Production MySQL Management with Navicat 2004

A bridge was constructed between the existing Apple user community and open source when OS X was released. It has not only helped migrate traditional Mac users to OS X, but also has generated a Switcher group of developers accustomed to working either from a UNIX variant or Windows-based workstation. MySQL has clearly become one…

Seattle Times Compares Apple and Google to Microsoft "of Old"

I n a sign of the ever-changing times, the Seattle Times has published an editorial by Paul Andrews that compares both Apple and Google to not only Microsoft, but the Microsoft "of old." Mr. Andrew looks at Appleis successful iPod and Googleis successful Internet and desktop search platforms, and wonders how it is that Microsoft…

iRiver-Maker Unveils Hard Disk MP3 Player

< a href="">ReignCom Co., makers of the iRiver line of digital music devices, has announced its first hard disk-based MP3 player digital media device, in what it hopes will be its first big attack to steal away sales from Apple Computeris iPod, The Korea Herald reports. The iRiver H10 is built around a 5-gigabyte (GB)…

Apple Sues Three For 'Tiger' Posting on Web (UPDATE)

Apple Computer has filed suit against three individuals it alledges posted illegal test versions of its next version of Mac OS X, code-named “Tiger”, it was reported Tuesday. The Reuters news agency reported (link attribution: MacMinute) the three unidenitifed men, members of Apple Developer Connection, posted copies of the operating system on the Internet on…

Just a Thought - Geekier

Taped to my desk at work, there use to be a copy of an ad I found somewhere a long time ago. The ad claimed that Linux was 33% geekier than Windows; it had charts and graphs that showed that Linux was, indeed, 33% geekier. That ad isn’t there anymore, I moved to a different…

Baltimore Sun Names iPod mini This Year's "Must-Have" Gift

T he Baltimore Sun has added to the coverage Appleis iPod is getting. Naming the iPod mini, in particular, as this yearis "must-have" gift, the article looks at how hard the mini has become to find. "From New York to San Francisco, there are reports of shoppers entering Apple and other retail stores seeking the…

Just a Thought - Geekier

Taped to my desk at work, there use to be a copy of an ad I found somewhere a long time ago. The ad claimed that Linux was 33% geekier than Windows; it had charts and graphs that showed that Linux was, indeed, 33% geekier. That ad isn’t there anymore, I moved to a different…

TMO Exclusive - Apple Subpoenas Mac Rumor Sites Over Audio Product

A California Superior Court has granted a request by Apple Computer to serve subpoenas on three Mac rumor Web sites seeking information on who leaked facts about an un-announced audio hardware product code named “Asteroid” or “Q97”, court documents obtained Monday by The Mac Observer showed. Apple’s seven-page civil complaint, filed with the Santa Clara…

December 12-18: Apple Goes Public, 1984 Airs

You can find more information on many of the entries below in Owen Linzmayer’s excellent Apple Confidential 2.0. The other entries can be found in TMO’s archives, and we link to articles whenever we can.1981: December 12-18 1980: Underwriters Morgan Stanley and Hambrecht & Quist take Apple Computer public in the largest IPO since Ford…

Frameline - HD Marketing: Getting Too Gimmicky?

While I will be the first to admit to jumping on the High-Definition bandwagon recently, it has occurred to me that the term HD is becoming a rampant buzzword that is being thrown around like a magic term to describe the Holy Grail of digital cinema and television. Granted, HD does look spectacular, and using…

California Fruit-Sellers: "Would You Like iTunes with That?"

The California Tree Fruit Agreement, the entity responsible for marketing California produce, will begin a new promotion using Apple’s iTunes Music Store. Buyers of California produce, including nectarines, plums, and peaches, will earn free iTMS downloads. The Sacremento Bee reports, “The number of songs to be given away — they usually cost 99 cents –…

Jim Lehrer News Hour Examines Apple

The News Hour with Jim Lehrer, the flagship news program for PBS, has broadcast a story examining Apple. The show, which was first aired Friday, December 10th, looks at all the usual suspects for Apple’s current prospects, including the company’s success with the iTunes Music Store and iPod, as well as Apple’s market share in…

IDG Plans Gaming Pavillion at Macworld SF

In addition to the exhibits, the Games Pavilion will feature a wide selection of games showcased in G5-equipped arcade. Titles include Doom 3, World of Warcraft, Myst IV, Call of Duty: United Offensive, Rise of Nations, Halo, and Unreal Tournament 2004. The Pavillion will also house a PowerMac G5-based tournament area for multiplayer gaming. For…

TMO Reports - ATR Urges 'Buy' of Apple; Targets $78 Price

American Technology Research analyst Shaw Wu has initiated coverage of Apple Computer (AAPL) with a ‘buy’ recommendation, and a 12-month target of US$78 per share. The firm cited Apple’s growing iPod success and the oft-mentioned iPod ‘Halo Effect’ that could boost Mac sales as reasons for optimism. “We believe (Apple) is well-positioned to capitalize on…

Apple Employee Spouse Protests Long Work Hours

It wasn’t much of a protest, but it did turn heads. The San Jose Mercury News reports Monday a recent weekend impromptu protest by an unidentified Apple employee’s husband who demonstrated his furstration about the overtime hours he said his wife was required to work at Apple. Michael Gough drove his car around the Apple…

Apple Developer Connection Posts Dashboard Tutorial

T he Apple Developer Connection has posted a detailed tutorial for making Dashboard Widgets. The tutorial comes a couple of days after Apple announced a contest that will give a free iPod to a developer who makes the best Widget. Dashboard is one of the flagship features of Mac OS X 10.4, Tiger, which is…

It's A Quick Life!

W e live in a high-tech, high speed world where everything is abbreviated to accommodate our constantly shrinking attention spans. News is segmented in sound bites lasting only so many seconds, the rides at Disney, while fun, last barely a New York minute, and movie makers often opt for more bang in less time, rather…

Steve Jobs Finalist for CBS Marketwatch CEO of the Year

A pple CEO Steve Jobs was on the short list for CBS Marketwatchis CEO of the Year, though he lost out in the end to Legg Mason CEO Raymond Mason. The financial publication has published a look at Mr. Jobs successes at both Apple and Pixar during the last year, with the emphasis being on…

A Cool Waste Of Time - It's A Quick Life!

We live in a high-tech, high speed world where everything is abbreviated to accommodate our constantly shrinking attention spans. News is segmented in sound bites lasting only so many seconds, the rides at Disney, while fun, last barely a New York minute, and movie makers often opt for more bang in less time, rather than…

Frameline - DV To 35mm Film Blowup with the Panasonic DVX100A

I recently completed a short film as Director of Photography using the Panasonic DVX100A with the intention of blowing up the image to 35mm film for festival releases, and thought I might impart some insight into the recommended settings for such transfers. The short film, titled Oh My God, has recently been selected in the…

Dr. Mac: Rants & Raves - Convenience is my Middle Name...

Convenience isn’t really my middle name, but it should have been. I love for things to be convenient, and I love convenient things. It’s not uncommon for me to spend half a day tinkering with a macro or script or utility or whatever, hoping to make some repetitive task just a wee bit easier and…