AAPL Slips Below $50 Per Share As the Quarter Wraps Up

Itis never a good sign when the big cap technology stocks begin to break through formerly robust support levels, but thatis what going on this month in the stock market. Today, it was Yahoois (YHOO) turn to break through support on fears the company might not meet earnings expectations. Shares of Yahoo! fell 12 1/16…

Motorola Launches New G4 Processor At 550 MHz

Obse rver Richard Ikeda sent us an alert about a Motorola press release about a new G4 processor. The new unit would reach clock speeds up to 550 MHz. According to Motorola: Motorola today introduced the second of its fourth-generation G4 PowerPC microprocessor, the MPC7410 with AltiVec technology. Designed for high-performance, high-bandwidth applications, the MPC7410…

Mangage Your Money Better

Finance is a checking, savings, and credit card account management program. It enables you to quickly enter, view, or modify transactions, search through your records, and reconcile your account balance with your bank statement by just clicking a button. Finance is fully compatible with Mac OS 9 and Year 2000 compliant. Key Features in Version…

iBrotha - WTFM!

WTFM! September 22nd, 2000   The substances of what we think, though born in thought, must live in ink. a publisher once said this   Mac-book author Gene Steinberg: ’93 percent of users never crack open a manual’ A Mac-head since 1984, Gene Steinberg has written 19 books on computers and the Internet, plus hundreds…

AAPL Gets Kicked Lower on Unfounded Fears

For the first time in the eurois short existence the central banks of Japan, England, the US, Canada and the European Union intervened in currency markets to support the euro, which climbed several cents against the dollar. On Wednesday, the euro sank to all-time lows of 84.38 cents and 90.04 yen. The surprise concerted intervention…

Apple-Amazon 1-Click, Useless And Controversial?

The reactions to Apple licensing the 1-Click technology from Amazon.com seem mixed. There are users and writers who believe that the Apple Store is simple enough – not without reasons – that the 1-Click technology adds very little to an already simple shopping experience at Appleis online store. A different reaction, this one coming from…

Dow Trends Higher While Tech Stocks, Apple Included, Take a Fall

A Reuters article noted that investors are in a cautious mood, "Bullish comments from one of Wall Streetis most influential market watchers, Abby Joseph Cohen, failed to rally the market. Investorsi worries that high oil prices and a weak euro will bite into corporate profits are "overdone" and will be "short-lived," according to Goldman Sachsi…

Apple Borrows Amazon's "1-Click" Ordering Method

Apple announced today that they have taken a page out of Amazon.com’s book, and have licensed their patented 1-Click ordering system. The Amazon system allows users to register all relevant information with the company, and then purchase products by having to only click one time, rather than go through a long series of ordering pages…

Apple Expo 2000 - Radeon Now Available As BTO Option (Updated)

Update: This article was originally posted at 6:30 AM and updated at 11:00 AM with a Spin. Several months afer the expected announcement, Apple has announced that ATI’s new Radeon graphics card is immediately available as a build-to-order option at the Apple Store. Original speculation had the Radeon replacing the Rage 128 across the line,…

Global Mac Games Opens Doors, Gamers Everywhere Rejoice!

After spending some time away, the Global Mac Games web site is again open for business. Providing a place for gamers to chat, form clans, monitor progress, keep scores, and get the latest gaming news, Global Mac Games is a must for any serious Mac gamer. According to Global Mac Games: One of the Macintosh’s…

Tech Stocks Bounce and Apple's Stock Soars

PC stocks bounced back after IDC said, "unit volume for the worldwide PC market should climb to 33.4 million in the third quarter, a 18.5 percent jump from the year-ago period, " according to a CBS MarketWatch article. IDCis Bruce Stephen was quoted as saying, "The consumer market will once again propel global PC growth…

The Coming Revolution Of Online Comics. Popimage.com Interviews Mac User Scott McCloud

Mr. McCloudis first nonfiction book Understanding Comics, which is written/drawn in comic book fashion, achieved the very unusual combination of being eminently entertaining, becoming a bestseller in many languages, and becoming a widely used textbook on understanding comics. The book covers so many basic concepts it contains many important ideas that apply to creative subjects…

Interview With Macintosh Godfather, Jeff Raskin

If you said you were a user interface specialist, you wouldnit have been understood. And certainly in the computer industry, it was a totally unknown concept: you just didnit worry about that. The idea of building a whole computer system starting with the user interface and working from there was completely alien, at least in…

Default Folder Updated

Default Folder 3.0.7 delivers several compatibility fixes, including an important fix for problems that could cause applications to unexpectedly quit when using Default Folderis Recent Folders menu. St. Clair Software recommends that all existing Default Folder 3.0 users download this free update. Highlights of the changes in Default Folder 3.0.7 include: The Recent Folders menu…

But I Digress... - The Hip Factor

The Hip Factor September 15th, 2000 If you read this month’s Macworld, and this month’s MacAddict, you aren’t likely to notice more than the usual distinctions between the two unless you look really closely at the magazines. Sure, Macworld and MacAddict differ wildly as publications, but there’s always been a certain level of Mac advocacy…

FCC Allows Intel/Proxim To Step On AirPort's Toes, Consumers To Lose

Yesterday, Apple and its wireless network partners lost their bid to stop the FCC from allowing an inferior wireless standard from becoming effective competition in the home networking market. In May, "Intel, Motorola, Proxim and other technology firms that support a wireless standard called HomeRF [asked] the FCC to allow them to quadruple the speed…

High Volume Break Out Rally Boosts AAPL

Money that has been sidelined for months is just now beginning to return to market and as before the technology stocks are leading the way higher. Mark Jakob, a former employee of Internet Wire was arrested today for the Emulex (EMLX) hoax that last week crashed the stock intraday until the fraud was revealed. AP…

Window ME Bundles Digital Media Software Whether You Like It or Not

As Microsoftis prepares to release the last version of Windows called Windows Me, for Millennium Edition, the word is out that the new incremental update contains Microsoftis Windows Media Player 7 and Movie Maker, which install automatically, and — get this — can not be removed. Itis a feature! Itis also the equivalent of flipping…

The Dow Shrinks but the Nasdaq and Apple Continue Higher

Apple continued to rally 5/16 to close at 59 1/2 on high volume of 5 million shares for the eighth day in a row. Yesterday, an ON24 audio report said Salomon Smith Barney analyst Richard Gardner, after meeting with Appleis management, reiterated his buy rating on Apple, with a price target of $70 per share.…

OS X and Salomon Smith Barney's Positive Comments Power AAPL

An ON24 audio report said Salomon Smith Barney analyst Richard Gardner, after meeting with Appleis management, reiterated his buy rating on Apple, saying the company is one of his two top picks in the PC industry, the other is Gateway. Gardner said that Appleis growth is 3 times the industry average, second only to Dellis.…

The Mac Observer: The Apple Trader - All Aboard The AAPL Express!

All Aboard The AAPL Express! August 28th, 2000 Wall Street woke up last week to discover AAPL is a value play, something Apple investors have known since 1997. A clever analyst recently noticed that Apple’s P/E ratio is about half the industry average while Apple’s revenue growth, even at low-ball estimates, is equal that of…