Companies are allowed to run power generators without risk of being fined in cases of emergency or for maintenance under the district regulations. Apple, however, was operating its generators for other unspecified purposes. The district imposes the fines to help enforce the local air quality standard regulations. Larry Greene, district executive director, commented “When a…
Intel Previews Penryn Performance
Intel has provided some projected performance numbers for their new Penryn processor. The projections were provided at the Intel Developer Forum in Beijing. Pat Gelsinger, senior vice present and general manager of the Digital Enterprise Group, provided the performance estimates. “For desktop PCs,” he said “expect increases of about 15 percent for imaging-related applications; 25…
Apple Announces Final Cut Studio 2, Introduces Color
Final Cut Studio 2
Apple Files Annual Salary Report
COO Tim Cook received a salary of $696,880, a $525,000 bonus, and restricted stock valued at $21.6 million. Senior VP of Retail, Ronald Johnson was paid $592,476, earned a $450,000 bonus and was awarded $14.4 million in restricted stock. The company also received several shareholder proposals including a request for the election of seven members…
Delay Is OK
Why? Because Apple announced that they are delaying the release of its much anticipated OS X upgrade, Leopard, until October 2007. Did you feel that? Even when I mention the new release date I can detect a subtle shift in the Earthis gravitational field. Iim being ridiculously melodramatic, of course, but if you listen to…
Adobe InDesign User Group Comes to Denver
The meeting will be hosted by Erica Gamet, InDesign trainer and contributing writer for InDesign Magazine and Design Tools Monthly, and Brian Reyman, Adobe Certified Expert and Content Development Manager at Aimco. The meeting is free and is scheduled for Tuesday, April 24 at the Front Range Community College Westminster Campus. It will run from…
Apple Says Leopard Delayed Until October
Apple released a statment on Thursday saying that Mac OS X 10.5, Leopard, will be delayed until October 2007. The company cited resources that had been diverted away from Mac OS X to complete iPhone as the cause of the delay. “iPhone has already passed several of its required certification tests and is on schedule…
Google Desktop beta 1
Why, oh, why do we need another application to search the contents of our Macs? Because not everyone uses search tools in the same way, and not all search tools work the way we want. Now Google is taking a stab at bringing its Google Desktop search application to the Mac, and even though this…
Iconix Introduces I/O, Remote Package for its HD Camera
has introduced a digital I/O package and remote control system for its HD-RH1, a POV High Definition video camera. “We are very pleased to be able to introduce the digital I/O package and remote control system upgrades so soon after shipping our first cameras,” said Wayne Upton, CTO, Iconix Video. “The HD-RH1 is a high-performance…
The Financial Cost of Security Breaches
A security breach can cost a company anywhere from $90 to $305 per lost record, according to Forrester Research. Forrester based its numbers on a survey of 28 companies that had a data breach. The Register reported the results on Thursday but expressed some skepticism. “Senior analyst Khalid Kark describes its figures from costs as…
24-inch LED Backlit LCD Coming from Samsung
Samsung has announced a 24-inch (60 cm) LED backlit LCD display with 180 degree viewing and near perfect light uniformity, according to DailyTech. “As notebooks become thinner, the need for LED-backlit screens become more important as they take up far less space and requires less power,” the author reported. “The same is true for desktop…
Podcast - Mac Geek Gab #99: Sending Mail From Remote, Resetting Routers, Home Wiring
Show notes for TMO To Go: Mac Geek Gab For Tuesday, April 9, 2007 Direct Links: MP3 Version or AAC Enhanced Version (coming soon courtesy of eval(unescape(‘%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%6d%6a%6f%68%6e%73%74%6f%6e%40%6d%61%63%6f%62%73%65%72%76%65%72%2e%63%6f%6d%3e%4d%69%63%68%61%65%6c%20%4a%6f%68%6e%73%74%6f%6e%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29’))Michael Johnston). 99 episodes later, John and Dave are still at it, answering your questions and bantering away about all things Mac. Today, the geeks get into sending e-mail…
Analyst: Teens Hot for iPod, iPhone
Based on the survey results, the iPod is the preferred portable media player among teens. 78 percent of high school students own a portable media player, and of those 82 percent are iPods. Sony comes in second at about 4 percent. “We believe that the teen demographic is a critical component of long-term growth in…
Podcast - Apple Report: Down with DRM!
