Digital Hijacking

T he following story is fiction. I tell you this story to illustrate a point which I promise to make abundantly clear. Any resemblance of the characters in this purely fabricated tale to any real person is by coincidence only. I was surfing the iNet using a friendis PC when a pop-up ad appeared on…

metaobjects Releases New App For Booklet Printing

metaobject releases BookLightning, a lightweight imposition program for booklets and simple magazines With BookLightning, you can create booklets for stapling or folding from any PDF file, or even directly from the Mac OS X print panel. It arranges the pages of a PDF files on sheets of paper in such a fashion that they will…

MPlayer Plays It All

Q uickTime is pretty slick, especially if you have the Pro version that offers more control and allows you to put together movie clips and photos. The problem with QuickTime Movie Player is that it lacks a nice interface that will allow you to organize your clips or give more than basic information about the…

Microsoft's MSN's Business In The Toilet

M icrosoftis business, at least in the UK division of MSN, is apparently in the toilet. Literally. Keep in mind that there are roughly 1,726 other jokes we could have made, but that one seemed the safest. In any event, WebUser UK is reporting that MSN is preparing to release the iLoo. Now, a "loo"…

Word Processors For The Rest Of Us

M icrosoft. Weill wait until the hisses and boos die down. Itis funny how that one word can elicit such a rainbow of reactions; from unbridled admiration ("I love Microsoft so much that I want to name my first born Billy-Gee!"), to abject disillusionment ("Oh gawd! Is there naught but Word I can use to…

Apple Shareholders Vote Against Management On Expensing Options

A quiet revolution took place at yesterday’s Apple shareholder meeting. AAPL shareholders voted for a shareholder initiative that would have Apple counting employee stock options as an expense. Currently, companies are legally allowed to not expense options, something that helped contribute to the boom of the 1990s. Corporations large and small offered their employees compensation…

The USPTO Issues Three New Patents To Apple

A pple was granted three new patents yesterday by the US Patent and Trademark Office. These patents were all applied between 1999 and 2001, and all are programming patents. The first was for a "System, apparatus and method for spatially sorting image data in a three-dimensional graphics pipeline." Filed: August 20, 1999 Granted: April 22,…

Apple Very Quietly Revs iBooks To 900 MHz

A pple has ever so quietly revved the iBook line to 900 MHz, without so much as a press release making the announcement. Eagle-eyed Observer Stephen Joiner was on the ball, however, and let TMO know about the revision. The new iBooks sport 800 MHz and 900 MHz G3 processors, 32 MB ATI Mobility Radeon…

Default Folder Updated With File List Erasure

While continuing to push the envelope with products like the Eddy Award-winning Default Folder X for Mac OS X, St. Clair Software also realizes that there are still many users running Mac OS 9. With this in mind, St. Clair Software today released version 3.1.5 of Default Folder, their 5-mouse-rated enhancement for Open and Save…

The Browser Turns 10 Next Week: C|Net News Offer Historical View

A ppleis hot new Safari now sports tabbed browsing and other cool features, and many a Mac now sports Safari as the default browser. Safari is fast, lean, and is giving more established browsers and real challenge for the hearts and minds of Mac users; something that should bring a slight smile to S.…

Maxprog Updates iCash With Quicken Import And More

Maxprog is proud to present a new release of iCash, new version 1.2, available now in English, German, French, Italian, Dutch and Spanish on Maxprog website with several interesting improvements, new features and bug fixes. iCash is a tool intended to control your personal finances, keeping track of incomes, expenses, credits, debts and Banks transactions…

Sony To Rev PlayStation 2 Consoles In Japan With DVD+-R/RW

I n the outside-Apple department, we noted that Sony has decided to rev the PlayStation 2, at least in Japan. The consumer electronics giant is adding support for DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, and DVD+RW discs. Apple currently offers DVD-R support in its SuperDrive equipped Macs. The new support for these formats in the PlayStation 2 is…

Buying Computers For Fun And Profit

I f you buy computers for a large organization, your job may not be an easy one. It may sound like the ideal occupation for the gadget-freak guy or the woman with the urge to purchase. There is a lot to consider, however, before plunking down the company credit card in the local computer store,…

Apple Plays Down Contract, iPod Issues With Dell & Other Resellers

Following news that retail giant Target Corp. and Dell Computer Corp. have stopped selling the popular iPod portable music player because of contractual disputes with Apple, the iPod maker has announced that those dealers who have refused or have yet to sign a new reseller contract make up a small percentage of Apple’s overall revenue.…

Alan Greenspan Weighs in On Intellectual Property

If our objective is to maximize economic growth, are we striking the right balance in our protection of intellectual property rights? Are the protections sufficiently broad to encourage innovation but not so broad as to shut down follow-on innovation? Are such protections so vague that they produce uncertainties that raise risk premiums and the cost…

Apple Updates Remote Desktop With Network Install, NetBooting, More

Apple has released an update for Remote Desktop, the company’s network administration tool for Mac OS X. The new version, 1.2, includes some major new features such as the ability to perform Remote Software Installations, Remote Network Startup Disk (just what it sounds like), some auto-update features for Remote Desktop itself, and some enhanced security…

Biofuel Cells May Makes Desktop Macs Jealous

Oh, I donit yammer at any old thing, so your toaster and your easy chair are both safe from me. Usually the objects (literally) I direct my one-sided conversations to belong to me, and they are normally items of convenience. Like my Cube, for instance, and the 12″ PowerBook I intend to buy soon. I…

The Devil's Advocate - Apple Display Dyslexia

Why is Apple losing the resolution race to Dell? When it comes to laptops, PowerBook users are always left whimpering like puppies for just a few more pixels of resolution when they look at their PC counterparts. Case in point, Dell and others have been offering laptops with 1600×1200 resolutions (1.9 Megapixel) for a long…

Microsoft Refuses To Patch NT4 Vulnerability

A nother security vulnerability has been reported with Microsoftis line of server operating systems. While such news is nothing new to long-time Microsoft watchers, the difference between the new issue and past ones lies in the response from Redmond. According to an article published in the Register, Windows XP and 2000 users need to install…