iPhone OS 4 Doesn’t Support Original iPhone

“Is Apple supporting/updating the iPhone 2G in the future?” asked someone going by the name Niko. Mr. Jobs replied, “Sorry, no.”

Apple introduced iPhone OS 4 during a special media event on April 8 where the company showed off new features such as multi-tasking support and nested folders for apps. The company also let users and developers know that some features, such as multi-tasking, would require at least an iPhone 3GS, leaving out the iPhone 3G and original iPhone.

The company wasn’t, however, clear on whether or not the original iPhone would get support for the same features as the iPhone 3G — and apparently the answer is “no.”

Apple plans to release iPhone OS 4.0 for the iPhone 3GS and third generation iPod touch some time this summer. iPad users will get the new OS update some time this fall.

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