Cagey Apple Sold 138,000 mini's in Q2, Analyst Believes

Using Appleis own data, Piper Jaffray & Co. analyst Gene Munster came to his conclusion based on the total number of flat panel iMacs, eMacs and Mac miniis sold, the total revenue of the group and the approximate average selling price of each model. With only 69 days to sell the Mac mini in the…

TMO Reports - ATR Analyst Downgrades AAPL to Hold

American Technology Research (ATR) analyst Shaw Wu downgraded Apple Computer to a ‘Hold’ Thursday morning. While acknowledging Apple Computer’s fundamental strength, Mr. Wu told his clients that Apple’s slowing top-line growth, or revenue growth, and the high expectations that investors have had for the company give him concern going forward. Mr. Wu’s comment emphasized investor…

Jupiter's David Card: 'Apple is in Great Shape' in MP3 Player Market

During the audio interview, Mr. Card noted that “Apple is in great shape [in the MP3 player market]. Theyive built two or three great products and continue to innovate. Theyive also been aggressive on pricing and have really nailed the sweet spot of the market.” Mr. OiDay compared the iPod phenomenon with the success Sony…

Music Groups to Sue Students Over Downloads

The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) said Tuesday students at colleges and universities have been using the high-speed Internet2 research and academic network to illegally share music and movies with others worldwide. Calling the trend an “emerging epidemic” that is hurting sales and revenues, RIAA President…

Microsoft Working With Apple on Office, VPC Compatability

In a prepared statement provided to The Mac Observer, the company said Office 2004 will work with Appleis Spotlight search feature and will index Word, Excel and PowerPoint formats. The company did not provide additional details of other features that will work with Tiger. “Support for additional features such as sync services will be enabled…

TMO Reports - First Albany Raises Revenue & Earnings Estimates for Apple

Wall Street securities firm First Albany Capital has raised its revenue and earnings estimates for Apple Computer for the just completed March quarter. In a research note to clients obtained by The Mac Observer, analyst Joel Wagonfeld raised his revenue estimates by US$200 million to $3.5 billion for the quarter, with earnings per share of…

Congress Considers Music File Standard; Apple Shuns Hearing

During a hearing to discuss mandating interoperability standards between competing music platforms, the House Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property heard from a variety of industry experts, all of whom concluded that legislation would not be the answer and that the industry needs to find an answer that still furthers competition. Representatives of…

iPod Leaves Sony Struggling to Rebuild Brand in Japan

< A href="">Sonyis biggest priority in Japan is rebuilding its brand, thanks to the smash success of iPod in that country, according to an article published by Marketwatch. The company has begun a marketing campaign to achieve this, and company executives see 2005 as the turning point around which the market will continue to evolve.…

It's a Blogger/RSS Reader/Browser/Editor/Archive System

< A href="">Near-Time announced Wednesday the commercial availability of Current, an all-in-one tool for creating text documents, browsing Web sites, managing and reading RSS feeds, archiving content, and publishing information back out to blog or other Web server. Included in Current is a WYSIWG editor, an RSS feed reader and manager, an organizer, a Web…

InfoWorld CTO Under Mac Attack for Lackadaisical Support

T he Mac community has lashed out at one of its own for what was perceived as a lackadaisical approach to supporting Macs at his own company. In a follow-up to another column at InfoWorld, an IT-oriented print and online magazine, CTO Chad Dickerson said he came under a Mac attack for telling a sales…

Reports: Flash Media Market to Explode; Prices to Plummet

The analysis concern In-Stat reported Tuesday that digital still cameras, USB flash drives, the growing digital music player market, and the promise of a large mobile phone market will continue to dominate the non-Flash card based demand, with USB memory being the largest of the group with revenues of a little over $2 Billion in…

