iOS 9: Turn Off Those Pesky "Frequently Visited" Sites

When you tap the URL bar within Safari on iOS, you’ll see a screen similar to this one:

Below your favorites, there’s a list of your frequently visited websites. This is obviously intended as a handy way to get back to places that you haven’t necessarily bookmarked yet, but I think that list could get pretty embarrassing if you often visit some unsavory places. I can see it now: “Hey, Paul! Let me show you pictures of the hotel I booked in Belize!” “Um, why does a site about lancing your boils at home show up under ‘frequently visited’?”

Shudder-worthy, am I right? So first, if you want to remove just one of the sites that Safari has saved in this way, you can press, hold briefly, and release on its icon to make a “Delete” button appear.

But if you want to stop this from happening forever and always, that option is under Settings > Safari. Just toggle off the “Frequently Visited Sites” button, and you’re done.

And then you can feel free to look up whatever unsavory thing you want in peace. Gosh, though, I sure do write a lot of tips about how not to be embarrassed when someone else is looking at your phone! And there’s absolutely no personal reason that’s the case, I assure you.

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