Spotlight: Finding iCal Events

Here’s how to search for specific events in iCal:

  • Click the Spotlight magnifying glass at the far right end of your Mac’s menu bar.
  • Now enter something descriptive for the events you are looking for. As an example, I can find events that relate to the Colorado Macintosh User Group by entering CoMUG.
  • Now add kind:ical to your search terms to limit the results to iCal events.
  • Spotlight returns a list of matching appointments. Just click the one you want to view, and your Mac will automatically launch iCal and display the event you selected.

Use kind:ical to limit your Spotlight searches to iCal events.

This is a quick way to hunt for appointments even if iCal isn’t running. I use this trick to find appointments that involve specific people — I just enter the person’s name along with kind:ical to see past and upcoming events they are a part of.

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