Tech Rebound Moves Markets Higher

Trading began on Wednesday with an early drop in the major market indexes as investors looked for the recent accounting scandals to work their way through the markets. The intra-day roller coaster effect on trading reemerged following the recent sharp drop in stock prices in light of the WorldCom disaster and rumors of more wide-scale…

Apple Receives Orders For 4000 Xserves, Begins Shipping (Updated)

[Updated: We misplaced a decimal place in our original story. The correct estimate on Xserve sales is included in the story below. Thanks to Observer Tom for alerting us to our error.] Apple has begun shipping its rack mount server solution, the Xserve. Announced in April, the company is also touting orders for 4,000 Xserve…

Is It Time For VUI?

I can not get enough of Star Trek. I loved The Next Generation, adored Deep Space 9, and even watched Voyager. Now Enterprise is the center of my Star Trek world. One thing Iive always wanted was to be able to talk to my computer and have it understand me enough to do useful work.…

Apple IPO Advisor, Former NeXT Board Member, Dies Age 44

Dan Case, one of the Venture Capitalists (VC) who helped cause and shape the Internet boom, has died, at age 44. Mr. Case died of brain cancer. Dan Case worked for investment banking firm Hambrecht & Quist (H&Q), and worked with Apple when his company helped Apple with its IPO in 1980. Other early clients…

MacPlay Ships Puzzle Game Bundle: Bejewled & Alchemy

MacPlay, a subsidiary of United Developers, announced today that the Mac versions of PopCap’s wildly popular puzzle games, Bejeweled and Alchemy are shipping. Bejeweled, enjoyed over 17 million times online, is a fast paced gem-matching puzzle that will keep players coming back again and again. Players swap gems on the board to align at least…

Baltimore Sun Spots MHz Myth, Brings P4 Slowness To Light

This just in from our ‘I told you so’ department: Mike Himowitz, a columnist for the Baltimore Sun, was puzzled as to why it seemed that his shiny new Pentium 4 1+Ghz systems running Win2k and XP only ran marginally faster then his older P3 running Windows 98. You see, Mr. Himowitz has a killer…

Apple Moves Up On Roller Coaster Trading

The markets opened on Monday with selling on the minds of traders. The major market indexes registered drops of more than one percent by the noon hour as investors fretted over the economy, problems in the Middle East and the continued gloom overhanging the tech sector. On Friday the markets recorded their fifth straight weekly…

iPod/Windows Link Around The Corner

Got a PC and an iPod and you want the two to talk? There are some apps available for the PC that do an OK job of getting song to your iPod, but they are nowhere near the simplicity iTunes provide to Mac users. That may be changing very soon. is reporting that Apple…

QuickTime Movie Player Update From FEELORIUM

FEELORIUM has released Full Screen Player 1.1.4 today. Full Screen Player is a full screen QuickTime movie player. Full Screen Player is easy to use. You can use Finder to organize your movie files, for example, make aliases of movies into a folder as a play-list. Then drag and drop movie files or folders onto…

Apple Falls After Tuesday Warning

Apple opened significantly lower on Wednesday after issuing a revenue and earnings warning following the close of trading on Tuesday. For the quarter Apple expects revenues of $1.4 billion to $1.45 billion versus the previous estimate of $1.6 billion and earnings of $.08 to $.10 per share versus an earlier estimate of $.11. On Wednesday…

DEVONtech Updates Freeware ServicePack 1 Tool Kit

DEVONtechnologies has updated itis ServicePack 1, consisting of three top-rated freeware tools: AntiWordService 1.0.1, CalcService 2.7 and WordService 2.3.1. Thanks to overwhelming support from users from all over the world, the latest version of CalcService now features a French and WordService 2.3.1 an Italian localization as well as improvements in the German and Danish localizations.…

The Back Page - In Memory Of Rodney O. Lain

Rodney O. Lain: the loudest-mouthed S.O.B. to ever set virtual pen to virtual paper. The man had the nerve to write things designed to piss me off, and worse yet, to make me think. I loved him for both of those things, and for many more reasons. Rodney O. Lain passed away this weekend, and…

Apple Moves Up On Education Announcements

Apple jumped higher from the start on news of new products for the education market. After falling to a low of $18.11 in intra-day trading on Friday, Apple rebounded Monday morning on heavy volume, reaching a morning high of $20.63. The markets moved higher in early Monday trading after recording a fourth straight weekly decline…

Analyst: "Apple In Better Position To Gain Share In 2002 Than 2001"

CNN ran a story on Apple’s new "Real People" ad campaign that contained some interesting quotes from an analyst. Apple’s campaign features Windows users who have switched from Windows to the Mac platform and are quite happy about it. Most of the article features the same information that Mac and mainstream publications alike have been…

Apple To Use "Real People" Windows Converts In New Ad Campaign reports that Apple is readying a sets of ads that target Windows users. This comes on the heels of reports last week that Apple was considering putting Windows PCs on display in its Apple Stores for side by side comparisons to the Mac OS. From The "Real People" ads, which will start appearing…

Cool Waste of Time: Hours Of Wireframe Madness At Sodaplay

I f tinkeringis your thing, youill find hours of addictive fun at Sodaplay. Using Java, this site provides you with something thatis a mix between a KiNex constructor kit and a wireframe modeler, and a little bit of something else entirely different. The objective is simply to build neat stuff. Building something that works looks…

InterMapper Beta Update

Dartware LLC announces that the first beta-test version of InterMapper(R) 3.6.2 is available. InterMapper is a MacOS X and Classic application that monitors the servers, routers, switches and other devices on a network as well as the local and wide area links that connect them, and can notify the network manager about problems via audible…

Apple Releases QuickTime 6 As Preview Release

Apple has released QuickTime 6 as a preview release. QuickTime 6 is a massive upgrade of the QuickTime platform, and includes support for the industry standard MPEG-4 video and music encoding technology. It also includes new tools for Apple to push QuickTime Streaming Server, as well as improved content streaming for consumers, even ones on…

Why Does Anybody Need To Be In Charge Of Online Speech?

A s anyone whois familiar with the judicial system knows, it takes a long time to get something done. With the advent of the Internet almost two decades ago, there still isnit any definite answer to the question of who has jurisdiction over a dispute that affects people all over the world. If youire in…

Are You Taking Responsibility For Your Own Privacy?

An upcoming report says that while 70% of online consumers say that they’re worried about their privacy, there’s very little they’re willing to do about it themselves. According to a New York Times article, a report to be released today by Jupiter Research shows that both consumers and businesses are particularly lax when it comes…

Maine iBook Purchase Threatened With State Budget Shortfall

According to the article, the stateis portion of the funding for the program was to be handled through a US$25 million endowment. The contract itself is worth US$37.2 million over four years, with the difference in the endowment and the total being made up of funding from other sources. The problem being encountered is…