How to Check Your Apple Pencil Battery Charge

All you need to see your Apple Pencil's charge is the Batteries widget Apple included with iOS 9. It displays in the pull-down Widgets and Notifications view on your iPad Pro. If you don't see the Batteries widget, that means you need to enable it. Here's how:

  • Swipe down your iPad display from the bezel area to show Widgets and Notifications
  • Tap Edit at the bottom of the Widgets list

Tap the green button to move the Batteries widget to the Widgets View listTap the green button to move the Batteries widget to the Widgets View list

  • Look for Batteries in the DO NOT INCLUDE section, then tap it's green add button
  • Tap Done

My Apple Pencil battery is still going strong with an 82% chargeMy Apple Pencil battery is still going strong with an 82% charge

Now you should see your iPad, Apple Pencil, and other Bluetooth accessories along with their respective charges in the Batteries section. That's a lot easier than waiting for your Apple Pencil's battery to die to know it's time to recharge.

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