Forbes Reports On... Steve Jobs' Wardrobe

Forbes Magazine has taken a closer look into an issue that many Mac users, and indeed tech observers everywhere, find important, Steve Jobs attire. Seriously. As an offshoot of a series on the best dressed billionaires (link leads to a slide show), Forbes has published a short series on those high tech honchos whose attire…

MacPlay Says Soldier Of Fortune II: Double Helix Has Gone Gold

MacPlay, a subsidiary of United Developers, announced today that Soldier of Fortune II®: Double Helix for the Macintosh has gone gold and that the product will begin shipping to retail within 2 – 3 weeks.  Developed by Raven Software and Activision, Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix drops players into the ranks of Americais shadow…

XLR8 Closes It's Doors While EchoFX Releases InterView 2.2.2

Today, EchoFX, a Macintosh software developer, announced the immediate availability of InterView software for OS X version 2.2.2. This latest release fixes installation issues and corrects minor incompatibilities in the software. Last week after XLR8 ceased business, EchoFX announced it would offer continued OS X software support for the XLR8 InterView USB analog video capture…

Apple Certifies Financials Four Months Early

V eteran Mac users may remember August 15, 1998 as the day the original Bondi blue iMac became available to consumers. It was a day that re-launched the Mac in the consumer space and revived a once ailing company. The iMac went on to become the most popular personal computer in history. August 15, 2002…

Griffin Tech Updates gPort Line With 10.2 Support

Griffin Technology, Inc. has released OS X Software version 1.2 for its entire line of gPort Serial Adapters, including the popular g4Port. Just in time for the international release of Apple’s newest operation system OS 10.2, this release brings complete compatibility to the new OS and further enhances performance and stability of all gPort devices.…

Whining 101

“Bartletts,” I told her, thinking that her confusion stemmed from an unfamiliarity with basic pear types. She smiled, punched a few keys and sat the pears on the built-in scale. The register rang up US$4.32. “I donit think thatis right. They should be 89 cents a pound and I only have 3 pears,” I told…

The Back Page - Is Apple A Company You Can Trust?

I’ve been on vacation for the last two weeks, and boy did I have a blast. My girlfriend, who is finishing up a two year stint in Japan, met me in Vietnam where we proceeded to laze about in Hanoi, Hue, and Hoi An. There was the State-run (that capital "S" is there for a…

IBM Woos Apple With New, Powerful PPC

There are those who insist that the only way for Apple to compete is for them to start using Intel processors. There are those who believe that Motorola’s G4 processors have a lot of life in them and that a Mac isn’t a Mac if it doesn’t contain a processor from Motorola. According to,…

PC Maker Offers All-In-One, Company Targets Mac Users

I n a somewhat unusual move, a company called Northgate Innovations has introduced a new all-in-one Windows XP machine that it is specifically targeting towards Mac users. In other words, Northgate wants a niche share of Appleis niche share. The PC is called the Integra, not to be mistaken for the wannabee sports car of…

Interview With Draganfly Creator

< A href="draganflyer-flying2.jpg"> has an article of cool use of iMovie to promote equally cool toys for adults. The company, Draganfly, makes some extraordinary products full of spirit of play that makes it no wonder that they are also Mac users. The Mac Observer (TMO) interviewed the founder, Zenon Dragan. TMO: Mr. Dragan, your company…

Apple Stock Watch - NASDAQ Drops To Mid-1997 levels, Apple Continues To Fall

Monday Morning Activity The markets continued their broad decline Monday morning in the aftermath of Friday’s calamitous 390-point drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. In early Monday trading the Dow dropped below the significant 8,000-point marker, falling just over 300 points to an intra-day low of 7,719.29 by early afternoon. The NASDAQ Composite Index…

iTools "Free For Life?" Well...

T his past MACWORLD Expo will likely go down in history as one of the most turbulent in Appleis history — after the infamous storming of Appleis booth by Joel Kocheris Power Computing mob in 1997 — all because of a marketing faux pas that has been exacerbated by managing missteps. Yet Apple can still…

Steve Jobs Hints Of Move To Intel As A Possibility

W ill wonders never cease? Reuters has published an article about MACWORLD New York that includes a very tiny mention of a very large subject: Mac OS X on Intel. In that mention, the way it is presented by Reuters, Steve Jobs hints that moving Mac OS X to Intel is a possibility. From the…

What Are Attendees Saying About The Keynote?

I t wouldnit be MACWRLD without a Steve Jobs keynote and the Mac communityis incessant commentary. It is in that spirit that we ventured onto the show floor to capture and preserve for posterity your reactions to the new software, new hardware, and all the stuff in Appleis booth. "I really like the 17" screen…

As Chinese Group Agrees To Self-Censor Web Content, Hackers Provide Workaround

As a group of Chinese Internet professionals has formed, voluntarily pledging to keep Chinese websites free of politically objectionable material, a hacker group has announced that they will be releasing software that permits people in Net-censored countries to share information anonymously. Since March, the Internet Society of China has attracted over 300 signatories to the…

Apple Drops Prices on 5GB and 10GB iPods, Announces 20GB Model

At MACWORLD Expo this morning, Apple updated its iPod lineup by dropping prices on the 5GB and 10GB models and introducing a 20GB model. In addition, the 10GB and 20GB models will ship with a new remote and a new case with belt clip. The iPod is now available for both Macintosh and Windows users.…

The Maine iBook Initiative: A Battle Between Lemmings And Learning

I spent the 2001-2002 academic year as the technology director and technology instructor at a college preparatory school that specializes in the education of gifted and educationally challenged students who do not do well in traditional settings. By definition, a prep school curriculum is tailored to the entrance requirements of competitive colleges and universities. After…

Announcing A New Logo For TMO!

W e are delighted to introduce our new logo, which you can see at the top of this very page. We also have a new navigation menu for your navigating pleasure, including a couple of new features at TMO. There is a link to our site, which has so far been a raging success.…

Smokin'! Apple Officially Posts Xserve Benchmarks

CKQUOTE> Faster than a speeding Dell. More powerful than bulky Sun. Look! In that Rack! Is it a pizza? Is it cyber road-kill? No! Itis Xserve! When Apple first announced its re-entry into the IT server market, it deferred questions about the performance of the new Xserve until independent benchmarking was completed. The results are…

Bears Push NASDAQ To 5-Year Lows

< B>Wednesday Morning Activity The markets opened with continued downward pressure from Tuesdayis drop. Although the markets struggled to stay close to the opening numbers in early trading, by late morning the markets had signaled to investors to expect another down day. Particularly hard hit were the drug and chip sectors of the markets. The…