Vista Capable Appeal Upheld, MS Stays in Court

Microsoft filed its request with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals after a U.S. District Court Judge ruled in February that the lawsuit qualified for class-action status. The appeals court upheld the lower courtis ruling on April 21. The lawsuit against Microsoft claimed that the software company deceived customers with its “Vista Capable” program that…

Cramer: Buy Apple & Look for "Conversation", which Mr. Cramer cofounded, reported that Mr. Cramer said the market is grudgingly accepting that the iPhone is here to stay and will continue to be a successful product. He added that the iPhone is "huge, and when we get the next iteration … itis going to be game, set, match." Mr. Cramer also…

IW: "No Macs" in Enterprise no Longer Defensible

The legacy mantra of many IT managers of “no Macs” in their organization is no longer a defensible IT strategy, according to Galen Gruman, executive Editor of InfoWorld on Monday. The change is happening for many reasons, in addition to the fact that employees are demanding them. Primarily, the confluence of some important computing trends…

LockedEnvelope Allows Easy, Encrypted E-mail

Navoty has announced the immediate availability of LockedEnvelope in beta. The system allows users of any e-mail application with any e-mail service on any OS to send an encrypted message to anyone with a simple pass phrase. Creating encrypted e-mail is not extremely difficult. However, when it comes to making everything work with all your…

Apple Modifies Windows Software Updater After Safari Ruckus

In March, it was noticed by Windows users that Apple was using the Apple Software Update program that installs with iTunes to promote the installation of Safari as well. That confused some users and drew criticism for being a deceptive practice. Now Apple has modified the Installer to version 2.1 that clearly displays the difference…

MacWireless Announces 200 Mbps over Household Wiring

According to MacWireless, the Powerline is ideal for: Sharing broadband internet access around the home or office. Connecting networks together. Sharing printers, scanners and other peripherals. Transferring and sharing files between computers. Playing network games – you can even connect your game consoles. “Powerline Networking devices convert data from your computer into a signal that…

NAB From the Inside

Both Apple and Avid bailed on NAB this year, leaving a bitter taste in some people’s mouths, and leaving others wondering if the film and video expo has finally outlived its usefulness. With over 105,000 attendees at the expo it seems there are still plenty of people interested in what goes on at the Vegas…

AAPL Up 3% on Intel-Led Tech Rally

Shares in Apple Inc. traded 3.06% higher during the morning trading session Wednesday. AAPL was trading at $152.92 per share, a gain of $4.54 in the midst of a tech rally led by an upbeat earnings report and guidance from Apple’s chip supplier, Intel. Intel posted a record first quarter for the March quarter, with…

Apple's Market Cap Surpasses Citigroup

In a somewhat interesting development, at least in a macro-economic kind of way, Apple Inc. is now worth more than Citigroup, though it could be argued that technically, Citigroup is now worth less than Apple, as it is Citigroup’s stock losses that has brought about most of the the relative shift in the two company’s…

NAB, Sans Apple and Avid

Avid pulled out of this yearis NAB event late last year, and Apple followed suit in February. Apple claimed that it bowed out because there are more effective ways to spend its advertising dollars. Appleis senior PR manager commented “Often there are better ways to reach our customers. The increasing popularity of our retail stores…

Psystar Changes OpenMac to Open Computer -- Web Site Back Up

The company is still pitching Open Computer directly at potential Mac OS X users who want to buy their hardware at a lower price than Apple charges. Psystar extensively compares its product, which starts at US$399, to Appleis Mac mini, which starts at $599, those said comparisons never mention issues such as size. Open Computer,…

Tom Yager, After a Break from Apple, Reports

Tom Yager has been a strong proponent for and expert reporter on Apple products and technologies for Infoworld. Recently, he took a self-imposed break from Apple hardware to gain some new perspective. Now, heis back and reported on Tuesday that there are some compelling technologies outside the Apple sphere, but heis also found a new…

Apple, Sony Settle Battery Fire Lawsuit in Japan

Apple Japan and Sony have jointly agreed to pay a couple in Japan Y1.3M (US$12,800) after they sued for damages when an Apple computer with a Sony battery caught fire, according to the Kyodo News Agency and reported by Dow Jones. The man suffered burns on his fingers. The lawsuit, filed in July 2007, said…

Making the Switch From Eudora to Apple Mail

Tonya Engst at decided it was finally time to make the switch from Eudora to Apple Mail. She told the story of what happened and what she learned along the way on Sunday. “After months of hemming and hawing, I recently took the plunge and switched from Eudora to Apple Mail,” Ms. Engst wrote.…

Podcast - Apple Weekly Report #122: Apple vs. NY and MS vs. Yahoo

Direct Link: MP3 Version Apple is seeing red over New York’s Green logo, Adobe’s 64-bit apps are coming to Windows first, Final Cut Server finally sees the light of day, iPhones get cheap in Germany. Microsoft’s buyout battle with Yahoo is heating up, and Germany’s iTunes Store now offers more than music. This week’s Quick…

Analyst Sacconaghi Predicts Apple's Q2 Numbers

Apple will come in at slightly higher than consensus revenues at US$6.99B, according to Bernstein Research analyst Toni Sacconaghi who provided his estimates on Friday. In addition, Mr. Sacconaghi put his estimated earnings per share (EPS) at US$1.12, gross margins at 35 percent, higher than Appleis previous guidance of 32 percent thanks to favorable NAND…

Microsoft Retail Stores Would Fail

Rumors are floating around that Microsoft is considering retail stores, like Appleis, to showcase its products. The problem is, thereis nothing to showcase, and while Apple understands the retail store paradigm and has products to back it up, Microsoft does not. This week, BusinessWeek in addition to analysts from Gartner have pointed out that the…

iChat: Chatting Outside the Bubbles

One of the cool little tricks iChat has up its sleeve harkens back to the days when IRC clients ruled the land. If you start a message with “/me” iChat will transmit the message with your name first followed by your text, and it will all land in the chat outside of a chat bubble.…

Signiant Will Announce Apple FCP Support at NAB

Signiant, developer of a major digital media distribution management solution (DMDMS), will announce support for Appleis Final Cut Pro at the NAB show next week. Their system provides global, networked high speed file transfer, security, central management, automation, workflow and media integration. The DMDMS system acts as an additional architectural layer that allows Avid users,…

Yahoo CEO Bashes Microsoft Takeover Threats

Mr. Ballmer stated “If we have not concluded an agreement within the next three weeks, we will be compelled to take our case directly to your shareholders, including the initiation of a proxy contest to elect an alternative slate of directors for the Yahoo board.” Despite the ultimatum, Yahoo doesnit seem to be interested in…

Comcast vs. BitTorrent

The corporate and conservative Comcast has never been a friend of Internet neutrality. The free-wheeling BitTorrent, a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol that rose to prominence in the wake of Napster’s demise, has never been held up as a bastion of ethical use of the Internet. So you should not be surprised to hear that Comcast…

Iomega eGo Portable Hard Drive

As computers continue to become ever more portable, it stands to reason that external hard drives will follow suit. Reliability, versatility and durability are all important in a portable hard drive, and Iomegais eGo offers all three along with good looks, too. The eGo sports a flask-shaped metal shell thatis available in several colors, 160GB…