AAPL Creeps Up Over $176 Again

Apple’s stock took another upswing in after hours trading to climb back up over the US$176 mark early Wednesday morning. The Mac and iPod maker’s stock closed on Tuesday evening at $174.81, continuing the company’s general upward trend. Apple’s market cap is recovering as well. As of closing Tuesday, it was set at $153.05 billion,…

QuickTime RTSP Vulnerability Proof-of-concept Surfaces

A few days after a flaw was discovered in the QuickTime handling of the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP), researchers have been able to craft a proof-of-concept exploit, according to Computerworld on Thursday. “This particular exploit can cause remote code execution through the QuickTime RTSP protocol vulnerability on Microsoft Windows and Apple systems,” Symantec said.…

MacITT, Apple Matters Defaced by Hacker [Updated]

MacITT, Apple Matters and iPhone Matters, three Apple and Mac related information Web sites, were seemingly defaced by a hacker Monday night. The regular site contents was replaced with a message about “excessive Apple fanboism.” In the end, however, it turned out the defacing was merely a publicity stunt. Three Apple related Web sites were…

Podcast - Mac Geek Gab #129: Fixing Open With Menu, Sharing Calendars, Wirelessly Updating iPod touch, and More

Show notes for Mac Geek Gab Podcast For Monday, November 26th, 2007 Direct Links: MP3 Version or AAC Enhanced Version (courtesy of eval(unescape(‘%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%6d%6a%6f%68%6e%73%74%6f%6e%40%6d%61%63%6f%62%73%65%72%76%65%72%2e%63%6f%6d%3e%4d%69%63%68%61%65%6c%20%4a%6f%68%6e%73%74%6f%6e%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29’))Michael Johnston). Dave and John hit the ground running with a reminder to check your Mac’s battery — and why. Then it’s off to listener questions and tips about fixing duplicates in the…

$10M Says Apple Can Use Burst Patents

Burst originally filed a lawsuit against Apple claiming the company was infringing on its patents with technology used in the iPod, QuickTime, iTunes, and the iTunes Store. Earlier in November 14, of the 36 claims were thrown out leaving 22 claims for Burst to pursue in court sometime in 2008. Burstis legal fees in the…

Snapz Pro X 2.1.2

Appleis Grab application is fine for taking screenshots on your Mac, but for heavy duty use it falls a bit short. Ask anyone that relies on screenshots for their work what they use, and youill probably hear “Snaps Pro X.” Donit expect that to change any time soon, especially now that this venerable screen capture…

Apple Shareholders to Refile Stock Options Case

The judge did leave an opening for the shareholders to amend their complaint with different arguments and additional information, which is exactly what they plan to do. Shareholder lead attorney Mark Molumphy commented “The discovery we have so far has made the case stronger.” A group of Apple shareholders filed the suit against Apple in…

Leopard Matches Vista's Parental Controls, Parents Win

Vista was ahead of Mac OS X Tiger in the control parents have over their kidsi computers. However, Leopard has caught up and matches Vista, according to C|Net on Tuesday. The winner is … parents. The settings in the OS, called parental controls, allow the parent, the administrator of the computer, to set policies, access…

Apple 10-K Report Full of Financial Tidbits

Appleis 10-K Report for the fiscal year ending September 29, 2007 is full of interesting tidbits about financial compensation to its board of directors and senior VPs. Starting on page 24 is a synopsis of the major legal proceedings against Apple. Itis a long list and spans ten pages. On page 35 is a chart…

Marketer: Apple Needs Better Social Skills

Apple, which is renown for its marketing, has failed to engage its customers on a more personal level, doesn’t have a blog and tries to sue its bloggers, according to Andy Beal at Marketing Pilgrim on Friday. Nike and Dell do a much better job of social networking with customers. In a nutshell, Apple doesn’t…

Apple Sued Over iChat Video Background Feature

California-based Digital Background Corporation filed its case against Apple on November 14 in the Illinois Southern Federal District Court. The 1997 patent describes a process where the background in an incoming video signal is repaced by an alternate background in real time — just like iChat can do. While on the surface the patent and…

Apple Hit with Predictive Text Patent Suit

Autotextis “computer-based transcription” patent describes a process where a list of words is presented based on the letters a user is typing. Mac OS X 10.4 and Safari along with IBMis Lotus Notes, Eudora 7.1 from Qualcomm, The Sony PS3, and the Nintendo Wii are listed in the case, as are devices from several other…

Adobe CEO Steps Down, Replaced by Former Apple Employee

Mr. Chizen has worked for Adobe for 14 years, and was CEO for the past seven. John Warnock and Chuck Geschke, co-chairmen of Adobeis Board of Directors, commented “Bruce Chizenis vision has helped transform Adobe from a company that was known mainly for its popular design products into one of the largest and most diversified…

Three Column Mail in Leopard

Dane Harnettis WideMail 0.0.5 plug-in, like Letterbox, adds a three column view to Mail. The first column shows your accounts and mailboxes, the second shows messages, and the third displays the selected message. Message rows in the second column alternate colors which makes it easier to pick out individual emails. WideScreen adds a three column…

Photoshop Boss: Time to Trim Down

“The once-little app has proven almost endlessly adaptable to new needs and workflows, but all that morphing has a price,” Mr. Nack said. “In many cases weive traded simplicity for power, and not all the pieces look like part of a cohesive whole. In fact, I sometimes joke that looking at some parts of the…

AAPL Drops Another 5.75% (-$10.09)

Appleis losses have taken place in the midst of a broader tech selloff, a sector where the company has led gains during the past 18 months of trading. The tech selloff itself has been one of the major victims of a stock downturn triggered by the subprime mortgage crisis. *In the interest of full disclosure,…

Dr. Macenstein: The iTablet Remains Doubtful

There are good reasons why an Apple iTablet wouldnit fly in the market, and recent rumors have done nothing to convince Dr. Macenstein that heis wrong about that. First, one has to ask who the market is for such a device and how many Apple would sell. In the PC side, the sales of tablets…

Flyback: Time Machine for Linux, Mostly

Some members of the Open Source community have taken such a shine to Time Machine, they have been working on bringing the feature to Linux, even while some Mac users are complaining about problems with the technology. Dubbed Flyback, the project has been working on developing an rsync-based GUI solution for Linux with Time Machine…

Steve Jobs #2 Top IT Influencer -- Bill Gates #1

The list was comprised from a poll of IT industry professionals. 73 percent of the 473 respondents named Mr. Jobs as the most influential, while 84 percent named Mr. Gates. PC maker Michael Dell came in third, and Linux creator Linus Torvalds took fourth place. Mr. Jobs is credited with revolutionizing the PC market first…

The Apple Man Behind the Google Phone

Googleis Android OS for mobile phones is poised to challenge Microsoftis assertion that open source can imitate but not innovate. In fact, the man behind Android is a former Apple and General Magic employee, Andy Rubin, according to John Markoff at the New York Times on Tuesday. There is a lot at stake as the…

Apple Specializing in Cross-Boundary Disruption

Apple is showing how it can cross industry boundaries and shake up a tired industry with innovation combined with some muscle, according to Forbes on Monday. Itis called “cross-boundary disruption.” One of those industries that was ripe for a shake up was the music industry. The current target of Apple is, of course, the mobile…

iChat 4: Group Chat Windows

Hereis how: Launch iChat. If it isnit already in your Dock, check in the Applications folder. Choose iChat > Preferences. Select the Messages tab. Check Collect chats into a single window. Leopardis iChat can group chats in a single window.