Apple Staff Support Tim Cook’s Trump Strategy

Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Tim Cook, Tech Exec Meeting in December, 2016
Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Tim Cook, in a meeting with tech executives in December, 2016

It is probably fair to say that Donald Trump is not widely popular across Silicon Valley. However, Apple CEO Tim Cook has taken a pragmatic approach to dealing with the U.S. President. A survey conducted for Fortune showed his staff largely agree with it.

The survey, conducted on Fortune’s behalf on the anonymous workplace social network Blind, 81.6% of Apple employees said they support Cook’s efforts to engage the president on matters that “shape policy in Apple’s favor.” Meanwhile, eight in ten respondents said they believe it’s “fair that some of Apple’s products have been exempted from U.S. tariffs on Chinese-made goods.” The findings, which were collected from more than 100 Apple employees between Thursday, Nov. 21 and Monday, Nov. 25 suggest Cook has strong support among his employees in working with Trump to get favorable results for his company.

Check It Out: Apple Staff Support Tim Cook’s Trump Strategy

One thought on “Apple Staff Support Tim Cook’s Trump Strategy

  • Hey if you can work that Cheeto then work him. But if you ask me it seems it would be illegal for a President whether he’s dumber than a box of hammers or not to dispense preferential treatment to private or public corporations vis a vis taxes; I mean look who we’re talking about here Mr. Transparency (I’d rather see his grades than his taxes personally). Just remember Timmy, when you lie with Cheetos you wake up with….. well with a really odd cheesy smell. Frumunda (cheese) I believe. 🤡

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