DEVONtech Updates DEVONthink And DEVONagent

DEVONtechnologies extends the freeform database and information manager DEVONthink and updates DEVONagent, its intelligent search agent and alternative browser. DEVONthink 1.8 allows the creation of Wiki-style links to build cross-references from RTF texts to other documents, images, bookmarks or links. Going just one step further, DEVONthink also allows to make every piece of text a…

Just A Thought - Is Microsoft Losing Its Grip?

If you own a small business then you know personally how tight your profits margins can get, and it never helps when the infrastructure you depend on to do business keeps costing you more and more each year. It’s a classic cycle where you must stay competitive and keep your prices low, which leaves you…

Mandolux Posts New Desktops

Mandolux has issued four Vector-based (Abstract/Techno), one Bonzai/Taran (Nature), and one Asiana (Art) There is a new killer Vector-based dual giant desktop titled Poddies. A techno-induced mix of abstract and surreal vector-based objects and patterns combined with snippets of an iPod. The inspiration of this desktop came from the wonderful short article in the UK…

Good Knight, Bill Gates?

OK kiddies, file this away in your, ‘Now don’t that beat all!’ department: William H. Gates III, of Microsoft fame and fortune, will be knighted by Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, for, “outstanding contribution to enterprise.” No kidding! Here’s the Reuters News report, titled Bill Gates to be knighted by Queen Elizabeth: Microsoft co-founder and chairman…

Tiny Mo Kim Is Cute And Smart To Boot!

S oooo, you think you have or know of a smart and talented tot, eh? The tike you know corners the market on cute and defines precociousness. To be sure, your Junior or Princess is as cute as a button and smart as a whip, but youill have to admit that your kid has stiff…

Microsoft Goes After Mike Rowe For Copyright Infringement

I f we ran something like the excellent “News of the Weird” feature, this would surely qualify: Microsoft is demanding that a young man named Mike Rowe give up his domain of (say it out loud). The reason? Why Mr. Mike Rowe is guilty of copyright infringement, according to Big Redmond. From an article…

CBS News: Oh Boy! More iPods! And GarageBand Too!

“…And I shall call him, Mini Me.” Dr. Evil People absolutely love their iPods. Well, most people, anyways. The little white and silver player was a hit this past Holiday buying season, and downloading music from the iTunes Music Store seems to be as addictive as eating those potato chip that claim you can’t eat…

Apple Shares Fall 5.58% Despite New, Positive Advice

D espite two new glowing recommendations from stock analysts, Apple Computeris stock price fell more than five-and-a-half percent Thursday on investor concerns that Power Mac sales fell 15,000 units and Appleis overall profit margins slipped almost a full percentage point in the calendar fourth quarter of last year. Appleis share price closed down US$1.35, to…

Northern Softworks Updates Panther Cache Cleaner With LCD Testing

Northern Softworks today announced the release of version 2.1 of Panther Cache Cleaner, its popular OS X maintenance and utility application. What is Panther Cache Cleaner? Panther Cache Cleaner is a utility designed to provide easy access to numerous OS X maintenance and utility options. When used in combination with OS Xis disk repair tools,…

Apple Sees Increased Usage In The Field Of Genetics

A couple of years ago, we heard of an Australian geneticist using his iPod to carry around the entire human genome. According to an article at Forbes, Apple’s presence in the realm of genetic research is by no means limited to genetic information being carted around on MP3 players. For example, Princeton’s Lewis-Sigler Institute for…

Chinese Company Copies Power Mac G4 Design

W hen the iMac was introduced, Apple found that a few companies from Japan and the US thought they could copy Appleis industrial design. One company, Future Power, went so far as to claim that people had a right to industrial design. Future Poweris General Manager, Bill Voecks, said in response to an Apple lawsuit…

TMO Panther Desktop Contest Winners & 22 Desktop Images!

N ow that the holidays are behind us, and the 12-story TMO Christmas Tree and the 20-gallon eggnog encrusted punch bowl have been boxed up and stored in the attic of TMO Towers, we can announce the winners of the TMO Desktop Picture Contest! (The next contest should be to guess how many frickin boxes…

26 More Pics From The Floor

O ne of our most popular features during a Macworld show is the picture galleries. People who canit make the show like to see what they are missing, and we appreciate the clamor for more pics. Accordingly, we are offering up our third picture gallery taken from the floor. This time out we have some…

39 More Pics From The Show Floor

O ne of our most popular features during a Macworld show is the picture galleries. People who canit make the show like to see what they are missing, and we appreciate the clamor for more pics. Accordingly, we are offering up the first picture gallery taken from the floor. Todayis pics come from Wednesdayis show…

Apple Introduces Final Cut Express 2

Apple today introduced the second major version of Final Cut Express, a “prosumer” video editing application based on it’s bigger brother, Final Cut Pro. The new version delivers RT Extreme features for real-time compositing, an updated interface, real-time color correction and more. From the press release: Apple� today introduced Final Cut� Express 2, the next…

Lawsuit Campaigns Get Ink From Reuters Article

A pple is getting some bad publicity in the form of consumer complaints about the iPod and the dual-USB iBooks. Reuters has published a story that has been picked up by many news outlets about campaigns to start class-action lawsuits against Apple for problems that some are saying is widespread. Neither campaign is new, but…

Ex-Apple Engineers Reduce Tech-Support Call Waiting

While the Holiday Season will be full of fond memories and happy gift giving, this year may also introduce many to the darker side of technology; Technical telephone support. As many of you will be getting new gadgets this year, getting those gadgets to work properly may require longs waits for tech-support with your phone…

SilverNetworks Updates Spy With Bug Fixes And More

SilverNetworks today released a significant update to itis remote screen capture tool, Spy. Spy allows you to run a small server on your Mac, that when accessed by any normal Web browser, allows people to see your screen, as well as information about your Macintosh. But it doesnit stop there – they can look at…

IT Business: Apple Canada Ready For IT Business

Apple has made some impressive strides in marketing its products to IT shops here in the States, many companies suffering from shrinking budgets and bad karma from Microsoft are finding Apple’s offerings to be good for what ails them. That’s fine, but Apple doesn’t only exist in the US marketplace. What of our northern neighbors?…