Time Rounds Up iPod Competitors

T hough Apple is leading the digital media device market with the iPod, there are a host of companies offering iPod alternatives, and Time magazine has published a roundup featuring Sonyis NW-HD3 Network Walkman, Toshibais Gigabeat MEG F20, the iRiver H10, and the Zen Micro. Time positions all four units as a different way to…

Analyst: Apple Product Availability Improving; Tiger Outselling TurboTax

< A href="">Apple Computeris product availability has improved across the board, with the exception of the iPod U2 Special Edition, according to a Wall Street analyst. In a research note obtained by The Mac Observer, Piper Jaffrayis Gene Munster told clients Thursday that Apple had reduced lead times, particularly for the Mac mini and iPod…

CNN: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Profits?

The next major upgrade to Mac OS X, Tiger, could be a big source of profits to Apple for the rest of fiscal 2005, according to a CNN editorial. Quoting several analysts, Paul R. La Monica wrote that the profits from Apple’s software sales could receive a big boost from Tiger, and that this was…

Arizona Fraterinity & Sorority Kicks Off iPod Modeling Contest

Recognizing that Apple’s iPod has already become an icon across universities everywhere, two Greek chapters at the University of Arizona have taken the music player to a new level with the iPose modeling contest and philanthropy effort. The Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity and the Alpha Phi sorority chapters have launched the contest this week with…

TMO Reports - DVForge Nixes Virus Prize Contest

Within 12 hours of announcing an open contest to successfully create and deploy an “in the wild” active virus for Mac OS X, Mac and iPod peripheral maker DVForge Inc. canceled the campaign saying it was ill advised and fraught with legal concerns. The contest — titled the Mac OS X Virus Prize 2005 –…

Seattle Times Asks "Who's Your Mac Daddy?"

T he question of who earned the name "father of the Macintosh" was recently energized by the death of one of its original creators, Jef Raskins. Mr. Raskins died February 26th, 2005, and that sparked a raft of news articles, including one at The Mac Observer, erroneously calling him the father of the Macintosh. Paul…

Apple Settles Lawsuit With One Tiger Leak Defendant

A pple has settled a lawsuit with one of three defendants it sued for distributing developer versions of Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger, the company said Wednesday. Doug Steigerwald, a student and Apple Developer Connection member at the time, was sued in December 2004 after Apple determined that he was the source for pre-release copies…

Apple Buys File Translation Firm

< A href="">Apple Computer has acquired file translation firm SchemaSoft, a 40-person developer of software that allows applications to read and write file formats from other applications. Think Secret broke the story early on Tuesday, and CNet News confirmed it with Apple Tuesday afternoon. "Apple has acquired assets from SchemaSoft, a developer of software components…

NY Times Offers Historical Context for Apple's Rumor Lawsuits

< A href="">Apple CEO Steve Jobsi obsession with secrecy and controlling Appleis product announcements has roots that are decades old, according to New York Times reporter John Markoff. The veteran reporter has penned an article that offers in-depth historical context for Appleis current efforts to sue Mac rumor site Think Secret, and subpoena information from…

Computing with Bifocals - Four Cool Web Sites

Today’s column will focus on some cool Web sites that beginners might enjoy exploring. Readers are most welcome to recommend their own favorites for future review and inclusion. I know you remember the game 20 Questions from your (long ago) childhood wherein you chose an object and the players could ask up to twenty…

Bruce Springsteen on U2 iPod & "The Boss" iPod

B ruce Springsteen would like to see a red, white and blue iPod The Boss Special Edition, modeled after the black and red iPod U2 Special Edition. Apple may want to take note of that, because in edition to the millions of fans Mr. Springsteen commands around the world that might want to buy such…

Inside Pixar's Headquarters

W hile many Apple fans are familiar with One Infinite Loop, Appleis headquarters in Cupertino, CA, fewer are aware of what the insides of Pixar look like, where Apple and Pixar CEO Steve Jobs spends part of his time. For those interested, Ainit It Cool News serves up a collection of recent photos from inside…