Creative CEO: Apple will Lose to Microsoft

MSNB C has published a very interesting Newsweek interview with Creative Technologies CEO Sim Wong Hoo. The piece examines Creativeis struggle in the iPod-dominated music player market. When asked about the iPodis success, Mr. Sim says, “Steve Jobs is a personality that we all have to reckon with….But he was not the first to come…

Survey Finds Henrico County Students Frequently Use iBooks

E ighty-eight percent of Henrico County students who received iBooks as part of the countyis four-year old laptop initiative bring their iBooks to school every day, a new study commissioned by the Henrico School Board found. Additionally, 91 percent of the 20,409 students surveyed — representing 80.5 percent of total students with iBooks — use…

Teleca to Partner with Apple in European Media Distribution

Euro pean telecom firm Teleca AB has announced a “system integration relationship” with Apple Computer, Inc. According to a statement released by the company, the deal will make Teleca “a preferred system integrator of Apple media creation and delivery solutions in the European telecommunications market.” Telecais role in the relationship appears to focus on the…

Frameline - Creating A "Film-Skip" Effect In Final Cut Pro

In a new series I am starting under the Frameline heading, I would like to offer tips and trick when editing in Apple’s Final Cut Pro non-linear editing application. I encourage readers to send in other tips or tricks they might have in order to create a collective of information to help develop a strong…

AAPL Split has Wall Street Abuzz

The news of Appleis plan to split its stock this month has Wall Street abuzz. In a late-morning article, Reuters claims that the market was “lifted by gains in semiconductors and Apple Computer, announcement that its stock will split.” In the wake of the 2-for-1 split announcement, AAPL is up US$2.85, or 3.64% to…

Napster CEO Admits Apple and iPod are 'Target #1'

According to Napster CEO Chris Gorog, speaking to New Media Age magazine, the companyis Napster To Go portable subscription service will launch in March in Great Britain. Mr. Gorog said his company is “confident” music subscription paid by the month will win out over Appleis iTunes music service, which charges customers US99 cents for each…

Solio Charges Your iPod With the Sun

Few non-Apple products generate as much short-term buzz as Better Energy Systemsi Solio did at the Macworld Expo in San Francisco last January. The product is a solar powered charger for all kinds of electronic devices. At the show, we interviewed the Soliois inventor, and Better Energyis CEO, Christopher Hornor. Since then the biggest development…

HP Chairman, CEO Carly Fiorina Resigns

I n a surprise move Wednesday, Hewlett-Packard announced that Chariman and CEO Carla Fiorina has resigned, effective immediately. Fiorina cited strategic differences with the companyis board as the reason behind her departure. “While I regret the board and I have differences about how to execute HPis strategy, I respect their decision,” said Ms. Fiorina in…

iPod shuffle RAID

F ile this one under useless but amusing: an iPod shuffle owner paired his 1GB shuffle with three of his friendsi to create a 3.9GB striped RAID array through a USB 2.0 hub. “Iim sure that normal folks would probably take these home, install iTunes 4.7.1 from the CD in the box, and happily start…

Sirius CEO Dismisses Satellite Radio + iPod Rumors

A pple has no interest in teaming up with satellite radio provider Sirius, CEO Mel Karmazin told investors and analysts at McGraw Hillis 2005 Media Summit Wednesday. With the iPodis ability to store thousands of tunes, Apple CEO Steve Jobs told Sirius that Apple doesnit see the need of adding satellite radio functionality to the…

Fujifilm Debuts a Slew of New Digital Cameras

Fuji Photo Film USA Inc. announced Monday four new cameras ranging from two new budget-conscious A-series cameras, to a ultracompact model and a compact, 6.1 megapixel unit. The FinePix A345 (see photo below) and FinePix A350 have 4.1 megapixel (MP) and 5.2 MP CCDs, respectively, and are all but identical in look and size. Both…

iPods Take Over Microsoft

A ppleis iPod is infecting every corner of the world including, to Microsoftis dismay, its own corporate campus. “About 80 percent of Microsoft employees who have a portable music player have an iPod,” one high-level manager who asked to remain anonymous told Wired “Itis pretty staggering.” That translates into about 16,000 iPods on Microsoftis Redmond,…

