The charity campaign has been organized around Feeding America, which used to be called America’s Second Harvest, a group working to provide food-relief to some 25 million low-income people in the U.S. Microsoft’s ad verbiage says it will donate 8 meals per download, with the fine print stipulating that it’s basically $1.15 per download. IE…
Mark/Space Intros Missing Sync for Palm Pre
The Missing Sync for Palm Pre auto-syncs data when the Pre is close to your Mac, and supports exchanging information with iCal, Address Book and Microsoft Entourage. It also synchronizes music and video from iTunes, ring tones, images from iPhoto, documents and more via USB.The beta version of The Missing Sync for Palm Pre for…
TMO Interviews Neil Ticktin: Secrets of the Print Magazine
TMO: Neil, what’s new in your universe? Ticktin: I do have some interesting things to tell you about the magazine, but first I want to tell you about something very exciting we’re working on. It’s a technology strategy for a school district. We’re helping them out with a plan for all the way from operations…
TMO Interviews Rainer Brockerhoff: From XRay to Quay
TMO: So tell me a bit about Quay. Brockerhoff: Quay works with the Dock in Leopard. Hierarchical menus in the Dock pop up much faster with Quay installed. You also get more options in each item’s menu. You can see things such as application versions, CPU and memory statistics, file size and the number of…
WWDC is Changing Fast, but Traditions Also Carry On
This is my 16th WWDC since 1993. During that time, I’ve only missed one. So I can’t help noticing that some things have changed dramatically — and some not so much, both good and bad. First, it seems that every year, there are fewer and fewer women, by percent, attending WWDC. This year, with 5,200…
Apple to Open Scottsdale Center Store on June 12
Apple is planning a week long series of events to celebrate the Grand Opening, including free training events and seminars. For a complete list of events, and directions to the Apple’s new Scottsdale Quarter store, visit the Apple Retail Web site.
TMO Interviews Parallels: The Best is Yet To Come
We’re here at the St. Regis Hotel in San Francisco with Mr. Belloussov as well as Laura Ciekot with Allison & Partners, the public relations agency that works with Parallels. Serguei Beloussov TMO: How would you characterize the development of Parallels? Beloussov: Well, we have definitely come a long way since we started, but there is…
Why Can't The Competition Out-Apple Apple?
Then I remembered American-based Sandisk CEO Eli Harari recently saying that Apple had won the MP3 player war and saying that, “You can’t out-iPod the iPod,” a statement with which I agree, but it really begs the question of, “Why?” Why is it that no one can seem to do what it is that Apple…
UNIEA Omniverse Universal Tote and Matching Case
The UNIEA Omniverse 13.3-inch Universal Tote and the matching 4 x 6-inch hard drive case are both very attractive and extremely functional. Among the features are a water resistant finish, memory foam to mold around your computer or hard drive, corner stabilizers , and a ventilated base that allows heat to dissipate in the larger…
Analysts Mixed on WWDC Announcements
Barclays Barclays’ Ben Reitzes was pleased with the number and nature of the products Apple announced, which included a new iPhone, updated MacBook Pros, price drops, more details and a release date for iPhone OS 3.0, and an announcement for Snow Leopard’s release. “While the iPhone announcements were expected,” he wrote in a research note…
WWDC TMO Interviews: MRR Software
Mickey Roberson TMO: We’re here with Mickey Roberson in the WWDC dining hall. (I’m using Recorder v 7.1 for the iPhone from Retronyms Software.) Mickey, how did you get started doing a Twitter client? Roberson: When I started doing this a few months ago, I didn’t really like the look of any of the Twitter…
Analyst: WWDC Keynote Mostly as Expected
Along with the iPhone 3G S, Apple announced that the current 8GB iPhone 3G price has dropped to US$99 from $199. “We believe the new lower priced 3G should help stimulate some demand, though we think Apple’s subsidy from operators likely remains unchanged, which would likely impact margins,” Mr. Um said. “However, we continue to…
AAPL Drops Ahead of WWDC Keynote
