Building Websites with Mambo

There are scads of amazing technologies available to help you build a better Web site. The problem lies in finding the right tools for your needs, and then learning how to use those tools. For users interested in Joomla!, formerly known as Mambo, Building Websites with Mambo A step by step tutorial from Packt Publishing…

Apple Acknowledges Windows Virus in Some Video iPods [UPDATED]

“Far less than one percent” of the video iPods Apple shipped after Sept. 12, 2006 contain a Windows virus known as RavMonE.exe, the company acknowledged on Tuesday. Greg Joswiak, Apple’s vice-president of worldwide iPod marketing, cited that statistic in a conversation with Playlist, adding: “So far we have seen less than 25 reports … The…

Very Odd Games

The games weire talking about donit necessarily have to have stellar graphics; a stick figure can be made just as engaging as a highly detailed, gun-toting alien if its done right. And doing it right, not just once, but more times than you shake a sore joystick thumb at is the subject of this installment…

Apple Buys FinalTouch Software Maker Silicon Color

Silicon Coloris products are aimed at digital video editors who work with Macs–the companyis Web site touts their use by The Discovery Channel, as well as the creators of promos for the movie X-Men 3: The Last Stand. A MacCentral reader speculated that Apple will likely roll the technology into Final Cut Pro and could…

AppZapper 1.7 Adds Application Exporting

In theory, uninstalling applications in Mac OS X should be as simple as a drag-and-drop to the Trash. Unfortunately, the reality is that some application components, like preferences and other support files, may get left behind to take up unnecessary hard drive space. AppZapperis goal is to help you root out and remove applications and…

HP Computers First to Receive Intel Quad-Core Chips

Hewlett-Packard workstations due to be introduced on Nov. 13 will run on Intel’s new quad-core processors, dubbed Xeon 5300, according to IDG News. Rival AMD, which is wrapping up its purchase of graphics card maker ATI, isn’t expected to launch quad-core processors before the middle of next year. Reporter Ben Ames noted that AMD claims…

Consumer Reports: 'iPods Rule, But Consider Other Brands'

Consumer Reports has released the results of a July survey it conducted on MP3 players, which the magazine combined with feedback from its own testing and reporting, concluding that despite the iPod’s dominance, it “has its flaws.” Of course, the magazine acknowledged that its survey didn’t include comments on the new iPods Apple introduced last…

Redline: Virtual Racing w/Fast Cars

Redline: Virtual Racing w/Fast Cars In this episode, allow me to introduce you to an enjoyable game/simulation that won’t do anything to improve your productivity, sex life, or looks, but is inexpensive, fun, and worth trying. It’s called Redline and it’s Ambrosia Software’s excellent new race car simulation/game. I’m a sucker for fast cars. I…

Intel Sued Over Chip Patents

On Wednesday, Intel was sued by Transmeta, which said that the semiconductor giant violated ten of its processor design and power efficiency techniques patents. According to IDG News, Transmeta listed Intel’s Pentium III, Pentium 4, Pentium M, Core, and Core 2 processors as those in violation; it asked for an injunction keeping the company from…

Eudora to Become Open Source

QUALCOMM announced on Wednesday that it is halting the development of the Eudora email client and is now working with the Mozilla Foundation to turn it into an open source project. Future versions of Eudora will be based on the same technology platform as the Mozilla Thunderbird email client. QUALCOMM states that the open source…

Razer Pro|Click v1.6 Mouse

Some Mac users need the highest level of precision out of their pointing devices, whether thatis a mouse, trackball, or graphics tablet, and thatis exactly what Razer is aiming for with its Pro|Click v1.6 optical mouse. The Pro|Click v1.6 is a 1600 dpi six-button mouse with a scroll wheel and USB interface. Each button and…

Hidden Dimensions - Apple, Microsoft and the War Mentality

"…the hardest thing to do is change an organization that’s been around a long time, has thousands of workers and has a set corporate culture and way of doing things. Even if the employees know intuitively that the government is bloated and archaic, very few would vote to slim down and flatten out the organization.…

Analyst: No More Studios on iTunes Before Holidays

Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster on Tuesday said that recent meetings with four of the six major film studios revealed that they likely wonit be adding their movies to iTunes before the holidays because of fear over retaliation by big retailers, as well as issues with content protection and pricing. He wrote: “Our checks lead…

Ultra-Cord Cable Kit for Road Warriors

Iive always carried a bag filled with a variety of different cables in a backpack with my PowerBook. This “bag oi tricks” used to be a disorganized, tangled mess, so when I saw an ad for a 13-piece cable and connector kit in an in-flight magazine I knew I had to have it. It contained…

Google Acquires YouTube For $1.65 Billion in Stock

Google on Monday announced the acquisition of YouTube for US$1.65 billion in stock. The company said in a press release: “Following the acquisition, YouTube will operate independently to preserve its successful brand and passionate community. YouTube will continue to be based in San Bruno, CA, and all YouTube employees will remain with the company. With…

Digital Foci Memory Card Gateway

At first glance, the Memory Card Gateway from Digital Foci seems like just another unassuming memory card reader. As it turns out, its diminutive case packs more than I expected to find. The Memory Card Gateway is a multi-format card reader that supports a long list of card types. The full list of cards includes…

Google May Buy YouTube

Internet search giant Google reported to be is in negotiations to acquire the streaming video site YouTube. According to The Wall Street Journal, the deal will cost Google about US$1.6 billion, but talks are still in early stages and could fall apart. YouTube offers a community site that lets users upload their own videos for…

Former Apple CFO Fred Anderson Profiled

The San Francisco Chronicle on Thursday published an overview of former Apple CFO Fred Anderson’s career. He joined the company’s board of directors in 2004, after stepping down, but on Wednesday he resigned that post in the wake of Apple’s investigation into improperly backdated stock option grants, all of which occurred during his tenure as…

Open Source Extends a Classic - Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

Other times, the effort works out. Bugs are fixed and the collective effort brings about some amazing new features. The open source community makes a great thing that much better. When I first downloaded the multiplayer demo of Return to Castle Wolfenstein for the Mac several years ago, I was blown away. Even with only…

Analyst: Apple Options Disclosure a Positive Step

Mr. Wu stated “While details such as the amount of non-cash charges have yet to be disclosed, we nevertheless view Appleis latest disclosures a positive in that we believe we are one step and perhaps two or three steps closer in reaching a resolution on its options investigation.” Apple has been conducting its own internal…

Analyst: Minimal Impact Seen From Stock Options Probe

Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster on Thursday weighed in on Appleis stock options probe, noting that while the 15 impacted option grants was more than he had expected, he sees minimal financial impact. He wrote: “Apple will take a non-cash charge for options related compensation expense. In addition Apple will pay back taxes, which we…

AVIATOR Laptop Stand

Airline trays, coffee shop tables, and hotel room desks… all places that your Mac laptop sits, but just doesnit feel great. The AVIATOR Laptop Stand from Keynamics aims to bring a little bit of comfort back to your portable computing experience. The AVIATOR lifts your laptop up and off of the desk or airline tray…