TMO Reports - Earnings Conference Notes: Retail Good; Q1 Outlook Bright

Aside from the main headlines of Apple’s stronger-than-expected earnings, the announcement of six mini retail stores and Hewlett-Packard selling over 100,000 iPods, a number of other important pieces of news came out of the analyst conference call on Wednesday. Here is a short synopsis of other interesting developments: Apple’s total direct revenue through online and…

TMO Reports - G5 Supply Delays Still Affecting iMac, Power Mac Sales

Consumers wanting G5-based Macs may have to wait a while as supplies of G5 processors from IBM continue to fall behind demand. In a conference call with Wall Street analysts, Apple said Wednesday that inventories were getting better, but that it didn’t expect supply to meet demand until sometime this quarter. Apple sold 229,000 iMacs…

HP Sells 121,000 iPods (UPDATED)

HP introduced the Apple iPod by HP in late August, making for approximately one month of real sales, making the results impressive as HP ramped up its distribution during that time. While declining to comment on the details of HPis rollout, Tim Cook, Executive Vice President – Worldwide Sales and Operations, noted that another benefit…

QuickerTek Boosts PowerBook Whip Antenna Signal Strength

The company says the new design of the WhipPro more than doubles signal strength, offering a 5.5dbi gain signal strength for both the Titanium and Aluminum PowerBooks. Users can expect both a gain the wireless range and in the signal-to-noise ratio, the company said. In addition, the new design offers a new attach/removal method to…

MacWireless Releases New Antenna Boosters

Weive been very busy here in the MacWireless offices preparing new products for release, and we are pleased to have arrived at launch-time for a couple of products that we are excited about. If you are looking to expand the existing wireless coverage of your AirPort base station, wireless router or wireless card, the 11g…

Service Pack 1 for Office 2004 Fixes Security, Bug Issues

Microsoft said the update is the largely the result of customer feedback in identifying a variety of problems. “Our customers who use Office for Mac every day are a valuable resource because they put the product to the test in real-life scenarios that expand on our experiences in the lab,” said Scott Erickson, group product…

M-Audio Releases Two New Virtual Instruments: Darbuka and Latigo

M-Audio has released two new virtual instruments for the Mac, Darbuka and Latigo. The two new instrument packages focus on the percussive, with Darbuka specifically aiming for a "Middle Eastern" sound, and Latigo catering to Latin American sounds. Both products were developed by Wizoo, and are being distributed by M-Audio: From M-Audio: Darbuka and Latigo…

Music Labels Pressuring for Common Download Standard, Report Says

Jay Berman, the chairman of global trade body the International Federation of Phonographic Industries, (IFPI) told the paper music labels have come together to put pressure on technology companies to establish a common standard for downloads. He admitted discussions with the IFPI and the Recording Industry Association of America have begun to work towards a…

First Albany Rates AAPL a 'Buy'; Raises Target to US$44 (UPDATED)

First Albany Capital has issued a ‘Buy’ rating for Apple’s stock, raising its target from US$35 to $44, saying the company is likely to report its fiscal fourth quarter earnings per share one cent ahead of the industry concensus of 18 cents. Analyst Joel Wagonfeld told clients in a report obtained by The Mac Observer,…

Australian IT: Windows Desktop Stranglehold Slipping

David Frith has penned an editorial for Australian IT that rounds up all the recent trends away from Windows and towards the Mac. From those trends, he concludes that Windows security issues and the strength of Apple’s iPod has put a chink in the armor of the Windows dominance of the computing world. From the…

Analyst 'Teen Tour' Shows iPod Dominating Music Player Market

Of those surveyed, 16% said they currently owned an iPod product. 25% said they planned on buying one by years end. Of the most wanted Christmas gift this year, an iPod ranked fourth behind clothes, money, and a car. 32% of the polled students were looking to buy a portable digital audio player within 12…

Apple Drops Law Firm as Beatles Lawsuit Drags On, Report Says

T he London Evening Standard reported Tuesday that Apple Computer has dropped the law firm Linklaters in its legal dispute with the Beatlesi record label Apple Corps after the firm reportedly recommended the Mac maker settle for US$36.65 million, far higher than raised Apple wanted. It now appears the dismissal of Linklaters will further delay…

HD Production: 24 Days in the Valley, Part II

24 Days In The Valley: The Life And Times Of An HD Production In South Texas In part I of this series, I introduced you to the set of a narrative feature I shot in the Rio Grande Valley in south Texas called Harvest Of Redemption. It’s rough country that presents plenty of challenges to…

AFS Announces Apple Production Suite Demo Today

Nowhere will you get more "bang for the buck" than with Motion and Appleis new Production Suite. Join Apple Product Manager Sam Loy and the Pro-Tape Systems staff in taking a FREE introductory look at the new Production Suite, which includes Final Cut Pro HD, DVD Studio Pro 3.0 and the all-new Motion software. See…

BusinessWeek Report: "Apple Is Looking Juicier"

Peter Burrows of BusinessWeek reports today that "Apple is looking juicier." According to the article, Apple is poised for growth, the iPod halo-affect is finally kicking in, and the iMac G5 could be a driver for increased market share. These factors could give Apple a significant boost in terms of revenue, profits, and the company’s…

BusinessWeek Digs Into Apple/Beatles Lawsuit

BusinessWeek’s Alex Salkever has dug into the Apple Corps. vs. Apple Computer lawsuit, and his research says that a huge victory and large settlement for The Beatles is unlikely. He bases some of his opinion on language from the two entities’ previous agreement from the early 1990s, and in part on analysis of that language…

TMO Reports - .Mac Bumps Mail, iDisk Storage to 250MB

Apple Computer increased the combined storage of its .Mac e-mail and iDisk services to 250 megabytes on Wednesday, following a trend by Yahoo and Google in recent months to increase storage capacity of free and fee-based Web-based e-mail and storage services. The default storage for e-mail will now be 125MB, but users can configure their…

Air France Adds iPod mini Promotion

Travel must be completed by January 15, 2005. Additional restrictions apply. Once travel is completed, passengers mail their information to an Air France address and will recieve an iPod mini within six to ten weeks. Air France is a major global airline with service to more than 198 cities in more than 83 countries. The…

Adobe Proposes New Universal Photo Format

Adobe Systems announced Monday a new format for digital photos that offers higher-quality, raw images in the hopes more digital camera makers and software companies will support the new standard. Adobe is proposing that its new Digital Negative Specification, or DNG, become a universal standard for a raw format to save digital images. With DNG,…

Adobe Updates Photoshop CS Plug-In; Supports Added Cameras

The Camera Raw 2.3 Plug-in builds on the raw file functionality already available in Photoshop CS, adding new support for the latest digital cameras from leading manufacturers, such as Canon, Epson, Fujifilm, and Nikon. The new plug-in is a free download from Adobeis Web site. The new cameras supported by the Camera Raw 2.3 Plug-in…