ZooGue Offers New Options In An iPad Case

ZooGue is a new company with a new product and it certainly deserves a second look for anyone who has an iPad and values versatility and safety. A great deal of design thought went into this case and in my opinion it really works.


It is less than an inch thick with the iPad inside. Measurements are 9 ¾” x 7 ¾” x 15/16”. The composition is 100% leather and all ports and buttons are accessible as you would expect. Once your iPad is inserted in the case there is a sturdy snap fastener that holds it in place. 

ZooGue Smart Case for iPad

Thick velcro allows you to adjust the working height when you use the case as a stand and you can actually choose 40 something different heights from the grooved velcro. It works in vertical or landscape mode.

Adjustable Height is Easy 

Perhaps the most unique feature is the straps. When the case is closed up for carrying, the straps lock in place with velcro and hold everything tightly in place. However, you can fold the case so that the back is flat and use the strap, which stretches, to place the case and iPad on the back of a car headrest. This, of course, can allow whoever is in the back seat to enjoy a movie during a drive. The iPad is held snugly in place because of the snap closure.

ZooGue Smart Case Attached to a Head Rest

Warranties, shipping, price

The ZooGue Smart Case sells for $49.99 with free shipping in the U.S. from the web site.   Overseas shipping is available at a slight charge. The company offers a 15 day money back guarantee and a one year limited warranty.

Using it 

I really enjoy using this case. I can sit in a chair, in bed, or on my couch (feet up) and easily balance my iPad on my lap. When everything is closed up tight for travel, it feels very secure. I can slip it in a large case or just carry it easily. It is well made and all the port holes are in the proper place.

Do I recommend it

I do. I think this is a classy looking case, that is well designed and very useful. The packaging is also very nice (a 9 on my Apple quality meter), so it also is a great gift idea.


Product: ZooGue Smart Case

Company: ZooGue

List Price: $49.99



Sturdy case made of leather.  Height is easily adjustable for user comfort.  Allows user to attach iPad to headrest in car for backseat users to watch movies while traveling.  100% guarantee.

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