iOS 8: Hide and Unhide Images in Photos App


We'll be working with the iOS 8 Photos app on an iPhone or iPad. (I haven't verified for iPod touch.)

1. In the Photos app, tap and hold on a photo you want to hide. As in iOS 7, there's an option to Copy, but now there's a new option: Hide.

Tap and hold image to bring up options.

2. When you tape Hide, the image will dim slightly. Confirm that you want the photo hidden. It will be hidden from Moments, Collections and Years, but still visible in Albums.

3. Your hidden photo will be moved to a photo album named “Hidden.” The album will be created if necessary.

4. To unhide the photo, find it in the Hidden album, tap and hold, and you'll see an option to “Unhide.” It'll go back where it came from.

Tap and hold again to unhide a hidden photo.

That's all there is to this quick, easy tip.

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