Apple will likely show off iPhone Software 3.0 and Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) features during the keynote presentation, and many are expecting the company to introduce new iPhone models as well.The World Wide Developers Conference is Apple’s annual week-long gathering for Apple-related hardware and software. Now that the company has pulled out of…
Apple Asks Court to Resume Psystar Case
Psystar’s bankruptcy filing put Apple’s case in northern California temporarily on hold because all legal actions involving the PC maker are automatically stalled while the bankruptcy court begins its proceedings. Apple’s Motion for Relief from the stay, if granted, would help minimize lost time while waiting for the bankruptcy case to run its course.Apparently some…
Report: Steve Jobs On Track to Return to Apple End of June
According to this source, Mr. Jobs’s recovery “is coming along.” More importantly to Apple observers, he is on schedule to return to work at the end of June, which would be the end of the six-month leave of absence time frame he announced shortly before Macworld in January of this year. “He was one real…
Bluetooth Could Be Big At WWDC
Snow Leopard The latest iteration of Apple’s UNIX-based OS is primarily focused on squeezing the best possible performance out of your Mac. So there won’t be a truckload of new features. In fact, I’d suspect that some features will be missing, the most obvious of which may be the lack of support for PowerPC based…
Fifth Avenue Apple Store Rakes in $440 Million Per Year
For those working out the numbers in their head, if the Post’s numbers are correct, the Fifth Avenue Apple Store is bringing in an average of $1.2 million in sales each and every day, numbers the Post referred to as “mind-boggling.” In the March quarter of 2009, Apple’s planet-wide Apple Store retail sales clocked in…
WWDC Predictions: Who Cares?
Yes, it is hugely important for Apple to communicate (in a small, controlled way) with the people who develop software and hardware for the Mac platform, for developers to communicate their needs and wants to Apple (whether Apple listens or not is a whole different column) and, to a smaller extent, to the Macintosh user…
A TMO iTunes Video Mystery Solved
By now, the word has gotten out that on new MacBooks, MacBook Pros and Mac mini with DisplayPort protected video content, typically HD TV shows and movies, purchased in iTunes need an HDCP compliant display. The easiest way to achieve that with the new Apple LED Cinema Display (24-inch). It also has DisplayPort and is…
WWDC 09 Banner Pics Hit the Web
Adam Jackson managed to snap a few shots through the lobby windows at the Moscone West building in San Francisco where the annual conference for developers will be held next week. The images are available on his Flickr Web page.Image from Adam Jackson’s Flickr page.Along with iPhone app-related banners, Apple is also adorning the outside…
Hey Microsoft, Pick One Thing to Copy & Stick With It
Features like MovieMaker have been me-too additions to Windows desperately intended to match iLife features. Zune was an iPod-wannabe. The Zune Marketplace was an App Store gambit. And on and on. This is all old stuff, but there’s one area where I think Microsoft would be best-served by picking one thing (to copy) and sticking…
North Carolina Approves Apple Tax Break
Even though the state isn’t officially saying that the tax breaks are aimed at Apple, word has leaked out from the government that the legislation is aimed squarely at drawing the Mac and iPod maker’s new server farm into the state.The deal could amount to about $46 million in tax savings for Apple, but the…
Microsoft's Bing Will Help Push Search Engine Advancements
It’s not that I expect Bing to be a better search engine than Google, or even that Microsoft has any real shot at making Bing be better than Google — but I think Bing has a shot at being better than Yahoo!, and it’s this sort of competition that will push Google and other competitors…
Rebuttal: Apple is Already Selling a Netbook
The logic I used to forecast an Apple netbook, MacNetBook, is that it’s a growing market that Apple can’t afford to ignore. It is illogical to argue that if Asus, Acer and MSI can make some money on a US$250 netbook that Apple cannot make money on a $699, 10-inch MacNetBook. I’ll go even further…