Volatile Week Ends on a High Note, But Apple's Stock Languishes

The much weaker than expected gross domestic product in the third quarter means the stock markets wonit have to worry about the Feds raising interest rates again in November. Meanwhile, as the great earnings and growth at JDS Uniphase (JDSU) sink into investorsi collective consciousness, the recent panic selling in the optical networking stocks seems…

Al Gore: I never said I invented the Internet

Or so we were told he claimed. Now he is in a cover story interview on Rolling Stone magazine (I thought this mag was about rock and roll?), and he says he never said so. Here is a quote from the interview: Did you imagine back then that thereid one day be a consumer use…

Minesweeper Clone Updated

Norbyte (formerly Addiction Interactive) has released Manic Minefields 1.4.2, a new version of their popular shareware game. The unregistered version lets you play 2 of the 10 different minefields. ABOUT MANIC MINEFIELDS: Manic Minefields is not just another minesweeper clone. Itis a minesweeper on steroids! Itis really 10 different minesweeper games in one, as it…

The Dow Rallies, but the Nasdaq Rolls Over and Apple Declines

The talk among traders is that last weekis rally must have been too much to hold for many tech stocks. Meanwhile, investors are trading in sympathy with every negative earnings announcement. Perhaps more important are the accumulating signs of economic slowdown, which have many observers forecasting that the Nasdaq will be stuck in a trading…

Apple Starts To Tackle Sales, Reshapes European Sales Team

Apple has wasted little time in tackling their worldwide sales problems. After announcing an earnings warning, the resignation of their Senior Vice President of Worldwide Sales, and earnings that actually fell slightly below their own warnings, the company has moved quickly to reshape their sales team. Apple has announced a new European sales team that…

Alternative HTML Editor Updated

OPTIMA SYSTEM, Stockholm, Sweden – October 18, 2000 – Today Optima System released version 3.0.1 of PageSpinner, the Web authoring package for Mac OS. Version 3.0.1 improves the HTML Checker and the HTML Form support, updates examples and documentation, and provides bug fixes. All PageSpinner 3.0 users are recommended to update to this version. Changes…

Bulls Regain Control in Stock Markets As Apple Disappoints

Investors may not care for the slowing growth at Apple, but itis going to be difficult for Wall Street to punish the stock price much more. Fred Anderson, Appleis CFO, reported that Apple has $4 billion in cash and $800 million in investments, which means the companyis cash and investments, with the debt subtracted, is…

The Mac Observer: On The Flip Side - Microsoft, A People's Company?

Microsoft, A People’s Company? October 17th, 2000 According to Dictionary.com, one of the definitions of "people" is this: The mass of ordinary persons; the populace. Used with the: those who fear and distrust the people, and wish to draw all powers from them into the hands of the higher classes (Thomas Jefferson). I chose this…

Enhance Any Monitor's Resolution

Griffin Technology has released a utility for enhancing the resolution on any current monitor, Super Res. Super Res is a set of software drivers that can improve monitor resolution beyond the standard settings. According to Griffin: Griffin Technology, Inc. today annouced they have released Super Res, a free universal video resolution enabler for the Mac.…

Hillman's Holistic Hold On Apple's Hangups

Iive got a major advantage these days as a writer. Iim not running about holding my head and yelling "Why didnit I see this one coming?" Of course, thereis a simple reason for that. A number of weeks back, I proposed that our little friend the Cube was not going to meet the projections, and…

Appeals Court Sets Rigid Deadlines for the Microsoft Trial

A Microsoft spokesperson fawned, "We believe this is a fair and reasonable schedule, and we look forward to making our appellate argument to the court. We are very confident of our case and believe this District Court judgment will be reversed due to a number of factual, legal and procedural errors committed during this process."…

Coming Second to Steve Jobs

UpsideToday has published two articles about the new unauthorized biography of Steve Jobs, The Second Coming of Steve Jobs, by Alan Deutschman. The articles deal with supposed religious themes and a general overview of the book. I think that the articles, and assumedly the book (which I have not read, and donit intend to), typify…

These are Kind Eyes

A couple of people, including Mr. Farr, wrote me about one of the first installments, basically saying to me: “So now Apple invented the use of colors, huh?” I hear what you are saying. But I want you to take note of the fact that I am not accusing Sharp Electronics or the other companies…

Apple Continues Plunge, But Slows The Descent

Apple sank 7/16 to close at 21 3/4 on volume of 10,666,900 shares. This is still 2 1/2 times normal volume before Apple announced its warnings earning, though once again volume is slowing. Apple announced that Mitch Mandich, Vice President of Worldwide Sales, will be retiring in December of this year. The Mac Observer covers…

iBrotha - Apple Needs More Than Its Own Store

Apple Needs More Than Its Own Store October 6th, 2000   In hidden polemic the author’s discourse is oriented toward its referential object, as is any other discourse, but at the same time each assertion about that object is constructed in such a way that, besides its referential meaning, the author’s discourse brings a polemical…

Olympus Introduces New Cameras and Printers

Two upcoming products immediately caught our eye. First was the C-211 Digital Zoom Printing Camera, which can take 2.1 megapixel digital photos as well as generate instant Polaroid prints. This revolutionary joint technology venture with Polaroid will be available in October for $799. The other was the P-400 Printer, a USB and parallel dye sublimation…

APPL Sees More Than 100 Million Shares Trade Hands

Our favorite computer manufacturer warned investors yesterday that it was going to miss earning expectations for the first time in years. See the Mac Observer full story. Roughly 60% of Apple stock is owned by institutions, such a mutual funds, who must be responsible for the huge intraday trading volume. Now that so much of…

QuickTime Live! Speakers Announced

Keynote speakers for the second-annual QuickTime? Live! conference on October 9 ? 12 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, California include: Philip Schiller, Apple?s vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing When: Tuesday, Oct. 10 from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Frank Casanova, Apple?s director of QuickTime Product Marketing; award-winning filmmaker and director David…

The Nasdaq Falls as Panic Grips Apple's Investors

Brokerage firm downgrades began to roll in this morning. Investors and analysts were rushing to disassociate themselves from the Apple catastrophe, in a wave of selling and downgrades of the likes rarely ever witnessed for a major corporation with eleven robust quarters under its belt. Investors wondered whether Appleis sales shortfall., in conjunction with other…