The Hunted, Treasure Planet, & Pixar's New Movie Trailer

< I>Every week, Vern Seward takes a look at Appleis latest offerings at the QuickTime Trailer site, letting your know whatis new. A good story has a way of hanging around for a very long time. The really good ones always manage to find a way to resurface, sometimes with a new twist, often with…

Apple Adds Canada To Free Jaguar For Teachers Program

Canadian teachers take note: Apple has added Canada to its program to give free copies of Jaguar to teachers. Apple launched such a program in the US earlier this month, and many Observers from other parts of the world have been asking if other countries will be included. Yesterday, Apple Canada’s Web site added a…

Dell iPod News Helps Push Apple To 9-Week High

N ews that Dell will be selling Appleis iPod, and official confirmation from Apple that Target will be doing the same thing, helped propel AAPL to a new 8-week high. According to, Apple will be selling Windows iPods through its online Web site soon, and is already selling the MP3 players through its phone…

Apple Death Knell Counter

The Apple Death Knell Counter (ADKC) is a collection of death pronouncements for Apple throughout the years. Issued by journalists, analysts, pundits, business executives, and the like, there have been innumerable "Apple is dead," "Apple will soon be dead," and "Apple is dead if they don’t do this or that" statements issued by all sorts…

MR Stuff Brews Up A BeerMeister 2.0 Release

MR Stuff Shareware has released version 2.0 of BeerMeister, a shareware beer recipe organizer designed to help homebrewers organize and create beer recipes. BeerMeister is the easy way to organize your homebrewing recipes. Developed by a homebrewer for homebrewers, it is a full-featured database designed explicitly for the needs of brewers. BeerMeister is fully searchable.…

eBay Patent Case Develops, Business Process Disputes At Issue is reporting on a series of developments in a patent dispute between eBay and MercExchange. At issue are several patents filed by Tom Woolsten, founder of MercExchange, back in 1995 — several months before the creation of eBay. These patents describe "methods of creating and searching online marketplaces and auctions." This case, among others,…

Guess Who Turns Up As #1 In Google Search For "Stoned Chicks"

Sometimes, truth is stranger than fiction. For instance, do a search on Google for "Stoned Chicks," and you wouldn’t think the number one result returned in that search would be an Apple Web page, yet there it is. TMO forum mod Jon Stanard noted that searching on Google for those two words pointed you to…

Apple Moves Higher As Market Continues To Surge

< B>Monday Trading The market continued its upward advance on Monday as the major market indexes scored noteworthy gains. The blue chip index rose more than two and one-half percent while two broader measures of market performance, the S&P 500 Index and the NASDAQ Composite Index, each added almost one and three-quarter percent to their…

Apple Stock Watch - Apple Moves Higher As Market Continues To Surge

Monday Trading The market continued its upward advance on Monday as the major market indexes scored noteworthy gains. The blue chip index rose more than two and one-half percent while two broader measures of market performance, the S&P 500 Index and the NASDAQ Composite Index, each added almost one and three-quarter percent to their value.…

Apple To Give Free Copies Of Jaguar & iApps To Teachers

Apple is stepping up its efforts in the education market with a new promotion for schools called "X for Teachers." This program will literally give not-for-resale copies of Jaguar away to eligible teachers (see Apple’s rules for this offer for eligibility and other requirements). Those teachers will also get copies of iMovie, iPhoto, iTunes, and…

Big Blue Lifts Market, Apple Drops On Earnings Report

O n Thursday the market moved higher on a better than expected earnings reports from IBM. Big Blue helped propel the blue chip index almost 3 percent higher on the day. The grand daddy of tech companies had seen its shares plummet more than 50 percent this year and the companyis positive earnings report and…

International Injustice, Mindless Action, & Nearly Naked Models

< I>Every week, Vern Seward takes a look at Appleis latest offerings at the QuickTime Trailer site, letting your know whatis new. Lotis of stuff to cover this week so letis get to it… First up is an Apple Exclusive QuickTime Trailer of Rabbit Proof Fence. The movie is based on true events: in turn-of-the-century…

Microsoft Offers, Then Pulls, Its Own Mac-To-Windows Switcher Story

[ Update: Within a few minutes of having posted this story, Microsoft pulled its Switcher story.] Microsoft, in its tried and true tradition of copying everything it can from its competitors, has posted its own Mac-to-Windows Switcher story. No, seriously. The company has posted a Switcher story from a freelance writer touting the wonders of…

MACWORLD Will Return To Boston In 2004

T he Boston Herald is reporting that MACWORLD will, in fact, be returning to Boston in 2004. Discussion on this has been raging for months as competition between New York and Boston for what Steve Jobs said is the largest technology show on the East Coast heated up. MACWORLD was hosted in Boston for many…

Io: A Pen That Could Cause PC Envy

There is nothing on the PC platform that would make most Mac users envious, that is until they see Logitech’s Io Pen in action. Io is a pen, but not just any pen. Imagine you’re out and about, during your day you jot down on paper a friend’s address and phone number, schedule a visit…