Developers Concerned As Apple Releases Similar Products to Theirs

Apple announced a variety of great products and tools and WWDC 2019. However, not all those in attendance were happy with what they saw from the stage, AppleInsider found. Some of the Apple announcements were variations of these developers’ products. Apple is perfectly entitled to do this, of course, but it makes life harder for the developers.

Apple innovates and Apple introduces new technologies in hardware and software, but it also does its own version of other people’s apps. You might have built a business up and Apple announces it is doing the same thing as you. That happened this year to hardware developers Duet Display and Luna Display, whose products have been providing the features that Apple has now built in under the name Sidecar. And it’s happened to software developer James Thomson, whose PCalc for Apple Watch will have to compete with Apple’s own calculator in watchOS 6.

Check It Out: Developers Concerned As Apple Releases Similar Products to Theirs

3 thoughts on “Developers Concerned As Apple Releases Similar Products to Theirs

  • I have sympathy for these Sherlocked developers, but as a user I absolutely want:

    – a calculator on Apple Watch (calculator watches predate pcalc by decades after all)
    – the iPad to “just work” as an external Mac touchscreen simply by plugging it in

    In addition to being simpler for users, we can now say goodbye to:

    – Astropad Pro and Duet Pro’s awful subscription pricing
    – Luna’s $80 dongle

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