How to Place Calls Directly From Reminders

Create a reminder like Call Jeff Gamet at 8am. Make sure it starts with “call” and you have the person in your Contacts already.

Here's my reminder. Good thing there's only one Jeff in my phone!

When you have it set up, it'll pop up at the right time to remind you.

Hey look! I should call Jeff.

Now that you see it on your lock screen, try swiping left, and see the magic in action:

I can call Jeff right from the lock screen instead of using the phone app. Like a caveman.

Since the reminder has a contact with a phone number, you get that bonus “call” option in the lock screen. Now you can save steps when you're using Reminders to set up phone calls. (Note: Through the Magic of Handoff, you can probably make calls from your iPad this way too.)

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