appleis iPod click wheel married two different sets of controls…

Podcast - Mac Geek Gab #152: Have I Been Hacked?

Listen Now: Download: or (AAC coming shortly courtesy of Michael Johnston of iPhoneAlley) Show notes for Mac Geek Gab Podcast For May 12, 2008 Listeners wonder if their Macs have been hacked, and Dave and John talk through the symptoms. After that, it’s off to the mailbag which is chock full of tips and questions…

Apple Settles Power Adapter Suit

Estimates put the number of potentially qualifying Mac owners in the neighborhood of 2.3 million. The agreement earned preliminary approval in the San Jose U.S. District Court on March 24, but is awaiting final approval on September 8. The class action suit claimed that the laptop power adapter “dangerously frays, sparks and prematurely fails to…

Microsoft Dissolves Yahoo Proxy Board

The Redmond-based company had culled a list of potential proxy board members in preparation for a hostile takeover move if it could not reach a buyout agreement with the Internet search and advertising company Yahoo. When the two companies failed to reach an agreement, Microsoft chose to walk away from the table instead of pursuing…

Consumer Reports gets it right (at last)!

Consumer Reports finally gets it right! Consumer Reports may not be the most influential voice in determining which computers are most preferred by the buying public. But it matters. Each year, for the past who knows how many years, the magazine has dutifully provided its assessment of the best and worst in computers. And almost…

Microsoft Resumes Distribution of Windows XP SP3

Microsoft announced on Tuesday that they have resumed the availability of Windows XP SP3 at the Microsoft Download Center. Distribution was halted last week when a last minute incompatibility with Vista SP1 and the Dynamics Retail Management System (RMS) software was discovered. Microsoft has published a hotfix for the RMS issue and advised that it…

Apple's Cash Hoard Rivals Microsoft's

Apple has more cash on hand than Google and IBM and is second only to Microsoft, according to a story at seattlepi on Monday. While Microsoft’s cash has dwindled due to dividends and share buy backs, Apple’s has steadily grown. In fact, Apple has more cash than Hewlett-Packard and Dell combined. The trend, according to…

AmTech Reinstates AAPL Buy Rating, Ups Target Price

Prior to Appleis positive quarterly earnings report, Mr. Wu voiced concerns over how much investors were expecting from the Mac, iPod and iPhone maker. He also expressed concerns over the companyis high valuation and stock volatility. “We overestimated the potential negative reaction on the quarter and in hindsight should have moderated our near-term posture rather…

MacPractice DDS Interfaces with Digital X-ray Equipment

MacPractice announced the immediate availability on Monday of their all Mac interface to PLANMECA Panoramic and Cephalometric digital X-ray equipment and PLANMECA digital sensors via Ethernet. “MacPractice DR is the first fully integrated, digital radiography solution for Mac users, and now it works directly with some of the finest products available to dentists from PLANMECA”…

Apple Cuts 174 Elk Grove Jobs

Of the 174 job cuts, 99 were Internet sales representatives, and 41 were online customer chat positions. Apple said the positions were eliminated because it is moving some of its sales and support functions to its Texas offices. Colliers International research director Garrick Brown called the move “just more bad news for Elk Grove,” and…

BW: Apple Backs into Enterprise Amidst Vista Open Revolt

Since Steve Jobs returned to Apple, Apple has catered to the individual purchaser, people who appreciate what they get for their money. Big business has been a distant second priority. These days, however, several factors have come together to make Macs acceptable in the enterprise: the iPhone, the coolness of Macs, and Microsoftis misstep with…

Returning to U.S. with a Computer Poses Risks for Private Data

A recent ruling by a U.S. Court allows border patrol agents to inspect and search a notebook computer or other digital device without limitation, according to the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). Travelers cannot be forced to divulge the password for encrypted disks, but the computer can still be seized. Travelers and their employers are increasingly…

Steve Jobs No Longer Among Top 10 Paid Tech CEOs

A substantial portion of Mr. Jobsis 2007 earnings came in the form of company stock, which was worth far more than his $1 salary. Mr. Jobs wasnit the only tech name to drop off the top ten list in 2007. Former Yahoo CEO Terry Semel lost his ranking along with his job, and Dell CEO…

Ballmer Still Undecided on Yahoo, Could Raise Bid

Mr. Ballmer presented Yahoo with an ultimatum warning the Internet search company that it must reach a buyout agreement by April 26 or potentially face a hostile take over attempt. Yahoo refused to make a deal with Microsoft claiming that the Redmond-based companyis offer was undervalued. Both companies have been relatively quiet about the buyout…

Talking to yourself on the Web

As i s evident by what you are now viewing, I write blog entries. I also occasionally post reader comments to articles on other sites. Every so often, I wonder how many people actually read this stuff. Not my blog in particular (actually, I can get stats on this from the TMO staff). But blogs…

The XO Laptop

As y ou probably know, the mission of the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) organization is to provide their $200 XO laptop computers to children in the developing world. Back in December, I participated in OLPC’s “Give One Get One” promotion. The deal was that I donate one XO laptop and get to buy one…

Microsoft Could Walk Away from Yahoo Offer

Endpoint Technology Associates analyst Roger Kay thinks that Microsoft now has to sort out complex financial issues, and that dropping its unsolicited Yahoo buyout offer may be one of the companyis options. He noted that CEO Steve Ballmer may be “getting heat from inside.” He added that buying Yahoo would force Microsoft into debt, and…

Parallels: Desktop Product Sales Have Surpassed One Millon

On Thursday, Parallels announced that its Parallels Desktop application for Macs has sold more than one million copies to date. The software was the first product that allows users of Intel Macs to run Windows, Linux, Solaris, and other operating systems simultaneously with Mac OS X. “Parallels Desktop not only broke down the barrier between…

Deferred Revenue for Apple TV and iPhone Climbs Dramatically

Appleis FY08 Q2 earnings report on Wednesday showed that deferred revenue, the so-called subscription accounting, for Apple TV and iPhone is rising dramatically. In September, 2007 Apple reported US$1.391B in deferred revenue, current, for the Apple TV and iPhone. For the current Q2, that has risen to US$2.416B, a 74 percent increase. In September, 2007…