iTunes 4.7 Disables iPod Download

In September, Apple forced Sylvain Demongeot, the developer of iPodDownload, to remove the free plug-in from his Web site, citing the “unauthorized” use of Apple iTunes software code. Mr. Demongeot told TMO he categorically denies using Appleis code and said he had broken no laws.

Mr. Demongeot also said he has never received correspondence from Apple specifically explaining what violation of Appleis Digital Right Management (DRM) policy he has violated. In addition, he accused Apple of circumventing him and “scaring” his Web hosting company, ProHosting Corp. of Midway, Utah, into bringing down his site.

“At not time did Apple or ProHosting explain to me what it is I did wrong,” he said. “Apple scared ProHosting into forcing me to take down my software.”

Executives at ProHosting did not return phone calls from TMO asking for further explanation on the matter.

“I feel iPod Download is a legitimate product that gives Mac users the right to use their iPod and Mac the way they want, not the way Apple forces them to do,” Mr. Demongeot said.

Apple Computer refused comment to TMO on the legal matter with Mr. Demongeot.

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