Apple Expenses Tiger's $19.3M R&D Costs, SEC Filing Reveals (UPDATE)

The company acknowledged that it capitalized “Tiger” development costs of approximately $4.5 million in the fiscal fourth quarter of 2004 and $14.8 million in the fiscal first quarter of 2005. “In the fourth quarter of 2004, the company began incurring substantial development costs associated with the upcoming upgrade of Mac OS X version 10.4,” the…

Sony Reshuffles Company Again To Offer More Compelling Products

I n another move to fend off competition from Apple and others, Sony today announced the creation of a third electronics division that will handle digital and video cameras, car stereos, and navigation equipment, The Wall Street Journal is reporting. The move will reduce the burden on Sonyis PC division, responsible for computers and PC-connected…

5 Apple Execs Take Home $65.5M in Stock Profits

W ith Apple Computeris (AAPL) stock at a five-year high of over US$73.00 a share, five company executives cashed in stock options and common stock purchasing plans in the last week. The transactions totaled in excess of $65.5 million, according to calculations by The Mac Observer from ownership statements filed with the US Securities and…

Analyst: Without iPod, Apple Would Be Irrelevant

I n an interview with the Minneapolis Star Tribune, Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster told reporter Steve Alexander, "Without the iPod, Apple would be irrelevant," and that the "iPod has given Apple a second life." Mr. Munster is the most bullish analyst covering Apple, and the comments come in a report about how the iPod…

Chicago Sun Times: iPod Shuffle Works, Period

I n his regular column for the Chicago Sun-Times, TMO columnist Andy Ihnatko said that the thing that makes the iPod shuffle so good is that it simply works. Mr. Ihnatko added his own voice to the mainstream chorus of reviewers who have gushed over Appleis newest iPod family member. Mr. Ihnatko went over the…

Detroit Free Press: iWork Needs Some Work

M ike Wendland, a columnist for the Detroit Free Press who often writes positive pieces about Apple and the Mac platform, said Tuesday he thinks Appleis new software package, iWork, needs some work. Mr. Wendland wrote that Pages isnit a full-featured word processing program, and that Keynote "seems a bit klutzy" compared to Microsoftis PowerPoint."…

Washington Post Calls iPod Shuffle "Surprising New Mini-Player"

A ppleis triumphant tour through the mainstream press continues today with a review of the iPod shuffle by Rob Pegoraro. Mr. Pegoraro called the US$99 flash-based iPod "a surprising new mini-player in the music game." Mr. Pegoraro said that the price of the unit fills in the price gap in Appleis portable digital media player…

Writer, Analyst: Microsoft's Janus Will Level Online Music Battlefield

I n more coverage Tuesday on Apple, Technology Review published an article by Eric Hellweg that said that the battlefield for online music downloads is about to change considerably. That change is Microsoftis Janus technology that allows users to take subscription (rented) music on their digital media devices, something heretofore impossible. Mr. Hellweg believes that…

Apple's iTunes Hits 250M Download Mark (UPDATE)

Apple Computer and its iTunes Music Store (iTMS) has sold more than 250 million songs since first going online in April 2003, the company announced Monday. Apple said it is selling more than 1.25 million songs per day, or an annual run rate of about 500 million songs per year. At its current selling rate,…

Robert X. Cringely Speculates on Apple Movie Download Business

P BSis Robert X. Cringely has penned a bit of speculation on the idea that Apple is planning on getting into the video download business. Following a similar track as our own Devilis Advocate, Mr. Cringely puts the pieces together based on Steve Jobsi keynote from Macworld Expo, but also looks at a technology in…

iPod Controller Maker Reports Record Profits

< A href="">Synaptics, the maker of the click wheel selector on Appleis iPods, announced Thursday record profits for its second fiscal quarter ended December 31st, 2004. The company reported profits of US$9.7 million on revenue of V.5 million. The company cited "robust growth" in demand for portable media players as a driving force for its…