Back From The Dead With Networking, Virtual PC, & Cable Modem Answers September 19th, 2003 Yes, it’s been a while. A LONG while. But hey, I’m here now, aren’t I? That oughtta count for something (well, it should!). In any event, if time has gone by, nothing here has changed — we’ll still be doing…
MacPlay Developing Titles From JAMDAT
MacPlay, a subsidiary of United Developers, LLC, today announced a multi-title agreement with JAMDAT Mobile Inc. The first three games in the agreement-Kasparov Chessmate(tm), The Emperoris Mahjong, and Hard Rock(r) Casino-are scheduled to be available during the fourth quarter of 2003. Kasparov Chessmate features the deep wisdom of renowned chess Grandmaster Garry Kasparov, who offers…
Just A Thought - IT Winds Are Shifting; Is That A Hint Of Apple Blossom In The Air?
I don’t know how astute you are — how tuned in to the world around you may be — but you don’t have to have the sensibilities of a yogi to discern a subtle change in the air, a new sound in the wind, a novel hue in the light that shines on the world…
Alexander Wilson Updated Guitar Tuner With Nonstandard Tuning
Alexander Wilson has released an update for AWS Guitar Tuner, bringing it to version 1.2. AWS Guitar Tuner is a guitar voice tuner designed for acoustic and electric guitars. The update expands alternative tuning methods and "Piano" voice. According to Alexander Wilson: Alexander Wilson Studios today releases the AWS Guitar Tuner 1.2, an update to…
The Devil's Advocate - Apple's Up-Sell Equals Switcher No Sale
Apple has been practicing the art of up-selling for a while. Go to any Apple store, and beyond being greeted by patronizing and obnoxiously condescending employees, you’ll be faced with the up-sell. You can experience this even on Apple’s Web site just by perusing their prices on the G5. The premise of the up-sell works…
Just A Thought - IT Diversity: Dif'rent Strokes For PC Folks
A few weeks ago I rented and watched the movie, The Hunted. I had no preconceptions about the movie, I hadn’t read any reviews and I hadn’t heard anyone’s comments. I’d seen the previews and it looked like something I thought might be entertaining. As I watched the closing credits scroll by I notice that…
Apple Begins Delivery Of 5,205 iBooks To Illinois Elementary Schools
T hereis lots of education news for Apple of late. The company scored a major super computer contract that will use 1,100 Power Mac G5s clustered together, and that deal was the subject of a BusinessWeek column this morning. We also reported this morning on two different Alaska school districts that have made major iBook…
Apple Releases 20 GB, 40 GB iPods, "10,000 Songs In Your Pocket"
In a surprise move, Apple bumped the mid-range and high-end iPod models, just four months after the last revision to the product line. The company has replaced the 15 GB and 30 GB iPods with 20 GB and 40 GB units, respectively. Pricing for the new units remains the same as the previous units (US$399…
IBM Pushes Mainstream Linux Acceptance With New Television Ad
Sunday, September 7th during an NFL broadcast on the Fox network, IBMis commitment to Linux will be taken a step further. While some of IBMis previous commercials have referred to Linux, the commercial shown during the football broadcast will be the first one specifically focusing on Linux itself. From the Web site of IBMis “The…
Think Tanks: What A Blast!
