Remote Control for your Mac (Sponsor)

Cherpak's Remote for Mac showing Netflix, Youtube, and Plex controls
With customized control panels for services like Netflix, Youtube, Plex, and more, Remote for Mac simplifies the process so much you won't want to use anything else!

I am both happy and thankful to welcome Evgeny Cherpak as our sponsor here at TMO this week. As a solo developer, Evgeny has created a series of apps aimed at making your life easier by remote controlling your Mac in purpose-built ways, and this week we’re talking about Remote for MacRemote for Mac turns your iPhone or iPad into a very full-featured, easy-to-use remote controlfor your Mac. Not to be confused with screen-sharing, Remote is built for when you’re looking at your Mac’s screen either directory or via AirPlay but don’t want to use your typical keyboard and mouse to control it.

Check It Out: Remote Control for your Mac (Sponsor)

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