Misplaced Decimal Offers 125 GHz PowerMacs At Apple's Home Page

A n errant decimal place is offering 125 GHz PowerMacs to some visitors at Appleis home page. The announcement/link for Appleis top of the line dual-processor PowerMac line includes alt-text that says: Power Mac G4. All dual processors starting at just US$1,699. Dual 125 GHz now shipping. That text shows up automatically on most Windows…

Stylesheet Generator For FileMakerPro And Microsoft Word Now Shipping

Chaparral Software & Consulting Services, Inc. today began shipping EZxslt(tm) 1.0, a new application that simplifies the generation of Microsoft Word documents using data stored in FileMaker Pro 6 databases. EZxslt is the first automatic XSLT stylesheet generator for FileMaker Pro 6 and Microsoft Word users. EZxslt is designed for FileMaker Pro 6 users who…

Steve Jobs Resigns From Gap's Board Of Directors

T he San Francisco Chronicle broke the news that Steve Jobs has resigned from the Board of Directors at Gap, Inc. Mr. Jobs began serving on the board in 1999. At the same time, Mickey Drexler, the Chairman of Gapis board of directors, began serving on Appleis board. That arrangement recently drew criticism from Business…

iPod Pulled From French Shelves Due To Sound Output

T he iPod, although it has been on the French market for over a year now, can no longer be sold to French customers. French public health laws, which are stricter than the E.U. guidelines to which Apple has apparently adhered in this regard, stipulate that portable music players can only have a maximum sound…

Apple Extends iTools-To-.Mac Conversion Registration Until October 14th

Apple has announced an extension for iTools members wanting to convert their existing accounts to .Mac accounts. The company had set September 30th, today, as that deadline, after which iTools accounts would be cleared out, and closed down. The company has extended the deadline to October 14th, instead. Earlier this month, Apple announced that 100,000…

Mainstream Paper Offers Analysis Of .Mac

A mainstream Maryland newspaper called the Sun Spot has published a fairly comprehensive review of Apple’s .Mac service. The piece includes the history of Apple’s conversion of iTools to .Mac, a breakdown of the services offered, a balanced look at Apple’s conversion rate for .Mac accounts, and a very reasoned analysis of what those services…

The Back Page - Apple's Switch Ad Frightens It Networking Guru

David Kearns is a networking consultant who provides advice to clients, and helps other people write books on networking. For instance, he has co-writing status on Peter Norton’s Complete Guide to Networking. If you are wondering what scares a person who provides consultation services in Silicon Valley, take a look at an editorial he penned…

Larry Ellison Resigns From Apple's Board, Cites Time Commitment

[Update: The story below has been updated with information concerning Larry Ellison’s yacht racing.] In a surprise announcement, Apple said today that Oracle CEO Larry Ellison has resigned from Apple’s Board of Directors. Mr. Ellison is a close friend of Apple CEO Steve Jobs, and was one of the first people that Mr. Jobs personally…

New Gateway Ad Leaves the Realm Of The iMac, Takes Aim At Dell

T he Mac community has reacted with a great gnashing of teeth, pulling of hair, and terrible, angst-ridden wailing as Gateway launched an ad campaign aimed specifically at Apple and the iMac. That campaign used a study, which has been widely criticized in the Mac community as being inaccurate and misleading, to suggest that the…

Microsoft Not Complying With Antitrust Deal, Says Watchdog

An analysis by ProComp, an industry group formed to keep an eye on anti-competitive behavior, alleges that Microsoft has not kept up its end of the bargain when it comes to the deal it struck with the federal government. The analysis, sent in the form of a letter to the Justice Department and the Attorney-General,…

Apple Rises Amidst Market Losses, A Brief Look At Education Market

< B>Tuesday Recap The markets moved lower on Tuesday due in part to disappointing economic numbers. This time it was the governmentis gauge of industrial production that came in below expectations. On Tuesday, fast food giant MacDonaldis issued an earnings warning and announced that it is cutting the number of new store openings, reducing the…

New Logo Announced For Copy Protected CDs

I nternational recording industry body IFPI has released a logo to be placed on copy-protected CDs. The logo, which is an optional mark, has been released in order to distinguish them from regular CDs. According to the IFPIis press release, the logo has been supplied in accordance with their recommendations that copy-protected CDs should be…

Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Internet Access

Youid be pretty angry because, without your permission, itis stealing. So you go back inside and fire up your Airport equipped laptop and switch over to that new wireless network that popped up the other day. You donit know where itis coming from but man, can you download files from the internet fast and you…

Hiawatha Bray Asks "Why Switch? Do You Hate Your PC That Much?"

In what we see as an interesting, as in peculiar, article, Hiawatha Bray, long-time tech pundit for the Boston Globe, has written a piece called "Apple’s good, but that’s no reason to switch," that asks his readers why they should Switch to the Mac. The interesting aspect comes out of Mr. Bray’s technique for showing…

On Xserve: Is Jobs Nuts Or What?

S teve Jobs is one crazy guy. Absolutely bonkers. Heis pissed off people with .Mac, angered others by charging full price for OS X 10.2, and heis making a foray into the server market in a time when most computer makers are pulling back on market exploration. Such behavior can only be the result of…

Country Of Greece Outlaws All Computer Games. Seriously

I n the midst of the assault on Fair Use in the US by the MPAA and the RIAA, and the assault on personal freedoms and privacy in the pursuit of security, itis sometimes easy to forget that other countries have their own bits of complete insanity. Fortunately, a ZDNet article reminded us of this…

Buyers Return To Wall Street, AAPL Pushed Up 3%

< B>Wednesday Morning Trading The markets moved higher starting with the opening bell on Wednesday as bargain hunters scavenged the Street following Tuesdayis dramatic sell-off. On Tuesday, few stocks were left unscathed as investors returned from the last holiday weekend of the summer and were abruptly greeted by disappointing numbers from the economyis manufacturing sector.…

Boost That Legacy With Some Jag Juice

Other World Computing, a leading provider of products and services for the Macintosh marketplace, today announced the availability of version 2.2 of its industry-acclaimed utility, XPostFacto©. The software utility developed by Ryan Rempel and exclusively licensed through OWC, allows owners of computers unsupported by Apple to install and boot the latest Apple operating system, Apple…