Direct Link: MP3 Version Visit our sponsor, to get a free audiobook! The wall of DRM that surround digital downloads showed its first real cracks this week, and TMO’s Chief DRM Antagonist and Editor Bryan Chaffin returns to the Context Machine to talk about it. Why now, and why like this? How will Apple…
Iconfactory Releases iPulse 2.1.8
The Iconfactory released an update to its Mac OX X monitoring utility, iPulse version 2.1.8 on Thursday. The new version “fixes several bugs including reporting process information, properly displaying network statistics when disconnecting from a VPN, and localization. In addition, in the “strange coincidence” department, iPulse now supports CPU reporting on Macs with up to…
Mossberg Loathes Plethora of PC Craplets
Buying a new computer should be a pleasure, aside from configuring user options and transferring files. However, the boatload of adware and trialware on a new Vista PC, craplets, was a severe annoyance, according to Walt Mossberg of the Wall Street Journal on Thursday [Subscription required]. Setting up the desktop and playing with the cool…
WiFi WEP Security Even Worse, Steer Clear
Mathematicians have long known about the flaws in the RC4 key scheduling algorithm in the WEP WiFi Protocol, but in practice, it has required several minutes to break the key. Now, that time is down to 3 seconds, according to German researchers and reported by Computerworld on Wednesday. Erik Tews, a researcher in the computer…
The Real "Three Screen" Opportunity
The wireless industry is enamored with the Three Screen Opportunity, advertising on the TV, computer and mobile phone. However, in terms of actually capitalizing on those three screens, Apple may be in the best position, according to The Macintosh, the Apple TV, and the iPhone comprise the core of those three screens, and while…
EMI/Apple Conference Live Coverage
EMI CEO Eric Nicoli and Apple CEO Steve Jobs are making a joint announcement in London this morning. Check here for the highlights live as it happens. All times listed EDT 8:15am – Nicoli says this furthers their quest to provide consumers with “the best possible digital music experience.” Then straight into two tunes (thus…
MacResearch Solicits Feedback from Scientists has solicited feedback from scientists on the issues, requests and needs that scientists using Apple products have on the platform. This information will be provided to Apple. Representatives from and its sister organizations will be meeting with Apple on April 4th, and they have requested that scientists who have feedback or questions fill…
Apple CEO: Where's the Beef
The move comes as a shock to vegans and vegitarians throughout the central California region. Greenpeace representatives fear this may be just the beginning, and began speculating that Mr. Jobs will eventually reveal that he drives a Hummer fueled by cute small animals with big teardrop eyes. Other experts have already begun to analyze Mr.…
Just A Thought - 50 iPod Uses
Got an iPod? Maybe the better question would be; why don’t you have an iPod? iPods are more than this decade’s WalkMan (a fact that keeps Sony execs sucking down Mylanta faster than you can say “Wasabi!!”), and certainly not a fad, as some other computer maker — who shall remain nameless (but his name…
Audioengine5 Desktop Speakers
Weive already reviewed the Audioengine5 speaker set at as an iPod companion, but these speakers are so good, they also need to be reviewed as desktop monitors. When it comes to listening to and recording music, there are no other speakers in this price range that come close to the clarity and balance offered…
Living Without Safari Week 4: Camino
After spending a week with Opera, which was obviously punishment for some horrible transgression I committed in a past life, I was ready to move onto anything. As it turns out, I found Camino to be a capable browser. I didnit really get excited using it, but at least it wasnit Opera. Week 3: Camino…