E very so often something comes along that changes the very foundation of your belief system; you become essentially a new person, with new ideas and a new perspective on life. Think Tanks from GarageGames is not one of those somethings, but it is a bona fide hoot to play anyway. We wonder where Brave…
BusinessWeek: The Time Is Now For Windows Version Of iTMS
Alex Salkever of BusinessWeek says that Apple’s best window of opportunity (pun ours, and mostly intended) for the Windows version of the iTunes Music Store (iTMS) is now, this Fall. In the latest Byte of the Apple column, Mr. Salkever says that if Apple wants to capture the hearts, minds, and dollars of college music…
Fred Anderson Speaks: Education & Consumer Market Share Gains, More Government Sales, & Much More
Fred Anderson spoke today at the 2003 Technology Conference, hosted by Citigroup and Smith Barney. The audience was comprised of analysts, and the presentation was Webcast through Veracast in order to comply with SEC regulations regarding disclosure of information to investors. During the presentation, Mr. Anderson covered a variety of issues, including new information not…
Intrigue Technologies Announces Harmony Remote SST-659
Intrigue Technologies Inc., creators of Smart State Technology, and makers of the Harmony Remote models SST-748 and SST-768, are pleased to introduce their newest “Family-Friendly Remote”, the SST-659. The new Harmony SST-659 is the culmination of customer feedback, design refinement and user group studies.� The resulting product includes some notable feature inclusions like Activity buttons,…
Ihnatko -
Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko. Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko. Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko. Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko Ihnatko…
Freeverse Now Shipping Burning Monkey Solitaire 3
Burning Monkey Solitaire 3 is now shipping to retail and available for purchase from the Freeverse Online Store. This is an all-new game with 16 monkeys, 26 games, over 200 megs of insane solitaire action, internet high scores, songs, jokes and, of course, flaming arrows. The game is also chock-full of easter eggs, the first…
Bill Gates Feels "Very Bad" About PC Virus Problem
In the world of Windows, the landscape seems to seethe with viruses of every type; worms seem to undulate and multiply with ferocious speed, and the wilds teem with script-kiddies and crackers. It can be a harsh and unforgiving world; a world made more complicated by the myriad of patches, plugs, and veritable bailing wire…
Apple Sued For Rendezvous Trademark Infringement
[ Update 1:56 PM CDT: Apple has officially given us a comment of “We donit comment on pending litigation” in response to our questions on this story. – Editor] Apple knowingly stole the Rendezvous name, according to a lawsuit filed against Apple by a company called TIBCO. In a press release today, TIBCO says that…
Macromedia Goes Toe-To-Toe With Microsoft With Flash MX Pro 2004
In addition to upgrading Dreamweaver, Fireworks, and Flash, Macromedia has announced a pro version of Flash called Flash MX Professional 2004. This product is designed to allow users to create Internet-based applications, including apps that are tied in to back end server functions. This is a new arena for Macromedia, and one that puts them…
The Back Page - HP To Open Store-Within-A-Store & It's Good For Apple
The market is following where Apple trailblazed, once again. In a BusinessWeek story about HP’s recent less-than-stellar quarter, we noticed that HP was going to be opening a store-within-a-store at some general electronics retailers. This is similar to Apple’s store-within-a-store at CompUSA, save that all the products will obviously be HP products. The kicker is…
Treo 270: Handy Handspring & Phone For The Modern Road Warrior
F or the road warrior of the 21st century, having the tools to stay connected is a must. Todayis intrepid traveller must equip him or her self with the basic array of gadgets to stay in touch and get work done: a laptop, cell phone, and a PDA. The latter 2 items have become so…
Apple Says IBM Doing "A Great Job" In Supplying G5 Chips
T hough last weekis power outage in the North East US and South East Canada shut down manufacturing for two days at the plant where IBM makes Appleis G5 processors, an Apple exec says that things are going well with IBM. The plant in question is the East Fishkill, NY fab, which is one of…
Infoworld Likes G5, Says Xserve More Manageable Than Linux, Cheaper Than Windows
I nfoworld has published a very complimentary pieces on Appleis server offerings, Xserve and Xserve RAID, as well as a separate article on Appleis new Power Mac G5. Infoworld is a print magazine aimed at IT professionals, and has recently begun to feature expanded coverage of Appleis Unix-based Mac OS X offerings. P. J. Connolly…
The Rolling Stones Offer Music Downloads, At Last, But Not Yet With iTMS
S teve Jobs canit get no satisfaction, at least not initially. The Rolling Stones, one of the great holdouts in the online music distribution business, have announced an exclusive deal with RealNetworksi Rhapsody service. Rhapsody is Realis subscription service (it requires a monthly subscription fee) that allows for streaming of Rhapsodyis entire online catalog of…
4-Sight ISDNManager Users Offered Upgrade To MassTransit
Group Logic, developer of best-selling network workflow software products, announced today a migration program for 4-Sight iSDNManager users to switch to MassTransit Enterprise via a competitive upgrade. This follows the announcement that 4-Sight is being shut down effective September 12, 2003 by corporate parent WAM!NET, Inc. WAM!NET sold its print media business August 1st to…